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From what I can gather, it's all one college spread over different sites. If you wife contacts the central admissions dept. they should be able to advise. Just say your wife wants to take an ESOL course, but needs to be assessed in order to establish which one is right for her. She should still take the citizenship course, too.


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So my wife needs to take the ESOL course plus the citizenship??

Does it matter which order??

Example the ESOL course starts in november, but there is a citizenship course in may, can she take the citizenship course before the ESOL??



It does seem a bit of a strange set up, as in my experience other colleges teach both at the same time. However, it shouldn't matter as long as she does both at some point.



My wife is studying "ESOL with citizenship". its supposed to be English but also include some stuff from the "life in the UK " book.

Good luck

My wife is studying "ESOL with citizenship". its supposed to be English but also include some stuff from the "life in the UK " book.

Good luck

Hi, is that all she is taking?? is she taking an ESOL course too??

Arrrghhhh im puzzled :D:o:D:D:D



There are two "bits" to the course: ESOL + citizenship. Scooty's missus is learning both at the same time in one course. At the end of it she has to take an ESOL exam and the college will write a letter to say that she did the citizenship bit at the same time.

Your missus needs to do an ESOL course and a citizenship course. These may be taught at the same time or separately.


Please just check and get it in writing if you can that this course is the Citizenship qualification that is recognised by the relevant body,

with demand so high nowadays, it does seem rather cheap.


As I alluded to above, I had my doubts about this course.

a ESOL citizenship course stating,

You really need to check this!!


I hate to break the bad news to you, but this course by itself is not enough: it is only the citizenship bit and not the ESOL.

...the certificate from this course, together with any current ESOL test certicate, (eg Trinity or Cambridge ) at entry levels, will meet the current Home Office language requirements for citizenship application.

Although Scouse has already confirmed this.

So my wife needs to take the ESOL course plus the citizenship??



There are two "bits" to the course: ESOL + citizenship. Scooty's missus is learning both at the same time in one course. At the end of it she has to take an ESOL exam and the college will write a letter to say that she did the citizenship bit at the same time.

Your missus needs to do an ESOL course and a citizenship course. These may be taught at the same time or separately.


Right Scotty,

Just to reiterate,

I have picked out the relevant quotes from above:

You need an ESOL course and Citizenship course, either separately or combined.

It has to be recognised by the relevant body.

For the ESOL course, she needs to be assessed at the College and then be able to move on to the next level.

The College, if reputable and I believe Sheffield is, should be able to direct you to the right course of action, if you present clearly exactly what you want.

Good Luck




Well I called castle college today here in sunny sheffield regarding info on the course.

Castle college is the main college in sheffield and I was told to bring my wife down to the college on tuesday for an assesment.

There they will give my wife a test and if we arrive early enough, will get her test assesed.

The women told me that if she is at level 3, then all she has to do was a test.

If she is at level 1 or above, she would have to do the course.

She also told me that my wife has to have lived here for 1 year before she could take the test/do the course, but there was a way around it and it could be done before, at a fee of £6 an hour.

Does this sound about write??


Scotty & K


Well I called castle college today here in sunny sheffield regarding info on the course.

Castle college is the main college in sheffield and I was told to bring my wife down to the college on tuesday for an assesment.

There they will give my wife a test and if we arrive early enough, will get her test assesed.

The women told me that if she is at level 3, then all she has to do was a test.

If she is at level 1 or above, she would have to do the course.

She also told me that my wife has to have lived here for 1 year before she could take the test/do the course, but there was a way around it and it could be done before, at a fee of £6 an hour.

Does this sound about write??


Scotty & K

Does this sound about right ????




As I stated in my previous post, my wife has an apointment on tuesday at college where she will be assesed by having a test.

The women told me after the test, they will know which level my wife is at.

If at level 1 or above she has to take a course, if at level 3, she told me only the test my wife has to take.

On tuesday when my wife has the assesment/test, what are the type of questions she will be assesed on by having the test??

Am I right in believing that the ESOL courses are based on, speaking, writing, reading etc??

So will the assesment test be basesd on the above??

Its just my wife asked me what type of questions will she be tested on, on tuesday, and I realy dont know myself.

So any advice, information would be gratefull.


Scotty & K


ok chaps, who can help me out on this one please, my thai wfe has passed her ESOL course ( with citizenship) but we are still waiting for her certificate from city and guilds to arrive, and we are due at the imagration end of the month to apply for ILR, If the cert ha not arrived in time will they accept an addionatal letter from her college stating she has passed ?


Hi micky,

How long did it take your wife to pass the ESOL course??

When you first started the course was she assesed what level she was at, if so, what level did your wife start at??




Hi my wife has passed her exam and got a letter & certificate from the collage the exam is

ESOL Skills for Life entry level 1

Also the letter is from the college saying they are writng to support (her name) application for citizenship by confirming she has followed an ESOL level 1 Course that has included citizenship. She has now passed entry 1 certificate in ESOL skills for life.

This was last august and is now on with level 2. Only cost around £50 with the local adult college.

Hope this helps, she speaks english ok and says the exam was quite easy. So if she speaks quite good english already i would think she should be ok.

I have had other probs with the ILR visa but am glad she doesn't have to mess around doing the test as well as getting the application together.



scotty, as i replied before , possibly on a different thread, your wife will be assed monday, it is in her best interest to be assed at a lower level, ie entry level 1. becauce all she has to do for the imagration is to progress one level.if she is assed and found to be at level 2, she will have to progress to level 3, quite hard. if she is assed at level 1 she only has to progress to level 2, so when she is assed tomorrow tell her not to speak a lot of english and not to be able to read and write english at all. that way she will enter at level 1, and will not have to work too hard to pass her exams, but of course you will have to tell her not to start reading and writing in class right away or they will smell a rat. the course has to be tought along side a citizenship course. it took my wife 6 months to pass, cos she tried too hasrd at the assement and got put in a class too high, are you following where i am coming from ?

scotty, as i replied before , possibly on a different thread, your wife will be assed monday, it is in her best interest to be assed at a lower level, ie entry level 1. becauce all she has to do for the imagration is to progress one level.if she is assed and found to be at level 2, she will have to progress to level 3, quite hard. if she is assed at level 1 she only has to progress to level 2, so when she is assed tomorrow tell her not to speak a lot of english and not to be able to read and write english at all. that way she will enter at level 1, and will not have to work too hard to pass her exams, but of course you will have to tell her not to start reading and writing in class right away or they will smell a rat. the course has to be tought along side a citizenship course. it took my wife 6 months to pass, cos she tried too hasrd at the assement and got put in a class too high, are you following where i am coming from ?

So what your saying is, if my wife is assesed and asessed at lets say, level 1, she only needs to do a course at level 2, thats it??

Also she has to do the citizenship too??

Just I think I read somewhere she needs to complete the full course, being level 3.

Im not saying your wrong mate, just could do with a second opinion on this, as we have the appointment tommorow for her test.

Many thanks



yes that is correct scotty. if you telephone the imagration on 08706067766, they will confirm that your wife will have to progress just 1 level. if she was assed at level 3 , then they would not let her enrol cos her english would be good enough for her to sit the knowledge test.

I think the course was 40 hrs @ £10 per hour, £400.
The course is citizenship,
The fee states £50


Please just check and get it in writing if you can that this course is the Citizenship qualification that is recognised by the relevant body,

with demand so high nowadays, it does seem rather cheap.

Good Luck



My wife has just been assesed and is at level 2, 40 questions asked 16 answered write.

She has been here only three months and I think thats realy good, so did the asseser.

Next step is to go for an enrolment in august, with the ESOL level 3 course starting in september.

The course starts in september until june, at a price of £864.

After she has been here a year, she gets the course for free, but the next available free course available to her, would be next september, my mrs will be applying for ilr around december next year, so the free course is no good, not enough time.

She also told me it would be 2 classes a week, 2 hours a class.

The course is citizenshiip included, which would be stated on her certificate if she passed.

Well, with the time we have got until enrolment in august, and the time we have got for her to apply for ilr, I think cracking on with the life in uk test book should be considered, what is it, around £35 a test.

Also, does my wife need to have been in the uk for a year before she can take the life in uk test.

One more thing guys, the book that we have ( I know its the right one ) and what we have to study, it is chapter 2 to 6 right??

Also, all the questions she would be asked are in chapter 2 to 6?? there are no secret questions outside of the book are they??

Many many thanks to you all

Scotty & K



I understand that my wife dosnt have to take the ESOL course plus the life in uk test, what I meant was, with the time we have until enrolment in august regarding the ESOL level 3 course, and the time we have until her ILR application, we should start cracking on with the book.

We have time to consider what to do, 4 months we have to decide whether to put her on this course or not.

The course is £864 and is 4 hours per week, running for 36 weeks, between september up through to june next year, with a possibility she could fail.

If the life in uk test costs £35, for £864 she gets around 24 trys I believe.

Something to think about.

But in the meen time, where geting started on the book.

A couple more things regarding the life in uk test.

Does my wife have to have been in the Uk a year before she can take her test??

I believe its chapters 2 to 6 she has to study, in these chapters are there all the questions which would be given to her during the test, I meen, are there any other questions which might crop up outside of the book??

Also, during the test, how many questions are there, and how many does she need to answer right, to get a pass??

Many thanks

Scotty & K



Does my wife have to have been in the Uk a year before she can take her test??

Scotty, where are you getting this particular question from? As far as I am aware, there is no time period regarding residency constrictions for taking the test, I have just scanned the relevant web site and can't see one written into the blurb either.

If it is not stated, in all probability there is no sanction, if someone is telling you there is such a sanction, ask them to point you to the relevant paragraph.

I believe its chapters 2 to 6 she has to study

It will tell you in the blurb at the front of the book the relevant chapters in relation to your particular status.

You should study chapters 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 of the second edition 'Life in the United Kingdom' handbook very carefully.
, in these chapters are there all the questions which would be given to her during the test, I meen, are there any other questions which might crop up outside of the book??

The questions are not there to trip you up, all the questions will be related to the relevant chapters of the book you have studied.

how many questions are there
The test is computer-based and is a series of 24 questions. It is based on 'Life in the United Kingdom: A Journey to Citizenship'.
You will have 45 minutes to answer 24 questions

Have a look through Here it might answer a few more of your questions.



scotty . you did not beleive what i said or you just did not understand what i was trying to tell you , even though i have been through this and was trying to pass on some of my experience. i told you that it was in your wifes interest to get assed at pre entry then she would only have to progress to entry level 1. now she has to progess to level 3. do you now what level 3 is ? well it is classed as the same level as a native speaking english person. good look. why ask questions but not act on or beleive the answer. your wife can take the knoweldge of english test any time she wants. ie 50 mins of coming to the uk if she wishes. and yes your wife has to of been in the uk for 12 months to quelify for a subside of her course fees.

scotty . you did not beleive what i said or you just did not understand what i was trying to tell you , even though i have been through this and was trying to pass on some of my experience. i told you that it was in your wifes interest to get assed at pre entry then she would only have to progress to entry level 1. now she has to progess to level 3. do you now what level 3 is ? well it is classed as the same level as a native speaking english person. good look. why ask questions but not act on or beleive the answer. your wife can take the knoweldge of english test any time she wants. ie 50 mins of coming to the uk if she wishes. and yes your wife has to of been in the uk for 12 months to quelify for a subside of her course fees.

Well it dont matter now anyhow ah kid :o

My wife would prefer to take the life in uk test.




When cliking on this link, are they the questions my wife will be asked, or even some of them??

I clicked on prepare for the test, then, what you need to know.

Are these all the questions which will be put forward in the test, or if not some of them??



Scotty, get a grip my friend.

When cliking on this link, are they the questions my wife will be asked, or even some of them??
These aren't real test questions, but they show you how the real test works.
Taken from the actual web page that I linked you to.

They are just sample questions for the purpose of getting yourself familiar with the test set up.

I presume there is a small chance that you might get one or more, but I would presume that they have the foresight not to include them in any test environment.

Read the book and continually assess your partner throughout the preparation, you do not have to understand or agree with the questions or answers for that matter, just answer a certain % of the material, it is a multiple choice arena, so if you practice long and hard and do the hard yards something must stick and at the very least you have a 25% chance of a long shot, at any one question.

Good Luck


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