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Recently we (our facility) has been getting trapped by Google when doing a Google search with messages the search looks like an automated request. We have to enter a captcha twice, one on the English page then on the Thai page.

This is getting frustrating especially when the search terms are of a technical nature and it doesn't make sense that it would be considered automated. The below shows an example using 'sine wave generator circuits' as the search term. It's been getting progressively worse over the last two weeks. Any others seen an increase in these messages?


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I encountered the same problems a few weeks ago when searching for financial or government sites using Vista, IE or Firefox with or without a proxy. I changed search engines after failing to fix the problem.

At the same time using another computer with XP, IE7 or Firefox with or without a proxy, Google didn’t and still doesn’t have a problem.

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Have it a lot, depending how your ISP is routing the traffic.

If they are routing lots of traffic through one of their proxy servers, all google searches from all subscribers of that ISP looks to google like they come from 1 and the same IP address.

Hence the warning.

I have an even bigger problem, several of CAT's Hinet proxy servers are listed as being open proxies, making it impossible for me to log into my European bank account, paypal and hosts of other security sensitive sites!

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If they are routing lots of traffic through one of their proxy servers, all google searches from all subscribers of that ISP looks to google like they come from 1 and the same IP address.

Hence the warning.

Yeah, that is my take on it since most departments at the university go through the computer center transparent proxy server before leaving to Bangkok. I wasn't very happy when I discovered the transparent proxy sometime ago. It has caused problems with black listing. :o

Guess will have to live with it unless it gets substantially worse. My research work relies heavily on search engines and getting information quickly.

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Same for me since 11 April. They also suspended the Google Search on my web site after higher than usual traffic. :D

I've been searching technical data on polyaluminum chloride consumption in Thailand and aviation data with more commercial sites hitting the top of the result pages. Yahoo seems to be providing better results than Google. :o


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Does appear associated with the university network in my case. Friday, nearly every search request came up with a captcha at the uni and every search was using highly technical terms. :o Had to go to Yahoo for results. However, at home with my DTAC EDGE account it rarely happens with Google.

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I've never ever seen it happen apart from when I'm using my CAT account. EDGE is fine, both Dtac and AIS, TT&T Maxnet never had it...

I believe our university link to Bangkok is CAT so maybe explains it some. It's quite frustrating since I have to do a significant amount of research and rely upon Google.

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