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Will you buy the 1 million baht vip card?

Will you buy the 1 million baht vip card?  

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Good to hear that the Thai Privilige Card is going ahead. I will look forward with interest to hearing more about the perks  that it offers, prior to making a decesion to puchase.

As I am not a golfer, reduced green fees will not turn me on. But certainly greater convenience in using the Kingdom's airports and immigration service would be welcome.

Altogether I consider the TPC an excellent experiment with very little downside. Why it has so many detractors on this forum I cannot fathom. Don't you want the TAT to raise additional revenue at little cost  to promote the Kingdom overseas?


cant see what all the fuss is about

it seems to be aimed at asian tourists and golfers in particular,who travel here many times yearly for golf weekends.why do most of you think that this is solely aimed at falangs. asians are golf crazy and fast track immigration ,hotel and golf deals would seem a good selling point for this card.those that like the idea will buy it,those that dont,wont.

cant work out whats bugging mr.yo. though.maybe he hasnt got a million and he is a bit jealous of those that have.

I got to find out the name of this organization and I will not say what I plan on doing.    They will find out themselves.  

what are you going to do mr.yo,fly your silly little plane in through the office window,grow up.

This is an insult to us americans.


oh dear!!


Dave Yo replying to the news that 25,000 golfers in Palm Springs USA had been approached to purchase the 1 Million Baht Card.

It is amazing to now discover one of our top golf organizations here with 25,000 members contributing to this fiasco.

Notice that Dave uses the word "here" when refering to Palm Springs Golfers. This suggests to me that Dave is not infact based in the Kingdom at all but gets his sport from 'pontificating' about everything wrong with Thailand from the comfort of the United States, I may be wrong but he does seem to get very 'excited' about things that only affect people living in Thailand. ???


No, that is not the point, and of course I can afford a million baht without a problem.   For me I don't want it because it is not worth it, till they can make it worthwhile for foreigners especially concerning the long stay folks.   I was simply surprised that they have to go so far as to get some American Golfers involved in this and quite frankly I do believe most will spend their time and their hard earned money either in England, and or the United States where the money is at practically.

For the most part I don't think Thailand will be offering 50 million plus Baht tournaments at least for now or the next 5 years.  Usually that is what the pay out is for first place in most major tournaments regarding golf that I am aware of.  Try getting Tiger Woods just to make an appearance and his appearance fee is worth any first place pay out alone and if not more.   My point here is why they need to get some American Golf Association involved in this in the first place, and I do agree that most of the golfers in Thailand, are of either from China, Japan, or Philippines just to name a few countries.  Again I might be wrong, but if I do recall correctly that is what I read recently.

Kinda funny, also I just read yesterday, that now Thailand is going to start picking up homeless people and those without a place to stay and take them to some military place and hopefully retrain them to be productive in society and even give them medical assistance.   I think this is a good thing to care for their citizens.  What other country in the world has such program in effect now?   They also estimated about 10 million of these are foreigners, and now the Government plans on sending them back home once found.    Isn't this kinda odd that I mentioned this before which they were not doing, and now they decided to do so.

If any of you not believe this part, look up on my past threads, note the date when I said it, and now look into the most recent news of PM's agenda.  I submit that as my proof to those who think I get so excited.  Excitement is not my forte, I just simply somehow see some things that others not see.  Ok.  No big deal.

:blues:   ???

Oh PS to PREM-R,  I did not say Palm Springs, you did.  I put in the number based on what recent news I read.  These numbers and identification of such group is not of my saying or doing.   The news identified it as "American Golf Association"  "with 25,000 members"  and that refers to some organization "here" in America.   Get your facts straight OK.


, that now Thailand is going to start picking up homeless people and those without a place to stay ......  They also estimated about 10 million of these are foreigners, and now the Government plans on sending them back home once found.  
I just simply somehow see some things that others not see.

spot on !


Conflicting stories... The card is now on sale according to Bangkok Post....

TAT says Privilege Card well received

Target of selling 1m cards likely to be met


Some 300,000 Chinese premium tourists had already shown keen interest in purchasing card memberships, each costing one million baht, while a top golf association in the United States with 25,000 members was committed to promoting the card among its members, she said.

Am I in the minority in being skeptical that there are actually this many people queued up to drop one million baht (or its equivalent in your favourite currency) on what basically appears to be a discount card with nebulous benefits?


Dave Yo, I appologise for mixing up two postings one which talks of palm springs 'retirees' being aproached for the 1 million baht card and yours which talks of the american golf association 25,000 members.

  You do not challenge me on my assumption that you are not if fact resident in the Kingdom of Thailand, so do I take that to be correct?

  The internet is a "free" medium for which to voice your opinions and I would be the first to back your right to use the medium (or any other) to express them, but you do seem to get very concerned about many things that may or may not happen in Thailand, increased 'Lump-sums" and monthly incomes  for 'long-term' Visas and of course the 1 million baht  Card.

   You say you will not buy the card (neither will I) and if you are not resident in Thailand the Visa rate increases will not affect you,so why get so annoyed about it all.  At the end of the day we can all 'scream and shout' about what is going on but it will (or will not) happen because of  the orders of the Thai Authorities, not because of anything the farangs say or do. :cool:


Prem-R, I accept your apology.  No problem.  Based on some of your questions, here is my answers.

I am married to a very lovely Thai woman, whom i cherish very much.  In fact we got married when I was in Thailand in July this year.  Right now no, I am not in Thailand, but my wife is and we are quite busy, getting our land and home set up and done.  Sigh, I just wish I was there to be with my wife and to be a solid partaker of our dreams and goals and projects.

Secondly I am moving to Thailand officially within the next 90 days.   So in a sense I do sort of get upset or excited as you say because it does affect me because I am moving to Thailand for the long term and will stay for many years to come.  Therefore any serious changes does and might or will  affect me, and like I said about the million baht card I just wish some of the things I mentioned is included to make our lives easier, but they don't see it that way.

I was lucky to get all my visas done here in USA and it is good for 1 whole year.  Come July 2004 I have to renew it again, and quite frankly it is just about that time when the new rates will kick in.  So I might just get lucky enough to squeeze thru for another year visa under the old law.  But in the year 2005 no doubt I have to meet the new requirements for sure.  No way out of it unless they change it between now and then.  So technically in 2006 I can apply for permanent residency, and I hope to get it and be one of the lucky 100.

Oh and also I am a fighter for justice and equality.  Whether I know a person or not, whether it affects me or not, I will or might say something that can cause a stir, but my intent is for the good and not the bad.  I want not only me, but all to receive fair, equal, and just treatment.  We are all people regardless of what nationality or race, and I am proud to say that much.

:blues: ???

No, that is not the point, and of course I can afford a million baht without a problem.  

Kinda funny, also I just read yesterday, that now Thailand is going to start picking up homeless people and those without a place to stay and take them to some military place and hopefully retrain them to be productive in society and even give them medical assistance.   I think this is a good thing to care for their citizens.  What other country in the world has such program in effect now?   They also estimated about 10 million of these are foreigners, and now the Government plans on sending them back home once found.    Isn't this kinda odd that I mentioned this before which they were not doing, and now they decided to do so.

If any of you not believe this part, look up on my past threads, note the date when I said it, and now look into the most recent news of PM's agenda.  I submit that as my proof to those who think I get so excited.  Excitement is not my forte, I just simply somehow see some things that others not see.  Ok.  No big deal.

Excellent to see Taksin is now getting his policy cue's from DaveYo. That really puts my mind at rest that all is well down on the farm. Chom choei Maew!


Well Plachon I am not so sure if he gets any cues or what, but truthfully I am surprised that such is taking place after I mention it.  I wonder?

I hope he not have the crystal ball to see my mind.  I shudder to think of it.  Whew!

I for myself cannot explain it how it is that I can somehow anticipate things ahead of time.  Maybe I am getting senile

:blues: :laugh:  :o


Hi all,

another thread mentions that several high ranking gov. officials browse this site, so DaveYo, you never know.

Wonder if there are 15 of them (15 is the current 'yes' count).



from the bangkok post today

Apec leaders expected to buy `elite' cards

Tourism Minister Sonthaya Kunpluem

said he hoped the world leaders would buy the special cards which give life-long membership to individuals and 30-year membership to corporations. Cardholders would not have to leave Thailand for visa extensions as this could be arranged within the country, Mr Sonthaya said.


AMEX Platinum gives you a lot of these features for a lower yearly cost than the Thai Privilige Card:

AMEX Platinum

If you are so rich that you qualify for a Platinum Card, you would not need the Thai card.


Hey gang, check this out.  Now they ante up the million baht card to give visa extensions without leaving the country.  

They have to do better than that, and take care of the long timers who have such card like not being required to leave every 90 days and having to meet the bank requirements and most of all grant us express work permits without having to have so much capital up front especially when we are married to a Thai Citizen, and grant permanent residency to those married to Thai citizens.

I wish Thailand would consider and take into account of us long timers who move to Thailand and reduce the pressure being put upon us.

I just hope they can meet the requested agendas for the long timers in Thailand.  If they do, you can bet we would buy the 1 million baht card in a huff and puff.


:o  :cool:


Now they ante up the million baht card to give visa extensions without leaving the country.

It would appear that these "tourists" are therefore allowed to stay in Thailand forever (remember this is a lifetime card).  I guess having people in Thailand on indefinite tourist stays is not such a terrible problem so long as they have big, fat wallets.   :o


Right on my brothers!!!...good to see that no one is accepting this privilege card business without indicating the obvious...that it is nothing more than another attempt to fleece the unexpecting at the expense of those of us that would like to mind our own business. Those that would lose their fleece wouldn't care of course as it's put down on company expense sheets. Payne (Pain...Dolor?)...I got your number as an apologist for this filthy scheme and hopefully others have as well. Security in numbers?...well, let's see...

Ever onward to victory...

  • 4 weeks later...

BANGKOK, Oct 19 (Reuters) - What does $25,000 buy in Thailand besides 50,000 plates of fried rice or 285,714 bus trips on Bangkok's traffic clogged streets?

For Pacific Rim executives attending a three-day business summit in Bangkok, run in tandem with a meeting of 21 Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) leaders, the answer is -- a gold card.

It's not any gold card. The Thailand Elite Card, launched on Sunday and 99.99 percent real gold, gives the holder lifelong discounts at spas, hotels, restaurants, golf courses and shopping centres, as well as tours tailor-made for the "Elite" executive.

Cardholders can also forgo waiting in immigration queues as they are whisked through the airport by "Elite" personnel to a waiting limousine or London cab -- whichever the member prefers.

The programme is an attempt by the Thai government to lure tourists with deeper pockets and more highbrow tastes than the millions of backpackers and package tourists who flock to Thailand's beaches.

And it is no accident the launch coincides with the APEC summit.

"It's part of the government's drive to make Thailand the tourism capital of Asia," said Suthasinee Piriyakorn, a Thailand Elite sales executive manning a stall at the APEC CEO summit.

"APEC is a major target of the programme because the kind of people we want as members are the people attending this summit. That's also why we send invitations to people to apply for this programme. You have to be recommended by someone.

"It's not like you can win the lottery and turn around and apply," said Suthasinee.

She the programme had been "getting good feedback" from visiting businessmen so far, but declined to say how many had applied.

Executives did not appear to be rushing to sign up.

"I don't go to Thailand often enough to get enough utility" from the card, said FedEx Corp chief Michael Ducker. "But it's a clever idea."

The Elite programme is strictly for tourists -- Thais and foreigners living in Thailand cannot apply.

"If we opened it to Thais they would be playing golf and eating out on deep discounts every day," Suthasinee said. (Additional reporting by Dominic Whiting)

--Reuters News Service 2003-10-19


Well George, can I ask you something?

Since I am out of the country now and not officially living in Thailand as of yet, can I still get this particular card and at least get the priviledge of never having to leave the country for extensions or for the stamps every 90 days.

I wonder if this applies.  It does indicate not having to leave for extensions.   What about say I got a one year Visa Non Immigrant, B or O and I wanted to get this card, will this apply also to having not to go every 90 days entry and exit for stamps?  Also if I got such card does this expedite the chances of me getting my permanent residency in Thailand?  and also allow me to bring in my personal effects duty free?  Last of all does this exempt me of having to meet the banking requirements of having to have a certain income monthly and or in savings account yearly?

If you can answer these questions as posted above and they indicate as a YES, then you betcha I will get that card to save me tons of aggravations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So I await your reply

:blues:   ???

  • 3 weeks later...

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