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Olive Groves/trees


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Hi All,

Dose any one knows of any Olive groves or multitude of Olive Trees growing in the CM area?

was told that 15 years ago the Royal sponsored Project has experimented with Olive Trees from Petchabun to

Chiang Mai but so far I can't find trace of any Trees much less Olives or Oils from said


Thanks Guys,

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I have been trying to find olive trees for some years, through the King's Project, the University, Khamtieng Market and elsewhere. I'm afraid I keep being offered Magok, (Hog Plum) trees in their stead.

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I have been trying to find olive trees for some years, through the King's Project, the University, Khamtieng Market and elsewhere. I'm afraid I keep being offered Magok, (Hog Plum) trees in their stead.

I just asked my g/f and she is quite sure they have them up in her village near Mae Daeng. They were planted some years ago as part of a Royal project. The plants came from the agriculture site. I know they got their coffee trees, lamyai and longan from the same place. She was surprised that I was interested saying that the village had been pulling out the trees because they were worthless to them. Transport costs too high to bring the fruit into town. Each time I have this discussion with her I can't seem to get the breakthrough idea to them the difference in price and value of a raw ingredient and a finished product.

We should be going up there in the next couple of weeks to collect some peaches and other stone fruit so I will check it out and advise. If they have some up there I will be digging up a few and bringing them back in the pickup for my own place. Any extras I am happy to pass on to interested others.

I did hear that there was a lot of Olive trees planted in the CR region - never seen any evidence of them by way of fruit but it would make sense. Hot dry summers, cold moist winters do make good crops.


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I've never seen them around the 'Rai but can think of no reason why they shouldn't grow like weeds here. All it would take is some entrepreneur to get a press up and running and we'd have local olive oil in stead of the imported rubbish we pay through the nose for.

(Is there a Thai word for "extra virgin?" I think not.) :o

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Thanks a bunch guys and particularly to CB, we are eager to know

What’s behind the g/f story of a Olive trees up in the nowhere,

I myself intend to investigate the matter more seriously and maybe,

Just maybe do something about it on a more professional basses,

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  • 1 month later...

Have been investigating the same thing. I've been in the UK for a few months but also been mulling over some things to do here in thailand. before leaving was trying to convince my farming in-laws to diversify away from eucalyptus as prices were liable to fall - which apparently they have, no surprise. Anyway, have heard that they have bought some olive trees, as has a larger local landowner. Now, thanks for the warning about Magok - I'll investigate if these are really olive trees as soon as I get out to the farm. The olive saplings cost 80 baht, which locals consider pretty expensive, but assuming they are olives seems reasonable.

will see...


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