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Can Anyone Tell Me What Animals, Reptiles Etc. Are Foung In And Around Chaing Rai?


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Try some of the bookshops. The trouble is any books will almost certainly be in Thai but I did see a couple of very good books in the Airport bookshop, one was "Animals of Thailand" and I think the other was Reptiles. They were expensive though.

Gare Garon Bookshop in the main street may be worth a look.

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We have cats, dogs, cows, water buffalo, pigs, some sheep and goats,etc for animals.

For reptiles we have gecko's, toekays, a bright blue lizard that can change colors, and some others.

Snakes we have many varieties, most harmless, but some bad ones too.

Birds we have mainly chickens, but some geese and ducks as well. Most wild birds are shot and eaten.

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I have tried to search it on the web but have had no luck.

Any responses would be appreciated I am quite curious about the surrounding area as well.

A decade ago there was a reptile and a rat in seperate bars round the back of the Wangcome Hotel. Both were English but happily one returned, tail between his legs, and the other has gone down to the big centrally heated kitchen in the basement.

Several down here in Chiang Mai. Happy to find you choice specimens of several nationalities, provided you are buying...............

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