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Visiting Your Homeland


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I'm an American at heart but I don't necessarily think or view things as the "average" American any more.

And the transformation is complete! That's a good thing as the "average" American is not much different from the "average" Brit", Canadian, Thai, Vietnamese etc in that the "average" human is about the same as a walking potato.

And as tony soprano might say "tings ain't nevah gonna be da same" for you!

Mr Vietnam :o

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back from end of last June ...

life is quite ok ... more expensive but no surprise about this.

plan to come back as soon as possible ... and may take a few years though :D

missing "home" , what else to say :o



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I travel back to the UK for 1 week every month, so I get a 'real-time' comparison of the difference in living in the UK and Thailand.

I get a chance to see my mother, who suffered a stroke 2 years ago. My 86 year old father looks after her, as she slowly loses her physical and mental capabilities. Seeing her every 4 weeks is depressing, since I see her slowly degenerating :o I feel for my father and would love them both to come and spend their twilight years in Thailand.

I go and see my young children (7,5,2 years). This is a very happy time for me, because I miss them when I'm in Thailand. I get mugged by my UK wife for payment of all the bills :D

I go and sit on the beach at Minehead (Somerset), where I live whilst in the UK. Sitting alone really does make me appreciate that, whilst the UK is a beautiful country, there are also many bad factors (increasing crime, immigration, cost of living etc).

I enjoy going to Tescos, since I can compare UK and Thai Tesco prices! It makes me wish to be back in LoS!!

I usually drive into London. People say the BKK traffic is bad, but I think London can be much worse! I had to abandon my car in London and take the Tube on my last trip to Ikea!

Do I miss the UK when I'm in Thailand? No, I only miss my family

Do I miss Thailand when I'm in the UK? YES!!

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