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True Cut My Adsl?


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So I've been with True since the new unlimited packages started (nearly 3 months now I guess) and I've since received no bill. I called them to inquire about it a month ago and they said they'd check... right. Now my little ADSL LED on my router wont shine. Have they cut me off? Any one else not receiving bills? Guess it look like another fun hours wait on the phone to True again.

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I had one problem with the ADSL disconnecting for no apparent reason, and refusing to connect again. I rang them up and they were somehow able to get it going again, but they wouldn't tell me what they did.

Anyway, I had a problem at their end which was solved fairly easily, and their staff were fairly helpful (apart from not wanting to tell me why :o

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You may want to make sure they have your correct mailing address. They use the wrong post office for me and seem to be unable to change it (had same problem with UBC several years ago).

Have also heard others talk about normal mail service getting much worse recently. Probably best to set up for direct debit from bank account at BBL or BAY.

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Got them to repeat my mailing address over the phone which was correct, I mean the normal telephone bill (exactly the same address) always reaches me. They said they had sent me bills... So how can three separate bill over three months get lost when the address is correct. BS, I bet they haven't sent me a thing and just decided to cut me without a thought.

This appears to be their standard, so there is no way on earth they'll be accessing my account.

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Got them to repeat my mailing address over the phone which was correct, I mean the normal telephone bill (exactly the same address) always reaches me. They said they had sent me bills... So how can three separate bill over three months get lost when the address is correct. BS, I bet they haven't sent me a thing and just decided to cut me without a thought.

This appears to be their standard, so there is no way on earth they'll be accessing my account.

The phone bills come in TOT envelops which may get better handling? These bills came in Asianet and now True envelopes and look more like advertising.

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In my experience with True, it doesn't matter if they have the correct mailing address or not. So far, I've had them not send a bill to me twice, and I've had them send a bill late more often then on time. By late, I mean that I receive the bill AFTER the "pay by" date on the bill. And yes, they have the correct address, the address that every other mail item is sent to.

The late bill/no bill issue has already been discussed by Thais, since it occurs quite often. The conclusion, after much pointless talk with True, is that it's the *customer's* duty to see that the balance is paid, whether you get a bill or not. That is, if you don't get a bill, you are to go to the True shop and pay anyways, providing either 1. your user name 2. your account number or 3. your phone number. In other words, if you don't get a bill and don't pay, it's YOUR FAULT.

I've often heard the Thai expression "the customer is GOD", but I think in this case, quite the opposite is "True" (what a painfully accurate pun).

In another related story: Last year I cancelled my old True subscription to change the package. However, I kept receiving bills for my old subscription. One of the True ladies called to check why I wasn't paying my bills, and I told her I had already cancelled. So she said that she would clear my balance for the old account, and said I didn't have to pay. I asked her two more times to be certain, and she repeated that I didn't have to pay. Guess what? Last month, I receive a letter from True threatening legal action of I didn't pay that balance. I call True, and they say that I have to pay, since there is a balance. I tell them about the call, and they say "give us the name of the person who called you" and of course, I had never asked her name. So, I had to pay for something that they had said I didn't have to pay for. It's great to be screwed by True, yet again (no, this isn't the first, or second, or third time).

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