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Uk Visa 4 Thai Gf

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Please help, I am new to this forum, a forum virgin infact!

I am looking for advice on inviting my Thai girlfriend to the UK for a holiday. The purpose is to spend some quality time together and explore a possible future together. If we decide to take things further, I fully intend for her to return to Thailand and re-apply for the appropriate visa (ie. just want to do the right thing).

We met last December 07 while I was on holiday in Thailand and spent most of the two weeks together and I can’t wait to see her again. She is 34, degree qualified, recently quit her secretarial job and now works freelance and comes from a good family. She has no children, no assets in Thailand and hence no reason to return, apart from seeing family and to comply with UK immigration visa rules such that she can come back to the UK in the future. She has never been to the UK before.

I am 49, have a good job, home and can provide proof that I can support her in every respect for an indefinite period. Unfortunately getting time off work is difficult before June, so I think it unlikely that I will be able to get to Thailand much before then and for her to get a break from work, she finishes a contract at the end of May.

Given the above I would like to invite her as soon as possible for as long possible, if the earliest is to be June, then I would like to start the process before then so that I can plan to take time off work for at the very least, some of the time she is here.

I can provide records of phone calls and a few photos of us and members of her family together.

I believe the laws are about change.

So …

What is the best way to go about this? When would be the best time to invite her for reasonable chance of success? and how long to ask for? Could I offer a bond to be lodged with the UK BKK embassy to be returned on her arrival back in Thailand?

I have reading many articles, with some excellent responses from 'the scouser' but still not clear on my situation.

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Please help, I am new to this forum, a forum virgin infact!

I am looking for advice on inviting my Thai girlfriend to the UK for a holiday. The purpose is to spend some quality time together and explore a possible future together. If we decide to take things further, I fully intend for her to return to Thailand and re-apply for the appropriate visa (ie. just want to do the right thing).

We met last December 07 while I was on holiday in Thailand and spent most of the two weeks together and I can’t wait to see her again. She is 34, degree qualified, recently quit her secretarial job and now works freelance and comes from a good family. She has no children, no assets in Thailand and hence no reason to return, apart from seeing family and to comply with UK immigration visa rules such that she can come back to the UK in the future. She has never been to the UK before.

I am 49, have a good job, home and can provide proof that I can support her in every respect for an indefinite period. Unfortunately getting time off work is difficult before June, so I think it unlikely that I will be able to get to Thailand much before then and for her to get a break from work, she finishes a contract at the end of May.

Given the above I would like to invite her as soon as possible for as long possible, if the earliest is to be June, then I would like to start the process before then so that I can plan to take time off work for at the very least, some of the time she is here.

I can provide records of phone calls and a few photos of us and members of her family together.

I believe the laws are about change.

So …

What is the best way to go about this? When would be the best time to invite her for reasonable chance of success? and how long to ask for? Could I offer a bond to be lodged with the UK BKK embassy to be returned on her arrival back in Thailand?

I have reading many articles, with some excellent responses from 'the scouser' but still not clear on my situation.

If I was you I would chat to the scouser. He sponsors this forum and also he is based in the UK. Even get hip to do youre app, click on the link on this page and you will be able to contact him, Davies Khan, good luck buddy. Marshall

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its actually not that difficult to apply for a visit visa. All the criteria are laid out on the various government websites. The only bit i think you may have trouble with is that catch-all clause "reason to return". Unfortunately because there is no tick-box system but a system that allows whoever is looking at the application to use their discretion based on how they feel (which can be different to how another officer would see it on the same day ..which is absurd) , because of this there is no guarantee of success.

The system is deliberately set this way to allow discretion because , amounst other things , the Government is obsessed with keeping out prostitutes (why i don't know) so they have a system of discretion because they fear a tick-box system means a prostitute could pass it and HAVE to be given a visa. And we can't have that can we? The world would stop spinning.

To answer your last points/questions,

1)when to invite her ? there is no correct or incorrect time. You invite her when you wish to and your circumstances allow.

2)how long to ask for? Its supposed to be a holiday. There is usually a general concensus here that a few weeks , as opposed to a few months , would stand a better chance. After all a few months is hardly a holiday , more like living together isn't it. (although i'm always amazed at how long people go on holiday for ... i am obviously in the wrong job!!)

3) can you offer a bond ? Nice idea .. but NO.

Hope some of this helps.

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Thanks yaketyak,

I am aware of the process to apply apply for a visa, but naturally want to do my best to ensure that the application is successful. As we are aware, one of the main concerns is "reason for return" which is difficult to prove given the circumstances, hence my idea of offering a bond. I can only hope that the ECO on the day uses his discretion in our favour.


its actually not that difficult to apply for a visit visa. All the criteria are laid out on the various government websites. The only bit i think you may have trouble with is that catch-all clause "reason to return". Unfortunately because there is no tick-box system but a system that allows whoever is looking at the application to use their discretion based on how they feel (which can be different to how another officer would see it on the same day ..which is absurd) , because of this there is no guarantee of success.

The system is deliberately set this way to allow discretion because , amounst other things , the Government is obsessed with keeping out prostitutes (why i don't know) so they have a system of discretion because they fear a tick-box system means a prostitute could pass it and HAVE to be given a visa. And we can't have that can we? The world would stop spinning.

To answer your last points/questions,

1)when to invite her ? there is no correct or incorrect time. You invite her when you wish to and your circumstances allow.

2)how long to ask for? Its supposed to be a holiday. There is usually a general concensus here that a few weeks , as opposed to a few months , would stand a better chance. After all a few months is hardly a holiday , more like living together isn't it. (although i'm always amazed at how long people go on holiday for ... i am obviously in the wrong job!!)

3) can you offer a bond ? Nice idea .. but NO.

Hope some of this helps.

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The system is deliberately set this way to allow discretion because , amounst other things , the Government is obsessed with keeping out prostitutes (why i don't know) so they have a system of discretion because they fear a tick-box system means a prostitute could pass it and HAVE to be given a visa. And we can't have that can we? The world would stop spinning.

I don't think the government is 'obsessed' with keeping prostitues out of the country. It is concerned with keeping people out who cannot demonstrate a strong reason to return to their country after visiting the UK. They are worried these people will overstay and either work illegally or gain access to public funds or services. I don't think they are obsessed with your career choice as long as you have a reason to return back after your visit. You only have to look at the number of westerners in Thailand stretching their visa laws to the limit in order to live there to understand what lengths people will go to in order to gain access to a country they fancy living in. Like it or not, Thailand is not a first world country so it is seen as a prime candidate for people to try to use any means necessary to gain access to a first world country to live there.

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firstly i did say "amounst other things" .. to indicate that prostitutes are ONE of the undesirables that the Govt is obsessed with.

We cannot unfortunately discuss prostitutes on this forum , so i won't , but i will just comment that i disagree with you.

If a bar-girl put on her/ his application form PROSTITUTE under occupation , are you seriously telling me he/she would have exactly the same chance as anyone else, all other things being equal, of getting a visit visa? Because that is how your post reads. And we all know thats not the case.

I agree with the second part of your post , although its largely irrellevant to what we are discussing here.

And i do agree with your implied view which is that it shouldn't matter what you do , prostitutes included, as long as you can show a reason to return.

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