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EENT Doctor


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Having some throat discomfort and was wondering if anyone can recommend a good Eyes-Ears Nose and Throat doctor? Searched the different Chiangmai hospital sites and found no specialists in the field. Thanks in advance.

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IMHO RAM 1 is going downhill these days. They are just out to make a fast buck from insurance cases and its reflected in their prices.

Try Lanna 1 hospital. Just as good as the RAM and half the price. Easy parking also.

Cheers :o

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IMHO RAM 1 is going downhill these days. They are just out to make a fast buck from insurance cases and its reflected in their prices.

Try Lanna 1 hospital. Just as good as the RAM and half the price. Easy parking also.

Cheers :o

I don't think you can fairly judge hospital care by the hospital, but by the doctor who treats you. I have had problems at Lanna, but with the doctor, not the hospital.

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Definitely. Chalermpong Ariyadej, M.D., at Chiang Mai Ram I. See him at least mornings, M - Th and Saturday.

I do not find it useful to talk about all practitioners in one hospital in the same breath. That is like saying all Brits have bad breath from drinking too much bitter! Then again, maybe they do?!

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I do not find it useful to talk about all practitioners in one hospital in the same breath.

Sorry for the delay getting back, rebuilding my computer. I was hesitant about using Ram again due to one doctor and one bad experience with him. However, recommendations for specific doctors, regardless of hospital, was what I was hoping for and have gotten so thanks to everyone's recommendations. :o

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It's like RAM are looking for anything they might treat or charge for. They told my wife she had not had a rubella vaccination when they did her pregnancy bloods - when we got back to the UK they did the bloods twice and both times it showed up that she had had the vaccination.

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Recently had an op there. They insisted on running a full physical with chest X-rays, EEG and full blood work before they would allow the op to commence.

It's not as if they don't know me either. Been a regular guest in there for over ten years. My med file with them is several cms thick.

Didn't complain because it was covered by insurance, but it was something of a surprise.

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