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1 Dreamed of being a Pinball Champion

2 Bill Cosby albums

3 They roller blade...you roller skate

4 The Tri-Colored Flowers are starting to show through on the side of your van.

5 You remember when lucky charms had only 4 marshmellow shapes

6 You know all the words to "Cover of the Rolling Stone"

7 You remember when the only gay couple on TV was Bert & Ernie

8 You walk into a party and announce: "I am a wild and crazy guy"

9 Bell bottoms and bowl hair cuts

10 The Star Wars theme reminds you of your first date

11 Your Lava Lamp is next to the bean bag chair

12 The 70's are over!?! Nobody told me!

13 Three words...dy no mite!

14 You own a pet rock

15 What's with the cast of Saturday Night Live?

16 There's a disco ball in your bedroom

17 You had "Farrah" hair and danced like Travolta.

18 You owned Jeans with a Flair so wide you couldn't find your feet

19 You remember Morgan Freeman on the kids show "The Electric Company"

20 You remember the day of the Kent State shootings

21 You remember when Michael Jackson was still black

22 You saw the movie "Jaws" at the theatre when it was first released

23 All three lengths for girls skirts were in ~ Mini, Midi & Maxi

24 Anti-war demonstrations

25 Childhood pictures of you with your Fro

26 Disco sucked

27 Draft Dodgers

28 Head shops were the cool place to go

29 If you (guys) had side burns

30 If you ever owned a Black Light

31 If you know what a "Jesus Freak" is

32 If you owned a MIA or POW bracelet

33 If you owned any 8-tracks

34 If you remember when gas stations pumped the gas for you

35 If you remember when Prayer was allowed in school

36 If you remember when the draft for the Vietnam War finally stopped

37 If you wore Bell bottoms and Platform shoes

38 Peace signs

39 Polyester Leisure suits

40 Stores were closed on Sundays

41 The Maroon Leasure suit is a dead give away

42 The seventies were not all about Disco

43 You have ever gone to a roller-derby

44 You know who Squiggy Frome is.

45 You own all Pink Floyd Albums

46 You refuse to watch any new Family Feud shows. Richard Dawson rules!

47 You were a Hippie or know someone that was

48 You weren't afraid to pick up hitch-hikers

49 You're still explaining why the Huffy Thunder Road was the best bike ever.

50 All the guys in High School owned a Muscle Car


7 You remember when the only gay couple on TV was Bert & Ernie

21 You remember when Michael Jackson was still black

Excellent Peter - you and I grew up in the 70's!

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