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How Many Of You Make Money Online?


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I'm interested in finding out how many fellow Thai Visa members make money online? This can range from Affiliate Marketing and AdSense revenue to earning money from marketing on eBay.

I still do a bit of freelance work for a company in my home country but as of this month my online income has overtaken my actual freelancing income. I'm seriously considering doing this full time from next month, but I don't like putting all my eggs in one basket.

The Mrs. has also just got her first payment from her online efforts and she seems very excited.

I'd love to hear all of your online success stories.

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.......edit..... my online income has overtaken my actual freelancing income. I'm seriously considering doing this full time from next month, ....

I'd love to hear all of your online success stories.

The audience too.... tell us first how much, how, where and with whom... then we'll tell you! :o

I am f.E. gamble online... the prof. way.... :D

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I'm not quite in the league of XCaSQz yet. I've just had my first 50,000 Baht month marketing various Affiliate programs and using AdSense on most of my sites.

The wife earns hers using AdSense aswell. Well, she made $200 last month and she thinks it's great. I'm thinking of putting everything into a small guide that she can translate and give to her friends.

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I'm not quite in the league of XCaSQz yet. I've just had my first 50,000 Baht month marketing various Affiliate programs and using AdSense on most of my sites.

The wife earns hers using AdSense aswell. Well, she made $200 last month and she thinks it's great. I'm thinking of putting everything into a small guide that she can translate and give to her friends.

Thats really great. At the minute I make the majority of my online income freelancing, I have a friend that makes his full-time working for sites such as GAF, Elancer doing copywriting.

In the past I used to generate £300 - 500 a month using online gambling. I wish I'd of set up an affiliate system for this, as I know a few people doing it know who started because of me...

But i have always been very skeptical of affiliate marketing ? Does it really work well for you ? I'm as we speak developing some ideas into what could be affiliate related schemes, but I am as of yet, uncertain as to whether or not I should!

Your post is a motivator for me to do my research....

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Affiliate markeing is great but it is not easy money like most people try to convince you. It took me 2 years to get to my level but that was all from working about 2 hours a day.

zab, if you have a product or service, that you think will be popular, then join a few Affiliate networks and promote it. Think of using these networks as having a worldwide sales force. Gambling services are quitedificult to promote as it is against the rules of most networks.

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I currently generate about 85,000 baht a month through one site, but the vast majority of that is through direct advertising deals (about 3,000 from Googleads). Unfortunately I set this up for my workplace, not for me :-)

When people say 'affiliate marketing', can you give some examples of some such programs that are decent? And anyone know of any better paying alternatives to Googleads?

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Anyone consistently making 50,000+ from adsense or affiliate programs must be in the top percentile of people currently attempting to make money online. Most people will find a product on clickbank, build a site and include some adsense and then buy ads in adwords. And most people fail miserably. You can read all about it across dozens of forums. If it was so easy, everyone would picking up a couple thousand dollars a month on the side.

You guys making 50,000 to 100,000 are definitely doing something right.

I tried made for adsense sites and affiliate sites. Never made more than $50 a month.

Now have started selling an ebook I wrote. Early stages, but did 10,000 Baht last month. Would be very happy with 40,000 a month consistently.

Edited by ChiangMaiThai
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My advice is to keep at it ChiangMaiThai. AdSense is only lucrative if you are offering decent content. Made for AdSense and pre-made Affiliate sites are easy to spot and google penalizes you for duplicate content or keyword stuffing, so you only make a few cents for each click.

Good luck with your eBook, this guide is my first written work on the subject and I will be improving on it all the time. I want to test out a new program every month and I will only include it if my effort pays off. The tips I have included have worked for me so far.

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I don't know anyone who makes a lot of money out of adsense. I do think it makes a big difference what kind of things your website is about though - I blogged about mobile phones for a while on a personal site and the relative payout of those clicks was well above what my work site clicks pay. But even then - I used to follow a pretty popular mobile technology blogger, at the height of things he was making about $100/day. Which would be great but still not really enough to stop working :o

Thanks for the affiliate guide by the way, will have a think about the stuff in there.

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I cant be bothered with it anymore due to the hassle factor..

But running bent HYIP sites is golden.. My very first one made 7k USD in its 72 hour lifespan !!

Of course you have to be happy with the moral implications of separating a sucker from thier money.

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affiliate marketing is a black art

but really how to make money online. These are your rules and guild lines

1) DONT BUY anybodies ebook. If you really want to know what it says, visit the pirates bay.

2) read and study forums like digital point (for beginners) and their big brothers

3) find your niche

4) dont give away your secret nor your niche

5) study alot, but spend time experimenting as well

some practical advise.

Dont use Adsense unless you have a really good reason or international/random traffic (on TV I think it does ok)


Because Lots of the of the Ads on Adsense are brokered by middlemen promoting affiliate programs. that means that they take their cut and google takes their cut and you get left with the peanuts. Better to target and promote the affiliate programs directly.

Just last month I had one friend that was making a steady $200 a week from Adsense off a content site with decent traffic. I took it down for him and replaced it with almost the same type of promotions that the adsense was showing and viola! he jumped up to about $700 a week instantly. But that is the result of knowledge of the various affiliate programs and which ones to promote for the niche.

btw..Norrad - in your ebook, you forget aff links for godaddy and Miva (through CJ)

but you did a pretty good job plastering the whole thing with things that will make you money if people click on them

also when putting aff links in ebooks, always use redirect through your website, as it cloaks to gain reader confidence and allows you to change the redirect in the future if your programs change.

lots to learn.

Edited by Shah Jahan
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btw..Norrad - in your ebook, you forget aff links for godaddy and Miva (through CJ)

but you did a pretty good job plastering the whole thing with things that will make you money if people click on them

also when putting aff links in ebooks, always use redirect through your website, as it cloaks to gain reader confidence and allows you to change the redirect in the future if your programs change.

I don't really use cloaking as I prefer letting the readers see that the link is an Affiliate Link. But you are right, cloaking does encourage higher click-through rates. Thanks for the suggestions though.

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I cant be bothered with it anymore due to the hassle factor..

But running bent HYIP sites is golden.. My very first one made 7k USD in its 72 hour lifespan !!

Of course you have to be happy with the moral implications of separating a sucker from thier money.

I had never heard of HYOP before. I checkout out myhyip.com. Are these all just blatant scams or do the first people in make money while the last lose?

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My advice is to keep at it ChiangMaiThai. AdSense is only lucrative if you are offering decent content. Made for AdSense and pre-made Affiliate sites are easy to spot and google penalizes you for duplicate content or keyword stuffing, so you only make a few cents for each click.

Good luck with your eBook, this guide is my first written work on the subject and I will be improving on it all the time. I want to test out a new program every month and I will only include it if my effort pays off. The tips I have included have worked for me so far.

That's one tough thing with adsense. All the details as to how they decide what to pay are kept secret. So you can't predict what a site could make based on x amount of traffic.

I just took the adsense down from my ebook site. When it is more established and getting decent trraffic, I might put some up again. But my thinking is that the adsense may just direct people away from my site who otherwise may have hung around and made a purchase. Any thoughts?

I will check out some of the links in your ebook today. Am quite interested in any effective and cheaper alternative to adwords.

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Anyone consistently making 50,000+ from adsense or affiliate programs must be in the top percentile of people currently attempting to make money online.

I would say middle percentile. But with affiliates you either make or dont. And if you make enough money to write home about, its a good chunk.

I manage servers for various people, including my own sites, and I have made good money exclusively online for last 5 years. Its not about eggs all in one basket either, when it comes to making money online there are multiple baskets which can be filled from the same skillset. Stay away from HYIP unless you have made all the mistakes already and understand how it works. If you havent made all the mistakes yet, in general its not worth doing unless you have a constitution and bank balance to get through the obligatory multiple losses it takes to understand them.

Darren (norrad) I skim read your guide and although not comprehensive, I congratulate you on providing the substance of most expensive ebooks for free. Most have little more than you included and dress it up in so much nonsense its unreal.

Edited by OxfordWill
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Darren (norrad) I skim read your guide and although not comprehensive, I congratulate you on providing the substance of most expensive ebooks for free. Most have little more than you included and dress it up in so much nonsense its unreal.

Thanks OxfordWill,

I wrote that guide in just over 2 hours, well between my first post and the post where I posted the link. I am going to expand on it over the next few days and I will have a more comprehensive (not overly boring, though) version up this weekend.

Edited by Norrad
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Cheers Norrad, I know enough to say there's a lot of useful info in that guide and I will have a good read through it later. Thanks. :o

Thanks for the support mate, check out the link in a few days for the new version. Expanding on a few ideas and adding some others, but only ones that actually work for me.

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I am making money on the internet the old fashioned way.

I provide a service that businesses really need and they pay a monthly subscription for it.

When enough subscriptions are reached it is up for sale.

No advertisements or other 'programs' needed.

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Checkout Miva, much cheaper than AdWords but still brings in decent traffic. Also consider buying links on sites in the same niche as the product you are selling.

Tried to sign up. Created my ad, keywords etc. Get to the credit card info page and entered all that. When I click FINISH, it just reverts back to the payment page. Any ideas?

Also, what do you consider a reasonable conversion rate for one of your sites?

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I am making money on the internet the old fashioned way.

I provide a service that businesses really need and they pay a monthly subscription for it.

When enough subscriptions are reached it is up for sale.

No advertisements or other 'programs' needed.

That's the only one I would go for... provide real value, get sustainable income. All other schemes are bound to fail sooner or later.

Online gambling is perhaps the exception, if you are good at poker, why not make some $, and it's been around long enough that it's not going to go away. Not that I do, but after reading about poker I am intrigued. Is it really gambling when it involves skill?

I am freelancing right now but need to diversify.

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Tried to sign up. Created my ad, keywords etc. Get to the credit card info page and entered all that. When I click FINISH, it just reverts back to the payment page. Any ideas?

Also, what do you consider a reasonable conversion rate for one of your sites?

I'm busy checking it out now. Are you using an actual credit card, or a virtual card from a Thai bank?

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Also, what do you consider a reasonable conversion rate for one of your sites?

A fair while back (this may be well out of date now), the 'average' click through rate for text was supposedly around 0.3% (which is pretty awful, but this figure is presumably skewed by the relatively huge proportion of rubbish sites out there). My work site was doing about 3% at its peak, and the best I know of for sure is about 11% off one of the more popular Thai sites.

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I am making money on the internet the old fashioned way.

I provide a service that businesses really need and they pay a monthly subscription for it.

When enough subscriptions are reached it is up for sale.

No advertisements or other 'programs' needed.

That's the only one I would go for... provide real value, get sustainable income. All other schemes are bound to fail sooner or later.

Online gambling is perhaps the exception, if you are good at poker, why not make some $, and it's been around long enough that it's not going to go away. Not that I do, but after reading about poker I am intrigued. Is it really gambling when it involves skill?

I am freelancing right now but need to diversify.

Well thats just good business sense. Doesn't have to be a service though. Can be products. Many people failt to make money online because they lose all common sense when it comes to "the internet". Or have a gold rush mentality, not realising there is no gold rush.

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Well thats just good business sense. Doesn't have to be a service though. Can be products. Many people failt to make money online because they lose all common sense when it comes to "the internet". Or have a gold rush mentality, not realising there is no gold rush.

Exactly, making money online takes effort and patience at the start. It is not a get rich quick process. I've spent the last 2 years learning the techniques I use now, many failed miserably. I probably have $10000 in various Affiliate accounts that I cannot cash out, just because it takes too much effort to even reach the payout limit.

The trick is to find about 10 programs and stick with them. Promote them in any way you can think of.

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