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Police Retrieve Stolen ATM Machine With Bt1.1 Million Inside


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Police retrieve stolen ATM machine with Bt1.1 million inside

NAKHON SI THAMMARAT: -- Thieves stole an ATM machine in this southern province and took it to a rubber plantation early Friday but failed to open it.

Police said villagers in Ron Phibul district alerted them at 5:30 am that they saw four or five men rode motorcycles and pulled a handcart with an object looking like an ATM machine.

Police investigated and found that an ATM machine of the Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives in the district disappeared.

Police later found the ATM machine inside a rubber plantation and the thieves also took away its hard drive of the box for recording feed from its attached security camera.

It took ten police officers to carry the machine to a police truck and took it to the district police station.

-- The Nation 2008-04-12

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Guess the Crooks didn't anything blow the ATM open, DUMB CROOKS :D:D:D:o

Yup. Dumb COPS too!

I've often found myself idly wondering how much cash there might be in the ATM I'm using. Now I know the potential, and now so does every potential tea-leaf who reads this story!

Stand by for MANY more ATM thefts by bad guys who are FAR better organised than these idiots.

Well done, boys in brown!!

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Sweet knolly! Hadn't thought of that. Still, probably not the best idea to launder money in such a well 'covered by closed circuit camera' locale... even in another country as it all gets back to the BOT eventually and it probably wouldn't be too hard for them to backtrack. Will stick to being a flower vendor.


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I remember a spate of ATM robberies in the UK some years ago. The thieves used a fork lift and truck.

Apparently there is a surprising amount of money in an ATM. Trick is to take it when it is full not say after a weekend.


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