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Thai Ladies With Good Memories


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Oh all-right, when I say 'ladies', I actually mean SOME ladies, especially those in Patpong etc.

But I'm intrigued by this, all the same.

Over the past 18 months or so, I've chatted to quite a few 'ladies'. Perhaps I havn't seen these ladies again for over 12 months.

However, sometimes when I'm walking down the street, one of these long-lost ladies will greet me 'Khun Simon, Khun Simon, where you been??'

Now, how on earth can they remember my name? I have trouble remembering the names of my children, let alone someone who was but a passing ship in the night :o

I think there could be one of a few reasons:

1 - I'm wearing a T-shirt with the slogan 'My name is Simon. Greet me and I'll buy you a beer'

2 - I was the best thing in bed since Woody Allen's orgasmatron, and my name and face is forever embedded in their minds. (Sounds plausible :D )

3 - I was the biggest jerk that they ever met, and every bar has my poster on the wall 'This <deleted> is called Simon. Milk him for every baht he has'

4 - Thai ladies carry a PDA with face-recognition and personal data profile

5 - Thai ladies really do have remarkable memories for remembering names and faces

Or is there some other reason?

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But I'm intrigued by this, all the same.

I think it comes with the turf. Getting to know and remember people and faces is the key to making money, whether working in a buy-me-drink bar, another kind of bar, or even a car dealership or other sales job, IMHO.

I like to go to the corner bar in Soi Cowboy with all the pool tables, first because I can just kick back and relax there without a big hustle, and two because the mamasan and a couple of the girls remember me from the very first time I went in there. Between that and the fact that they treat me nicely, it provides a reason to keep going back if I feel like unwinding. That's money in the bank for them.

On the other hand, I as a mostly full time computer geek, could probably recite from memory the names of recent computer chipsets and things like that. But ask to name and describe all of the people I met last week, fuggetaboutit!

When one's job involves people/people relationships and income is directly related to remembering one's clientele, it's get good at it or find a new job, I think.

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When i was a waiter in a former life , recognizing people and knowing your repeat customers was just simply the key to making money.

They have to think you are their friend that can do something special for them.

It sure pays in tips later :o

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His photo, together with full capability particulars and financial information are duly posted on the walls of comfort stations in the streets of nocturnal delights.

Oh dear! The bit on full capability particulars might be a bit short :o

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His photo, together with full capability particulars and financial information are duly posted on the walls of comfort stations in the streets of nocturnal delights.

Oh dear! The bit on full capability particulars might be a bit short :D

When short was mentioned on the posters, I associated it with a shortage of money, and I was doubtless wrong. Velly solly. :o

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Simon, seriously top post! Hardly venture down Nana much nowadays, but in the few times I am there there are always girls who remember me by name from my first 2 week holiday out here that I haven't seen since. I never took any of these girls back, just spoke with them!

This was well over 3 years ago - <deleted> do I remember them!!!

Fair enough, it might come with the turf - knowing somebody by name always gives a conversation a much more friendly edge, but there must be thousands of punters these girls talk to every year individually at the same level... :o

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I think it comes with the turf. Getting to know and remember people and faces is the key to making money, whether working in a buy-me-drink bar, another kind of bar, or even a car dealership or other sales job, IMHO.

And let's not forget they've had a minimum of five- six years of intense practice in rote memorization in school. So they've been well-trained in this particular skill.

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.....However, sometimes when I'm walking down the street, one of these long-lost ladies will greet me 'Khun Simon, Khun Simon, where you been??'....

But seriously, this can be quite a problem when you are walking the new love-of-your-life home to your apartment and, at every second soi along Sukhumvit Road, some past aquaintance has the temerity to shout out your name! After two or three, the new love-of-your-life tends not to believe the "must've been someone else she was shouting at" excuse :o ,

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