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Thais Using "farang" Instead Of Our Name In Conversation


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How boring......The usual story of a few people being simply unable to comprehend ANYTHING other than their own social norms, height of ignorance when living in a foreign land in my opinion, or is it ignorance is bliss? Yaaaaawwwn.............

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Believe me JD, this whole issue isn't something I lose any sleep over.

It isn't about making Thailand overly PC, but simply pointing out that the term 'farang' causes offense to large groups of people. In my understanding of Thai culture, causing offense is something that should be avoided.

Edited by way2muchcoffee
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Believe me JD, this whole issue isn't something I lose any sleep over.

It isn't about making Thailand overly PC, but simply pointing out that the term 'farang' causes offense to large groups of people. In my understanding of Thai culture, causing offense is something that should be avoided.

I think you overestimate not only the size of the group that this matters to, but also its impact on them. Most tourists think it is kinda quaint. The only people I have really seen getting offended are the folks that hong out 'with the wrong crowd'

I do think it is telling that you say you are not trying to be PC, yet are still trying to instill your cultural norms in Asia.

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So much Drama 'aaaaaa' and so incorrect also!

"Most of us" on this forum are not in Thailand. I think about 18% are actually in Thailand. Therefore Most of us are not expats, also most expats don't speak Thai and most expats don't understand spoken OR written Thai.

I actually do speak and read Thai at a decent level and I know that what you say is just not true (in MY experience). Then again I don't live in the countryside with a wife and I don't frequent bars/areas etc for tourists.

Most often the people I run into casually on a regular basis refer to me with something and 'farang' added to it ... most often Moddam's owner. Sometimes the farang with the Joker etc etc. I can say that outside of Lower Suk, Pattaya, and Patong; I have never heard the word farang casually used in a negative way.

I think the BIG issue is that the farang in here only really know that one word of Thai, and when they hear it on the street they suddenly realize they are being talked about, then they get paranoid etc ....

Well I do live here. Yes and maybe I am a little over sesitive too the word but that's for good reason. It's because too often Thais have used the word on me inappropriately and out of context and in a derogitory way. I don't like it and that's that. I don't expect them to change because I know they tend to be insensitive to this issue and trying to explain the issue to them is a total waste of time (they just don't get it or don't care), so I have to take their uncaring rudness quietly ( but unfortunately it does build up resentment in me). Yes I know what your thinking so why doesn't he leave. I'm here for my own reasons which are no-ones business. Yes I have to put up with the F word but that doesn't mean it's OK for me. If other westeners don't mind then that's up to them.

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I dont care what I'm called,.....but when people say my nose is too big to play the bamboo flute..man that really hurts my soul..mommyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy :o:D


I care what people do, not what they say.

I am not sure you truly mean this. Hypotheticaly, if I gave you a mouthful abuse (deserved or not)that would be OK by you? No resentment? No wish to retaliate? No response..nothing?

No. I could care less. Words are free. The world is top heavy with talkers not walkers.

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Barky ---- out of your last 20 posts ... how many of them were negative about Thailand and Thai people? :o

How fluent are you in Thai?

It really does appear that you HATE it here, and if that is the case you certainly have my pity! I just wouldn't live in a place I didn't love!

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How boring......The usual story of a few people being simply unable to comprehend ANYTHING other than their own social norms, height of ignorance when living in a foreign land in my opinion, or is it ignorance is bliss? Yaaaaawwwn.............

Yes this topic does get a little boring to some (even me), but it is of importance to others. If the social norn (for some Thais ) is to be disrespectful or racialy motivated to western people some people may object to it, and say so. Why not? you don't have to enter the thread. If the boot was on the other foot wouldn't you defend the right of a Thai living in the west to objet to being called an Asian each and every time they we addressed directly or indirectly. It's not ignorance some people just don't like it and say so. We understand you don't mind. Good for you.

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JD - this is the second time you have made implied slurs about me or anyone who may take offense to the use of the word 'farang'. I think it is you who is mistaken about the frequency, location, and numbers of people who are annoyed by this. To suggest that there is some link between being a sexpat and taking offense to the word 'farang' is ridiculous and highly offensive. Shame on you.

Edited by way2muchcoffee
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"Tang Dao" means immigrant. It's not a racial slur either. In fact it's a legal term used for any immigrant not specific to any race. I heard the term used by my Chinese grandparents all the time to refer to themselves when they had to deal with legal rights and stuff.

And aaaa, I understand that you hate generalization and racism. So what's with this?

I am sure that if you are Thai (even Thai-chinese) - you must be watching TV a lot every day.

well, actually I was talking (commenting on her post) to her, not to you, and in very appreciating and grateful way !

seriously ! and I am glad that she and YOU too are indeed participating in this sort of conversation. I think that must be more such Forums where Thai people can talk with foreigners in English and may be special section where foreigners talk to Thais in their Thai language ! and talk frankly and honestly and OPENLY - not trying to smooth some things and pretend that everything is just fine and Ok.

THAT will help to achieve mutual understanding - as you and me are trying to right now, don't' we?

and I am sure she (Apple) has understood me in proper way - not as you here trying mis-interpret my words or their meaning. so, it is wrong for you to try to TWIST my words in different way entirely.

I did neither twist her words or yours, for example.

and if indeed you DO misunderstand my words as it is clear from your post (unless you are sincere and really just asking for explanation) - then it is UNFORTUNATE, the very example of situation which you were referring to ! :D

on your posts I comment in my different post. I am surprised that you so easily got offended and literally JUMPED into her "defense" - although I can assure you, she doesn't need any defense because I wasn't even trying to attack here!

so, your EXTREME defensiveness is rather appears as a sign of insecurity and high sensitivity, and MISUNDERSTANDING - the very things you accuse most of members here !

now let me explain or answer your question.

this my sentence is - that I ask her confirmation, that she is familiar with the words used on Thai television.

I was referring to this as assurance, that it is more likely that she DOES watch Thai television programs than most of foreigners here - nothing else. and that Thai people might not watch so much programs in English language. so, both of them - hardly would watch news or programs in other language and understand not well enough.

it is not any generalization - because I did NOT generalize anybody here, or use words like "ALL Thais / most of Thais"

and neither it is a racist - my words "even Thai-chinese" only in regard to her own usage of them, and by using them here I mean that "even though you emphasized that you're Thai-chinese, you are still Thai citizen and speak and understand Thai language very well - and therefore know very well what and how is said on Thai television"

and you are not addressing the main issue - instead what you are trying to do is being very defensive and rather switch subject on something like "but you also...." - which is called "Two Wrongs" fallacy in the argument.

in fact, it doesn't help you at all - instead only makes your argument more weak!

because you are trying to JUSTIFY something what other people consider wrong by pointing out THEIR wrongs and saying: "see, you're wrong too! that means my "wrong" is not wrong at all" or "it is you who are wrong, that automatically makes me right"

about Tang Dao - yes, as with word "farang" it may have not bad meaning at all - but as you said it yourself - THE WAY how most of people use it what makes it slur.

that's what I was talking about.

So much Drama 'aaaaaa' and so incorrect also!

Jdinasa - you might be on personal vendetta trip since very long time ago. you used to attack me more than once.

I started to simply ignore you and therefore give you no reasons to even have opportunity to continue doing it.

now seems you've got another chance. never mind that - I see that you have already obtained certain status and number of posts (more than me) - and in such a way certain recognition. so, be happy and relax, I am not gonna to bite it and indulge you ! :o

but perhaps this time I'll reply to your comment briefly, without trying to get into too much argument:

your attempt to say the opposite (and using words "I think") - is not much else then same kind of generalization you're trying to accuse me for here.

well, I do admit that I might be wrong - that's why I have suggested to make a Poll on this matter - and then we'll really see, how many actually DO speak or at least understand Thai language here.

P.S. oh, and as I see from several other posts (not mine) - you, Jdinasa, do it quite often and to many others !

so, as you can see - there are more people who might think rather about YOUR post as an attempted generalization.

not to mention other member who ha expressed the SAME as me - that you DO slur others here!

well, keep up the good work! "Cheap recognition" ('stepping on others heads'') will remain just that: CHEAP !

Edited by aaaaaa
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Barky ---- out of your last 20 posts ... how many of them were negative about Thailand and Thai people? :o

How fluent are you in Thai?

It really does appear that you HATE it here, and if that is the case you certainly have my pity! I just wouldn't live in a place I didn't love!

I agree with you JD.

Funny thing is, in Australia everyone is referred to as "mate". It has no relevence whether the person is good, bad or inbetween, it is just an easy, perhaps lazy way to address people. This name is usually intended to be quite friendly but can also be projected in a negative way, as can most words in most spoken languages.

Now, I have heard of people complaining of being addressed as mate because "I am not your friend, why do you assume you are my friend" To which this statement is usually replied to with "Oh <deleted> off you <deleted>".

Barky, I wonder if you would fall into the "Im not your friend" catagory.

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I see very few people that are offended by it, and most seem to be offended by the CONCEPT of it because it is non-'PC'

The only places I have heard the term used in a derogatory way towards people have been in Lower Suk, Pattaya, and Patong. It doesn't mean that you are a sex-pat or a sex tourist to have it hurled at you there :o Just means there is some guilt by association. Saying that I do not frequent those areas does not imply that you do. It states my experience.

But feel free to be offended by the use of the word farang ... and by anything that goes with that in this discussion!

and aaaaa ... sure .. start a poll! Make sure it is limited to respondents in Thailand and include audio tracks with the replies needing to be in Thai :D

I know that Meadish is far more fluent in Thai than I am as are several others, I have yet to see anyone that I KNOW understands Thai fairly well that is offended by the use of the word farang.

I could get PR tmw ... and citizenship in a few years and still when walking down the street would be referred to as 'the farang'. That's the way it is! I don't think I am all that thick-skinned, it is just that I understand its use!

BTW .. I was at a local market today and heard someone say farang, I even looked. (It was someone at the fruit vendor making an order :D

edit ---- aaaaa you appear not only to be oversensitive, but also not to understand English very well. A person uses the phrase "I think" so state an opinion or convey personal experiences. ie: I think people that get upset about the casual use of the word "farang" tend to be hypersensitive crybabies that do not understand Thailand or Thai language :D

Edited by jdinasia
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Thniner, What do you mean, if I was a nice guy? So if a person is not a nice guy as you say then using a racial slur is OK? I put it to you there is no reason for it. But I'm sure you beg to differ. This old argument of we westeners don't understand and that Thais mean no disrespect is rubbish. Yes many times the word is used appropriately but equally as many times it is not. I can be walking down the street minding my own business, ensuring no eye contact is made with a Thai and as I walk past, say, a group of Taxi, motorcycle, tuk tuk, touts, hawkers, etc. some stupid creep has just gotta open their dumb mouth and say something stupid accompanied with the F word. I mean it gets boring. Yes I try to ignore it and keep walking but it just helps to confirm my belief.

Yep, had that happen just yesterday...

I just reflected on thier lot in life... living in a refuse pile. Amazing how powerful the lower brain stem is... keeps the heart moving and lungs working. Beyond that, I don't think their brain can do much more.

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I see very few people that are offended by it, and most seem to be offended by the CONCEPT of it because it is non-'PC'

The only places I have heard the term used in a derogatory way towards people have been in Lower Suk, Pattaya, and Patong. It doesn't mean that you are a sex-pat or a sex tourist to have it hurled at you there :o Just means there is some guilt by association. Saying that I do not frequent those areas does not imply that you do. It states my experience.

But feel free to be offended by the use of the word farang ... and by anything that goes with that in this discussion!

and aaaaa ... sure .. start a poll! Make sure it is limited to respondents in Thailand and include audio tracks with the replies needing to be in Thai :D

I know that Meadish is far more fluent in Thai than I am as are several others, I have yet to see anyone that I KNOW understands Thai fairly well that is offended by the use of the word farang.

I could get PR tmw ... and citizenship in a few years and still when walking down the street would be referred to as 'the farang'. That's the way it is! I don't think I am all that thick-skinned, it is just that I understand its use!

BTW .. I was at a local market today and heard someone say farang, I even looked. (It was someone at the fruit vendor making an order :D

edit ---- aaaaa you appear not only to be oversensitive, but also not to understand English very well. A person uses the phrase "I think" so state an opinion or convey personal experiences. ie: I think people that get upset about the casual use of the word "farang" tend to be hypersensitive crybabies that do not understand Thailand or Thai language :D

My wife finds the constant barage of "falang" towards her husband as an insult, and I suspect that she has a better understanding of Thailand contained in her pinky that you have in whole body.

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Thniner, What do you mean, if I was a nice guy? So if a person is not a nice guy as you say then using a racial slur is OK? I put it to you there is no reason for it. But I'm sure you beg to differ. This old argument of we westeners don't understand and that Thais mean no disrespect is rubbish. Yes many times the word is used appropriately but equally as many times it is not. I can be walking down the street minding my own business, ensuring no eye contact is made with a Thai and as I walk past, say, a group of Taxi, motorcycle, tuk tuk, touts, hawkers, etc. some stupid creep has just gotta open their dumb mouth and say something stupid accompanied with the F word. I mean it gets boring. Yes I try to ignore it and keep walking but it just helps to confirm my belief.

Yep, had that happen just yesterday...

I just reflected on thier lot in life... living in a refuse pile. Amazing how powerful the lower brain stem is... keeps the heart moving and lungs working. Beyond that, I don't think their brain can do much more.

In the example above, all barky seems to know is that he was mentioned for some reason. The folks he refers to seem so all be 'lower class' working folks. Maybe he is just classest! (wouldn't that be as likely as some random stranger was saying something 'stupid' about him?

Did they say

"wow that farang sure does dress well!" or did they say "wow! that farang sure is sweaty!" (the second example would be more likely in my case!)

No need to be paranoid just because you hear yourself mentioned by some random stranger!

edit---dakhar ... I am sure your wife has reason to be offended :o Where do you hear this "constant barage of falang (sic)"?

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So much Drama 'aaaaaa' and so incorrect also!

what you say is just not true (in MY experience)....

Well I do live here. Yes and maybe I am a little over sesitive too the word but that's for good reason. It's because too often Thais have used the word on me inappropriately and out of context and in a derogitory way. I don't like it and that's that. I don't expect them to change because I know they tend to be insensitive to this issue and trying to explain the issue to them is a total waste of time (they just don't get it or don't care), so I have to take their uncaring rudness quietly ( but unfortunately it does build up resentment in me). Yes I know what your thinking so why doesn't he leave. I'm here for my own reasons which are no-ones business. Yes I have to put up with the F word but that doesn't mean it's OK for me. If other westeners don't mind then that's up to them.

I agree and thanks for addition of things which I failed to mention.

I would like to add something more

actually I do the same: I just put up with it, ignore, pretend that I do not notice (I stress again: THE WAY word farang used often) or simply try to be "jai yen yen" and accept it as some might try to explain it ("good natured humor")

that I do with people whom I KNOW and feel that it is useless to explain anything, it would only make things worse


when I see that there are people who DO care and try to understand and ARE friendly and sincere - to them I do explain.

and .... SURPRISE! they take it very well and not become upset, defensive (as ThNiner here on my reply to Apple's post) or slurring (as jdinasia) - they smile and admit if they've done something wrong and apologize. and both of us are happy and feel much better and friendly !

I am serious !

so, I was talking to both Apple and even to ThNiner here because I feel that they are both people from that second category - who does care and does try to understand others. if I was wrong - well, that's truly UNFORTUNATE (and here I am saying it sincerely - not with sarcasm)

and again, here I 100% agree with barky that there is nothing wrong to discuss this matter here in this Forum - WHY NOT? because often THE WAY how word "farang" used DOES make feel bad, and often INTENTIONALLY so by those who use it in that way / tone.

we could write to some Daily newspaper in English, or may be even some farangs might write in Thai language to Thai newspapers or National television news - but what for? it will only cause the outcry and outrage by many Thai people because they will only feel that the ONLY intention of such person is to make them "loose face", nothing else. therefore, I never even tried to do so - although I confess, I have entertained this notion more than once.

but WHY can't we talk about it here, sort of in "private"? I do not think that there is anything wrong with that.

by discussing this subject we do not bash Thais or slur them - only THE WAY some or them sometime say this word farang, because IT IS derogatory. as I recall, even in book "Thailand fever" I've read that one of authors says so. and on some other website about traveling and tours - Thai people themselves while explaining about this word said that sometimes this word is used in derogatory WAY or meaning.

My wife finds the constant barage of "falang" towards her husband as an insult, and I suspect that she has a better understanding of Thailand contained in her pinky that you have in whole body.

same here!

and I didn't even pay attention to it - since I know they are her relatives and wouldn't have any bad intentions towards me.

she herself has pointed that out: that few times she told them that actually "he has a name - why don't you call him by name?"

only her mother calls me by name though

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JD - this is the second time you have made implied slurs about me or anyone who may take offense to the use of the word 'farang'. I think it is you who is mistaken about the frequency, location, and numbers of people who are annoyed by this. To suggest that there is some link between being a sexpat and taking offense to the word 'farang' is ridiculous and highly offensive. Shame on you.

shame on him indeed. The slur seems to be on me in some way, having found offence at the hairdresser for how she addressed me - and implying that i'm hanging out in the wrong parts of town as a setpat. what absolute rubbish.

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The root of 'farang' is found in the persian 'ferengi' - originally describing traders from the frankish empire, and has traveled through the cultures via trade routes.

no evidence exists that the root is persian. but the fact is that the expression is used (tiny differences like "franji" or "ferangi" exist) in farsi, arabic, urdu, hindi and pashtu. when used in these languages it has NO derogatory meaning, but of course it's the sound which makes the music.

my opinion is that those who are insulted when they are referred to as "farang" should try their utmost either get a life or perhaps (as last resort) complain to their mothers "mummy, mummy the bad racist Thais have again called me farang!" :o

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JD - this is the second time you have made implied slurs about me or anyone who may take offense to the use of the word 'farang'. I think it is you who is mistaken about the frequency, location, and numbers of people who are annoyed by this. To suggest that there is some link between being a sexpat and taking offense to the word 'farang' is ridiculous and highly offensive. Shame on you.

shame on him indeed. The slur seems to be on me in some way, having found offence at the hairdresser for how she addressed me - and implying that i'm hanging out in the wrong parts of town as a setpat. what absolute rubbish.

Dream on, the only post about you in this thread was my first one :o I welcome people to go back and look at it :D

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JD - this is the second time you have made implied slurs about me or anyone who may take offense to the use of the word 'farang'. I think it is you who is mistaken about the frequency, location, and numbers of people who are annoyed by this. To suggest that there is some link between being a sexpat and taking offense to the word 'farang' is ridiculous and highly offensive. Shame on you.

shame on him indeed. The slur seems to be on me in some way, having found offence at the hairdresser for how she addressed me - and implying that i'm hanging out in the wrong parts of town as a setpat. what absolute rubbish.

Dream on, the only post about you in this thread was my first one :o I welcome people to go back and look at it :D

A slur need not be direct.

It is in fact an insinuation. Which is what you have done to me and others by suggesting a link between being a sexpat and taking offense to the word farang. I certainly found offence at the hairdresser from the way she addressed me. An apology would be in order.

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Ok, How would the offended people prefer to be referred to.

I mean really, what generic name for a westerner would you not be offended by? Then we can re-educate the whole nation to understand that the word farang, that has been used for generations, should be dropped.

The question still remains though, what can we use to cover all the different nationalities?

It seems the term farang is considered disrespectful to a lot of westerners but where I come from respect is earned, and that was my experience in Thailand.

The people of my wifes village didn't care what my name was for a while, farang served the purpose quite well as I was the only one there, but after a few months everyone (who knew me) referred to me by my name, or their version of my name

My wife can project my name in a very negative way when she choses and she can also make the word farang sound dam_n sexy.

I think farang think to much!!! :o

Edited by khunandy
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JD - this is the second time you have made implied slurs about me or anyone who may take offense to the use of the word 'farang'. I think it is you who is mistaken about the frequency, location, and numbers of people who are annoyed by this. To suggest that there is some link between being a sexpat and taking offense to the word 'farang' is ridiculous and highly offensive. Shame on you.

shame on him indeed. The slur seems to be on me in some way, having found offence at the hairdresser for how she addressed me - and implying that i'm hanging out in the wrong parts of town as a setpat. what absolute rubbish.

Dream on, the only post about you in this thread was my first one :o I welcome people to go back and look at it :D

A slur need not be direct.

It is in fact an insinuation. Which is what you have done to me and others by suggesting a link between being a sexpat and taking offense to the word farang. I certainly found offence at the hairdresser from the way she addressed me. An apology would be in order.


You need to try READING the posts. I have stated nothing of the sort :D But please feel free to keep posting drivel!

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But when a significant percentage of people find a racially designated term offensive, that term is indeed racist.

Even if one is the offense is based on a misconception? I don't agree.

A significant percentage of people believed for a long time the earth was flat and immobile.

But as Galilei mumbled through his teeth, '...and yet, she's moving'.

So when a significant percentage of people found the word "Golliwog" offensive, we stopped using it in the West. I am sure there were plenty of "whites" using the word thinking it was just a bit of fun and totaly non-offensive. What are you saying? Do you think we should carry on using the word "golliwog" or do you think that group to whom it is being aimed should get to decide?

I am sure there were plenty of "whites" using the word thinking it was just a bit of fun and totaly non-offensive.

Black people were probably more worked up about the general attitude they experienced from whites, than the words used. The words then became symbols for what they felt. Obviously, to change or outlaw the use of a word does not mean an attitude disappears. Why do you think so many ways of referring to people of African ancestry have been discarded?

The relation between Caucasians and Thais is quite different to that between people of African ancestry who grew up in Western countries to which their ancestors had been dragged in chains to live in what most today would view as subhuman conditions, and the Caucasians who formed most of the economic elite in those countries.

I think the blacks who protested about 'Golliwog' were more realistic to feel apprehensive about what the group that consisted partially of former whip-wielding slave masters were up to, based on them having a few hundred years of oppression in fresh memory and only quite recently having been afforded the same rights as other races in many countries. Just my opinion of course.

Unlike many Westerners 50-100 years ago, Thais do not view Caucasians -in general- as being an uneducated race or second class citizens, nor have they or do they buy and sell us Caucasians as slaves on a large scale (there may have been some instances I don't know of but in any case nowhere near the magnitude of the slave trade to the Americas from Africa). Caucasians in Thailand are not a disadvantaged group in general. Sure, many of us have fewer rights because it is a little cumbersome to get permanent residency and citizenship, but for somebody with a decent education, a proper job and planning, it is nevertheless quite possible if that is what one desires. In general, we always have the option of leaving Thailand if we really want to. It's a big world, and if we feel that all options weighed, it is too much trouble to live in Thailand, we usually have a home country to return to and the opportunity to go back and get a job where we have more rights than here.

So, personally I think we ought to have less reason to feel apprehensive about the intentions and attitudes of Thais to us as a group.

That doesn't stop some Westerners from adopting a victim mentality though. I know some people do have it rough and I sympathize, but in comparison to the Burmese and Thai poor who live from hand to mouth and may be dying in AIDS in the shack a few doors down from their condominium, they really do not have that much reason to complain.

Anyways, if you persist in feeling that strongly about this issue, maybe head over to a forum for Thais in the Thai language, and explain to them in their own language how deeply offended you feel about being referred to as a 'farang'. Or put a video on Youtube, or make a banner to take into the streets saying 'กรุณาอย่าเรียกผมฝรั่งครับ ผมชื่อเอด' which might attract the attention of the Thai media.

That way you may be able to get them to listen, and initiate some change if you feel it is important.

You do know enough Thai to get your point through without resorting to English, right?

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Ok, How would the offended people prefer to be referred to.

I mean really, what generic name for a westerner would you not be offended by? Then we can re-educate the whole nation to understand that the word farang, that has been used for generations, should be dropped.

The question still remains though, what can we use to cover all the different nationalities?

It seems the term farang is considered disrespectful to a lot of westerners but where I come from respect is earned, and that was my experience in Thailand.

The people of my wifes village didn't care what my name was for a while, farang served the purpose quite well as I was the only one there, but after a few months everyone (who knew me) referred to me by my name, or their version of my name

My wife can project my name in a very negative way when she choses and she can also make the word farang sound dam_n sexy.

I think farang think to much!!! :o

How about "Person Residing In Chosen Kingdom"?


No offence to anyone intended

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I blame the teachers..!!!! If the children were taught to use the word "chow tang chat" ( foreinger)then it may not have the same feeling or be so easy to throw around, as farrang.As tried to put it, not understanding the Thai country..gives them an excuse ?

For me it makes me understand how Asain people in the UK would have fetl when they were all referred to as Pakkis in the 70's.

I put up with it,however when a child in B c shouts out from her shopping trolley, " Farrang" how as I suppposed to feel..

I actually retorted on this particular occasion with in Thai, same as a monkey and made a monkey noise ,her grandmother was somewhat shocked,but got the point...

Maybe I was having one of those days..but I dislike and find it rude..

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When I was waiting reading a mag, the seat became vacated and since there was another guy in the room before I came, I continued to mind my own business, looking at the mag. So she then says "farang/mate/pal/buddy (its your turn)". Then she uses the word unnecessarily in a few other ways, like "farang/mate/pal/buddy, how much off the top today?".

Nothing wrong with that!

An apology would be in order.

Yes, you should apologise for being a silly sod! The ball is now in your court - you can go crying to Mummy or get a backbone and a pair of balls and stop whinging.

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Barky ---- out of your last 20 posts ... how many of them were negative about Thailand and Thai people? :o

How fluent are you in Thai?

It really does appear that you HATE it here, and if that is the case you certainly have my pity! I just wouldn't live in a place I didn't love!

Thank you for the interest in my posts. Yes you are right I am negative about Thais on certain issues. Those issues are dealing with the murder, rape, abuse, discrimination, rip-offs that some westeners receive at the hands of some Thais. If you think these issues are trivial and unimportant then I strongly disagree. These issues are important to me because if I can improve the situation, even a little bit, then it may lead to a better outcome for me and other westeners living here or touring.If I am sussessful then I am happy.

Fluency in Thai has little to do with the fact that some westeners don't like being called a farang when offence is intended. If you like it then that's OK, I don't, and I'm going to say so.

And no I don't hate it here. I, in fact have a nice happy lifestyle. I don't need your pity thanks.

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Jdinasia, Thankyou for your interest in my posts. Your are correct , most of them are negative to Thais. I post on issues I think are important in the hope that I, in some small waymay improve the situation not only for myself but also for other westeners living or visiting Thailand. Those issues are murder, rape, mugging, abuse, rip-offs, discrimination committed by some Thais on some westeners. If you think these issues are not important I disagree strongly with you . The ability to be fluent in Thai does not mean its OK for Thais to use the F word negatively in a racist, discriminating manner. Yes I like Thailand , but that has nothing to do with this issue.

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Barky ---- out of your last 20 posts ... how many of them were negative about Thailand and Thai people? :o

How fluent are you in Thai?

It really does appear that you HATE it here, and if that is the case you certainly have my pity! I just wouldn't live in a place I didn't love!

Thank you for the interest in my posts. Yes you are right I am negative about Thais on certain issues. Those issues are dealing with the murder, rape, abuse, discrimination, rip-offs that some westeners receive at the hands of some Thais. If you think these issues are trivial and unimportant then I strongly disagree. These issues are important to me because if I can improve the situation, even a little bit, then it may lead to a better outcome for me and other westeners living here or touring.If I am sussessful then I am happy.

Fluency in Thai has little to do with the fact that some westeners don't like being called a farang when offence is intended. If you like it then that's OK, I don't, and I'm going to say so.

And no I don't hate it here. I, in fact have a nice happy lifestyle. I don't need your pity thanks.

Fluency has much to do with the situation, since it would be impossible to know if offense was intended w/o knowing what was said in all but the most egregious situations. For instance, when walking down the street and you hear the word farang then unless you know Thai, you will just be assuming all the rest of the content being said. (And unless you look to see who said it you will likely never even know if you were the intended target of the word, it is after all also a fruit.)

Farang, when used 3rd person (he she it they etc) is useful. Unless the farang in question is one of many in that area it is a very fast identifier. Even when the farang IS one of many then it can be the farang in the red shirt! Back 'home' when talking with friends, if Everett's name woud come up and someone was unsure of who he was out of the group we were talking about then he'd be identified as the 'asian guy'. If a group of people were sitting around and saw someone walking by that was distinctive in some way, he'd get mentioned by or about that distinction most likely. Be it is skin color or his mode of dress.

Barky, the examples you have given in this thread makes you appear paranoid to me. So someone mentions you when you walk down the street! So what? It doesn't mean that they were being impolite or "saying something stupid". In a white neighborhood 'back home' if you were black in that situation you might hear someone mention "the black guy", That has no relationship on what else is being said other than as an identifier. (would work with any race so long as the person being discussed was a minority in that area).

Even the guys talking about their wife's families in this thread that have mentioned being called farang when they KNOW that no offense is meant, seem to cry about it.

Really folks ... the shameful thing is trying to change over a language and a culture to fit your Western PC beliefs!

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