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Naval Warships In Patong Harbour


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You get monkey doo flung on you while standing next to the Monkey cages.

Very apt, you used the word monkey when talking about the average soldier. Soldiers to me are very similar to football hooligans and pikeys. They're the toughest guys around when there's 8 of them and 1 of you. When they're on their own, their 'special training' counts for very little. I'm from an area with quite a bit of military history, and although a lot of the bases are no longer open there's still lots of soldiers in the area, and their behaviour on a Friday, Saturday night is disgusting to say the least. In fact I'll go one further, a large number of them are scum!!

Don't get me wrong, I'm very grateful for the job they do, my life wouldn't be the same if it wasn't for guys going to war, but the military needs to learn how to train men to be killers, but also be a law abiding member of society, when they're off duty, and if they're not capable of that, then they shouldn't be allowed in the army.

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Please let them stay far away :o:D

They only walk around with their 7-11 bottle of cheap beer ( no money off-course ) and causing problems with their macho behavior.

Luckily the last time they where here is already a long time as the governor of Phuket don’t want them any more here on the island.

Please get your facts straight. You can't judge the whole US Navy fleet based on the behavior and conduct of a few. The ones that are troublemakers are quickly dispatched by the Navy's shore patrol and are subject to the laws of the host nation as well. But the vast majority of US Navy personnel who happen to be on liberty are on their best behavior (as I always was)

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Please let them stay far away :o:D

They only walk around with their 7-11 bottle of cheap beer ( no money off-course ) and causing problems with their macho behavior.

Luckily the last time they where here is already a long time as the governor of Phuket don’t want them any more here on the island.

Please get your facts straight. You can't judge the whole US Navy fleet based on the behavior and conduct of a few. The ones that are troublemakers are quickly dispatched by the Navy's shore patrol and are subject to the laws of the host nation as well. But the vast majority of US Navy personnel who happen to be on liberty are on their best behavior (as I always was)

Completly agree!!!! If the Civ. visitors were as well mannered there would be a lot less trouble

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Wow. I spelled Cou-p wrong because, I have to tell ya, before I came here, the first thing I ran a search for was COUX. I was just trying not to flood the forum with a discussion of it, being that there have been what 172?

I love to watch wear these topics go. My last forum consisted of similiar opinions, but this one is far better.

I am addicted to reading this. My phone has this rss feed so I get beeps everytime something new is mentioned.

Look. When you live in a part of town that attracted you for specific reasons, and others flock here to bathe in those same reasons, don't be shocked if, say: You get monkey doo flung on you while standing next to the Monkey cages.

For all those that would complain about a bunch of servicemen, coming to Patong for Drinking, Partying, and Sexual Escapades, well I say to you this: It is only monkey doo.

I have never even seen a serviceman or ship, until I went to Patong. I actually never thought I would, but Patong is a place known the world over, for exactly the same reason you know it.

We are all here to tour the all night freaky factory, right?

so if you don't like wild (fantastically in shape, hard pecks, and stamina....) guys running around, then I suggest you move.

I, happen to love OUR boys, and have to remind some of you whiners that you were boys once too.

God Bless the Troops, from all the Countries with Troops.


Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla

As for Patong is a place known the world over, Thats way a lot of local people ( where i'm one of ) are trying to change it.

I'm happy married for 20 years so NO i'm not here for the things for what you using Phuket for. ( i suppose )

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Well it was certainly widely reported, so it will be in the archives of the Phuket Gazette and most probably The Nation and The Bangkok Post, but it was quite a few years ago - hence my reference to the impact upon later serving personnel. The assault incident was a Thai man on Patong beach and he was beaten unconscious and nearly killed by a group of them. There was not a person on the island who did not know what was going on, so you only have to talk to people - Thai or expat - who have been in Phuket for a lengthy period.

BTW, I am assuming here that you want the reference to read for your own interest, and not because you are impugning my statements. It will be in the archives of the Phuket Gazette (obviously) and probably also in the archives of The Nation and The Bangkok Post. Other Internet references are likely to be scant, since the Internet then was not what it is today (they were the Usenet days - the days before forums such as this one). Let me know if you find it.

wow! someone found a reference to a probable rape of a US sailor by a US sailor in 2002(and an Australian guy being punched in the same incident! Nothing else seems to exist.

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Please let them stay far away :o:D

They only walk around with their 7-11 bottle of cheap beer ( no money off-course ) and causing problems with their macho behavior.

Luckily the last time they where here is already a long time as the governor of Phuket don’t want them any more here on the island.

Please get your facts straight. You can't judge the whole US Navy fleet based on the behavior and conduct of a few. The ones that are troublemakers are quickly dispatched by the Navy's shore patrol and are subject to the laws of the host nation as well. But the vast majority of US Navy personnel who happen to be on liberty are on their best behavior (as I always was)

Yeah sure they are never hustled off the island onto thier waiting carrier !?!?!

I worked with an ex forces in Alaska.. He claims he killed a guy in Panama went and reported what he had done to his CO and 8 hours later was on a flight back stateside, he did a couple of months in a military jail and it was over.

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That was the one I listed that someone then asked for a news report on..

I personally know of the girl murdered in her room as it was close to the rooms I stayed in.. I personally witnessed too many to count brawling idiotic arrogant behavior.

But I do say this was more the event going back to late 90's and early this decade... Since then services have been a bit too stretched with the war on terror for R&R (rape and regurgitation) round the SA Asian fleshspots.. I notice the ones now are the much younger (too young to drink many of them) more timid recruits. I guess the real fighting boys are too busy making those oilfields safe (or was that digging up WMD's.. I cant remember which story we are using this year ??)..

I had a very pleasant meal and evening with one of their officers, a very well traveled interesting career soldier with a sharp intellect and a great grasp of geopolitics a few years back during one of the navy dockings... Its not the forces I have a problem with just when fools are allowed off thier leash to go run amok in a 3rd world country in ways they wouldnt get away with back home.

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That was the one I listed that someone then asked for a news report on..

I personally know of the girl murdered in her room as it was close to the rooms I stayed in.. I personally witnessed too many to count brawling idiotic arrogant behavior.

But I do say this was more the event going back to late 90's and early this decade... Since then services have been a bit too stretched with the war on terror for R&R (rape and regurgitation) round the SA Asian fleshspots.. I notice the ones now are the much younger (too young to drink many of them) more timid recruits. I guess the real fighting boys are too busy making those oilfields safe (or was that digging up WMD's.. I cant remember which story we are using this year ??).. It's also worth considering that they are actually fighting wars now, so the guys who used to join up for a paid 'tour of the world' are less in numbers. Many of them probably have a much different perspective towards life owing to the terrible scenes they are witnessing, often on a daily basis, as you said, many seem more timid & I suspect this has something to do with it.

I had a very pleasant meal and evening with one of their officers, a very well traveled interesting career soldier with a sharp intellect and a great grasp of geopolitics a few years back during one of the navy dockings... Its not the forces I have a problem with just when fools are allowed off thier leash to go run amok in a 3rd world country in ways they wouldnt get away with back home.

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Please let them stay far away :o:D

They only walk around with their 7-11 bottle of cheap beer ( no money off-course ) and causing problems with their macho behavior.

Luckily the last time they where here is already a long time as the governor of Phuket don’t want them any more here on the island.

Please get your facts straight. You can't judge the whole US Navy fleet based on the behavior and conduct of a few. The ones that are troublemakers are quickly dispatched by the Navy's shore patrol and are subject to the laws of the host nation as well. But the vast majority of US Navy personnel who happen to be on liberty are on their best behavior (as I always was)

Yeah sure they are never hustled off the island onto thier waiting carrier !?!?!

I worked with an ex forces in Alaska.. He claims he killed a guy in Panama went and reported what he had done to his CO and 8 hours later was on a flight back stateside, he did a couple of months in a military jail and it was over.

LOL ... and how much had you both had to drink at the time? I could share some of the stories I have heard in bars over drinks and they would be just as unlikely! hel_l, you can just go read ColPyat's posts if you want amazing stories :D

Face it, the military (anyone's military) is always gonna be a bit rambunctious when on shore leave. The only reason you would notice them over the football hooligans etc are that they have shorter hair (other than the shaved head hooligans) and fewer tattoos! But the funniest thing about this thread is that we are even mentioning the US Navy since they have not put into port at Phuket in a long time :D

Has anyone identified these "warships" yet?

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Please let them stay far away :o:D

They only walk around with their 7-11 bottle of cheap beer ( no money off-course ) and causing problems with their macho behavior.

Luckily the last time they where here is already a long time as the governor of Phuket don't want them any more here on the island.

Please get your facts straight. You can't judge the whole US Navy fleet based on the behavior and conduct of a few. The ones that are troublemakers are quickly dispatched by the Navy's shore patrol and are subject to the laws of the host nation as well. But the vast majority of US Navy personnel who happen to be on liberty are on their best behavior (as I always was)

Yeah sure they are never hustled off the island onto thier waiting carrier !?!?!

I worked with an ex forces in Alaska.. He claims he killed a guy in Panama went and reported what he had done to his CO and 8 hours later was on a flight back stateside, he did a couple of months in a military jail and it was over.

LOL ... and how much had you both had to drink at the time? I could share some of the stories I have heard in bars over drinks and they would be just as unlikely! hel_l, you can just go read ColPyat's posts if you want amazing stories :D

Face it, the military (anyone's military) is always gonna be a bit rambunctious when on shore leave. The only reason you would notice them over the football hooligans etc are that they have shorter hair (other than the shaved head hooligans) and fewer tattoos! But the funniest thing about this thread is that we are even mentioning the US Navy since they have not put into port at Phuket in a long time :D

Has anyone identified these "warships" yet?

Some photos wouldn't be a bad idea, at least we could identify them ourselves - it's not exactly hard is it. :D Surely someone in Patong can get their digital camera out.

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I heard the us navy were coming to pattaya and they had a curfew of 10.00pm to get back to ship.this is due to their bad behaviour.

stds will rocket now heheheheheh.

Same in Phuket for the last few years but not for the officers. ( makes a hel_l of a differance. ) :o

Edited by merijn
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Interview - Commander Jeff James, from USS Hopper, Commander Matthew Ovios, USS Ingraham & Captain David Adler, USS Port Royal

To see or download mini-video, go to http://news.prd.go.th/news_detail.php?newsid=216622

Our interview is with Commander Jeff James, from USS Hopper (DDG70), an American Navy ship, Commander Matthew Ovios from USS Ingraham (FFG-61), and Captain David Adler from USS Port Royal (CG 73), who together with JUSMAGThai Commander & the US Naval Attache from Bangkok met the Royal Thai Navy Third Fleet, Phuket last Thursday. Their 1,250 sailors took R&R leave for a 4 day visit to Phuket, while ships anchored off Ao Makham, as Commander James first tells us about their courtesy call on the Royal Thai Navy at Cape Panwa, last Thursday: ……. (www.hopper.navy.mil www.ingraham.navy.mil www.port-royal.navy.mil )

Interview for Andaman News NBT (VHF dial) at 8.30am & local Cable TV channel 1 + maybe FM90.5 Radio Thailand 6pm, broadcast to Phang Nga, Krabi & Phuket provinces, & possibly FM108 Mazz Radio 7.30pm in Phuket, Monday 7 April 2008 & http://news.prd.go.th or http://thainews.prd.go.th/newsenglish


Special - Volunteer crew from USS Hopper, American Navy help at Life Home Project, Phuket

To see or download mini-video, go to http://news.prd.go.th/news_detail.php?newsid=216621

We are from USS Hopper, an American Navy ship, visiting Phuket and helping out at Life Home Project for AIDS victims. Our group of sailors came over to the Life home Project in ko Sirey island, east of Phuket town, to help the AIDS & HIV victims living in the compound. We presented medical and toiletries products like plasters, toothbrushes, shampoo, soap & napkins, all from America, for the women and babies here. We presented them the Project Manager of Life Home Project, khun Rattakhet Phongpud, and Rasada Sub-district leader, together with Rotary Club of Patong members Brad & Woody who also gave out his famous cookies to everyone. We also helped plant mango fruit trees and other trees and plants to help provide food and shade. As it is the water festival or Songkran next week, we also cooled ourselves off, spraying each other.

We all feel this is a way of giving back to local communities we visit, not just R&R or Rest & relaxation. We learnt more about Life Home Project center’s work and care, including how the make handicrafts to give occupations and be more self supporting. We won’t forget the women and children here and hope to visit again next time we come to Phuket. Our ship’s motto is “Dare & Do” – we dared and did it today! Now we hop back to our ship USS Hopper. Aloha, Bye Phuket! (www.hopper.navy.mil www.LifeHomeProject.org www.rotarypatong.org )

Special Report for Andaman News NBT (previously TV11) (VHF dial) at 8.30am & local Cable TV channel 1 + maybe FM90.5 Radio Thailand 6pm, broadcast to Phang Nga, Krabi & Phuket provinces, & possibly FM108 Mazz Radio 7.30pm in Phuket, Monday 7 April 2008 & http://news.prd.go.th or http://thainews.prd.go.th/newsenglish

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Face it, the military (anyone's military) is always gonna be a bit rambunctious when on shore leave.

I agree and it's good timing for the working girls to earn some money at the tail end (pun unintended) of high season and before/during Songkran to take back to their families and villages.

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No basing it on the drunken rape of one of thier own US female service women on the beach.. cheered on a by a ring of many of them throwing beer over her while she fought back..

This is B.S., yes the rape happened but the "ring of many throwing beer on her" is baloney.

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That was how Thai TV covered it.. That there were multiple people there.. From hazy 5 year ago memory it may have been others that beat the Aussie guy up ??

I remember the guy wrapped in a towel drunken staggering about cuffed.. I seem to remember he practically bit her nose off too..

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That was how Thai TV covered it.. That there were multiple people there.. From hazy 5 year ago memory it may have been others that beat the Aussie guy up ??

I remember the guy wrapped in a towel drunken staggering about cuffed.. I seem to remember he practically bit her nose off too..

I remember this story, and remember discussing it with several sailors at the time on Soi Seadragon -- they were all deeply ashamed and told me the guy who did it was a guy who had a "small man" complex and was in steroid rage at the time. He said this guy, like lots of them, spend much of his time on the ship lifting weights. They were really shocked and described the victim as "a very pretty girl".

He should have been tried in a Thai court as it happened on Thai soil, but he was handed over to the MPs...

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Please let them stay far away :o:D

They only walk around with their 7-11 bottle of cheap beer ( no money off-course ) and causing problems with their macho behavior.

Luckily the last time they where here is already a long time as the governor of Phuket don’t want them any more here on the island.

Please get your facts straight. You can't judge the whole US Navy fleet based on the behavior and conduct of a few. The ones that are troublemakers are quickly dispatched by the Navy's shore patrol and are subject to the laws of the host nation as well. But the vast majority of US Navy personnel who happen to be on liberty are on their best behavior (as I always was)

Yeah sure they are never hustled off the island onto thier waiting carrier !?!?!

I worked with an ex forces in Alaska.. He claims he killed a guy in Panama went and reported what he had done to his CO and 8 hours later was on a flight back stateside, he did a couple of months in a military jail and it was over.

That has nothing to do with what is being discussed in this forum. Besides, anything that is being said by ex-special forces I take with a grain of salt


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He wasnt special forces.. Just stationed in Panama..

Interesting guy (though an out an out rascist southern kkk type) and not the Walter Mitty complex your insinuating.

100% positive the guy who killed the bar girl in her room was not held or prosecuted in Thailand, he was back on his ship. I lived about 200m from her room and was here at the time.

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He wasnt special forces.. Just stationed in Panama..

Interesting guy (though an out an out rascist southern kkk type) and not the Walter Mitty complex your insinuating.

100% positive the guy who killed the bar girl in her room was not held or prosecuted in Thailand, he was back on his ship. I lived about 200m from her room and was here at the time.

Walter Mitty complex? Not sure what that means

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