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Internet Business In Korat

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This is my first time on this site so go easy with me please. lol

Basically my situation is that i am looking to start an internet/games shop in a small village a few miles from Korat with my girlfreind. Obviously i have been to the village with my girlfreind (as she lives there) a few times now. I have looked at the competition, market potential and tried to study what would be needed in that area. So i think that a shop like this would do ok and maybe very well. Money is not a problem to start this small business and to be honest although i know what people will say, im happy to put it in my girlfreinds name to start and make sure she has money to buy all materials, computers etc etc and pay all fees and taxes etc etc. The questions i have for this forum is 1. Is it true that you can apply for a WP if you are starting a business, or do i have to start it first and then apply ? 2. Someone told me about a 51% - 49% business partnership you can obtain by going in with a thai person, is this true ? If so, can you also obtain a WP via this route ? 3. as anyone any general advice on the route that i should take when looking at something like this ? like i say i am confident from the location and market reserach that i have done that this shop would make profit and i would have the full support of her family too but i am just confused as where to start. It seems that you cant get a work visa without showing a sponsor or a business, but then you cant work without a WP, so eerrrr.........which one first. Should i go in on a tourist for 3 months then come back to england and apply for a WP when the business is setup, or try and get a visa before the business has started ? but then how do i show prove of employement!!!!! any advice would be great even if it is harsh advice...lol.

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<br />This is my first time on this site so go easy with me please. lol<br /><br />Basically my situation is that i am looking to start an internet/games shop in a small village a few miles from Korat with my girlfreind. Obviously i have been to the village with my girlfreind (as she lives there) a few times now. I have looked at the competition, market potential and tried to study what would be needed in that area. So i think that a shop like this would do ok and maybe very well. Money is not a problem to start this small business and to be honest although i know what people will say, im happy to put it in my girlfreinds name to start and make sure she has money to buy all materials, computers etc etc and pay all fees and taxes etc etc. The questions i have for this forum is 1. Is it true that you can apply for a WP if you are starting a business, or do i have to start it first and then apply ? 2. Someone told me about a 51% - 49% business partnership you can obtain by going in with a thai person, is this true ? If so, can you also obtain a WP via this route ? 3. as anyone any general advice on the route that i should take when looking at something like this ? like i say i am confident from the location and market reserach that i have done that this shop would make profit and i would have the full support of her family too but i am just confused as where to start. It seems that you cant get a work visa without showing a sponsor or a business, but then you cant work without a WP, so eerrrr.........which one first. Should i go in on a tourist for 3 months then come back to england and apply for a WP when the business is setup, or try and get a visa before the business has started ? but then how do i show prove of employement!!!!! any advice would be great even if it is harsh advice...lol. <br /><br /><br />
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How long have you known her? just so they can bash you thoroughly. I started a business here worked out incredibly well doesnt rely totally on foreigners for income either. I didnt use a lawyer for anything.

Just expaneded it again so it can be done. I think the ineternet is going to be a loser here in all honesty the reason is coms are getting cheaper the cafes will slowly close down as the public get their own coms. It happened in the Uk with video rental its just a matter of time here in my opinion.

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Thanks for the input. I have known her for about a year now and been out to see her 3 times now. I think you are right about the internet business slowing down but the village im talking about will not have their own computers for quite some time. Its not like bangkok, or any other tourist spots, or big cities. The market seems to be mainly for children and teenagers to play games on playstations, consoles and pc's. This is the market i am going to try and target. Maybe a shop that has 50/50 pc's and consoles, seating areas, drinks etc etc. Also there is a school nearby so maybe there will be some teenagers who need to use a pc for printing, scanning or anything on the internet. So it would mainly be a mixed shop to accomodate for all ages. There are no farangs there so no need for fancy stuff like cofee and food and all that. There is one other shop in the village but the consoles and tv's are crap, and he only has 5 and no pc's and it was always busy and he charges 22 baht an hour. I plan on having more consoles/computers, bigger tv and only charge maybe 15-18 baht.

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Yes 18 baht an hour? AND..............what is the minimum a foreigner must earn each year.?

Are you going to make a profit do you think,in terms of your girlfriend sitting there all day and employees?

Because...................YOU cannot get a work permit for a internet cafe,OTHERWISE we all would be getting one ourselves.

Your idea sounds good,in fact its great,BUT..........your girl,and you know it,aint gonna sit in a shop all day to earn after expenses a measly 5k to 8k a month.................if that.

You would be far better buying a few internet cafes.

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thanks again for your input. i think there would be herslef and her brother, no other employees. Whether she would sit there all day and look after the shop, i dont really know. It is in her home village and all her family are there so maybe she would be ok. but you have answered my question about the visa situation, but why could i not get a work permit ?? if the business is registered and is a partnership then is this not a business ?? As far as money goes well it seems that the shop could be open from about 8am through to midnight so i think that it would be busy and would make some money, not huge amount but some money. after the initial lay out to buy euipment and doing the shop i think the outgoings would be low. The advantage i have is that the shop currently belongs to her aunt or has it as a salon but she has a farang boyfreind and she is always in england so she doesnt run the shop anymore. So the unit is almost ready to be an internet/games shop anyway plus she is only going to charge me 3000 baht a month rent because the back bit is her home and thats where we could live while we see how it goes. i think it might be a risk worth taking because the initial lay out roughly would be about 150,000 to get started, ie consoles, computers, a bit of labour to prep the shop and some seating, fans etc etc. this is about £2000.00.


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Its a good idea if you could work it yourself.

However my knowledge is you need a 3 million baht registered Company ,you are employed then by your Company as a Manager.

Unfortanetely thats why you dont see many farang businessowners actually working,because......they cant.

I know this is discrimination,i dont like it myself,but Thai Law says there must be a "need" for yourself working that no Thai can do.

I suppose if your African and you ran a African Restaurant you would have to submit to Thai immigration that no Thai chefs in African cooking are available thus your need for a work permit.

Howver you have buckleys chance of getting one.Im sorry.

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thanx again. but i dont mean i want to work in there, just put the money in and have a partnership share in the business with my thai girlfreind. Is this possible ? That way she can run the shop and maybe have 1 employee and i still have a percentage but without having to work. Then that way if she gets lazy or doesnt see it through then a bit of my money is protected and if i lose some then at least it was worth trying, if you know what i mean. its not like starting a bar or restaurant, the risk is low. another question............if i cannot get a work permit on this basis, then is there any other tyoe of visa i could get in order to stay longer than the normal 3 months and then extension ??? what else can i do in order for me to help this business start off ???

thanks again, again any advice from anyone would be good if you read all of this thread.

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You see this is where you are failing.You are rushing into it without doing your homework.

Firstly you are better to get a written lease on the shop,maybe in your name which will help you with getting a visa,not a work visa.

The internet business itself is your Gf s however you have control because you have the lease.

But this seems to me like you just want to stay with the GF rather than run a business.

Think to yourself about your future,this is not the best way you live your life.

Please get serious,otherwise you are going to lose your money and she will tell you to go,believe me.

If I was you I would concentrate on getting your GF a visa back to your home country where you can save money and come back and have the money and knowledge to get a real business and a work permit.

If shes serious she would marry you,business itself is a marriage too.

Your rushing into something where i can guarantee you down the track you will lose out on.

Either the GF will get sick of the business,tell you to go ,or the family will take it.

Please think long and hard,with your head preferably,and NOT your D...

I myself believe you are making a mistake and you know it.

Do more homework,think of the future in terms of income and how your going to live on any profit made which will be small.

What about 2 years down the track etc.

do you think the GF will marry you/stay with you?

You will lose the money,however in another way i say go for it,it will be a good experioence for you in terms of not only business but learning about trust.

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thanks again,

what you are saying sounds very logical and good advise. its very hard to think where to go with this ! on one hand im thinking well just go for it, have the computer shop and see how it goes, but on the other hand im thinking will it all go wrong. what sort of visa do you mean then when you say about getting the lease on the shop ? what visa could i get then ?

i too am quite concerned about the fact that she will get sick of the business and maybe too bored and just want to stop. that seems to be the culture in thailand, not much ambition and they get bored and lazy easy. but as we all know, everyone thinks that their girl is different....lol. you are right about then fact that i do want to stay with her and stay in thailand, ofcourse. this is one way to try and achieve this, im not going to deny that. but isnt that the reason for alot of people ?? i love thailand and the people.

or maybe you can advise a way that if what you say happens and it all goes wrong, i can be protected, is there a way, or method ??

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Don't even think about it until you've lived here a few years and seen the way that things often work out. You'll then have a far better idea about the realistic chances of your ideas. Otherwise, the chances are very high that you'll just be throwing away your money.

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thanks again for your input. i think there would be herslef and her brother, no other employees. Whether she would sit there all day and look after the shop, i dont really know. It is in her home village and all her family are there so maybe she would be ok. but you have answered my question about the visa situation, but why could i not get a work permit ?? if the business is registered and is a partnership then is this not a business ?? As far as money goes well it seems that the shop could be open from about 8am through to midnight so i think that it would be busy and would make some money, not huge amount but some money. after the initial lay out to buy euipment and doing the shop i think the outgoings would be low. The advantage i have is that the shop currently belongs to her aunt or has it as a salon but she has a farang boyfreind and she is always in england so she doesnt run the shop anymore. So the unit is almost ready to be an internet/games shop anyway plus she is only going to charge me 3000 baht a month rent because the back bit is her home and thats where we could live while we see how it goes. i think it might be a risk worth taking because the initial lay out roughly would be about 150,000 to get started, ie consoles, computers, a bit of labour to prep the shop and some seating, fans etc etc. this is about £2000.00.


says it all, serious red flag.

how many times have you been to thailand, how many other girls have you been involved with,how well do you comprehend the ability of thais to lie, cheat and deceive, are you aware that everything may not be as it first appears.

where did you meet this girl, where is she working at the moment, are you sending her money every month?

have you any idea of how much money 150,000 baht is to the average thai, to most people thats almost 2 years wages.

it might only be £2,500 to you, and if you can afford to lose ie, well best of luck to you.

how educated is this girl, what is she bringing to the table, in terms of capital, business practice, computer knowledge and anything else that may be required to run a business?

has the girl ever ran a business, or is her idea of running a business to employ someone at 6,000 baht a month to run the business for her, while she slepps all day and goes bai tiaw with friends.

as for protecting yourself, the best thing you can do is to run a mile, if you are determined to go ahead, then press on, to be honest compared to others you will be getting off lightly, others have had far more costly lessons.

good luck

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In this forum,they have a section where you can ask questions about visas,its at the top.

I think now a lease may not be a good idea,because if the business turns over say 3000 baht a month profit after expenses you may soon tire of it or the GF may walk out and your STUCK,meaning you have to pay the rent until the lease agreement is finished.

By all means go into it if you want,just cover yourself.

Dont put your name to anything but prepared to be told to go if you have a argument and everything is in her name and you cant do anything about it,but you trust her,right?

As i said,go to the visa section and study the questions there.

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.....it seems that the shop could be open from about 8am through to midnight ....

This must be some village if the people bother to stay up until midnight. Particularly as you said it is not like Bangkok or other tourist cities and that there are not many farangs.

In most Thai villages out in the country most of the people are all tucked up in bed quite early, so they can be up with the sun the next day and ready for another day in the fields (or at school).

You say you would particularly target the kids and try for a game cafe with PCs and Playstations etc.

You need to remember that the Thais are very superstitious. Amongst other things that means they get scared of the ghosts once the sun goes down. So it seems to me they are unlikely to want to wander down to their local internet cafe in the middle of the night for a game of "Zombie Flesh Eaters" or whatever it is that the kids you say you would target are playing these days.

At a superficial level your idea sounds good, but to my mind you need to take a slight reality check. Best of luck.

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