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Exporting Buddha Images?

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I have two questions about shipping Buddha Images overseas, perhaps someone can clarify the policies.

1) I came from India into Thailand with a collection of Thangkas...these are Buddha Paintings from Tibet (some old) ...... and I am selling these retail over the internet. shipping them one by one. Is the prohibition of Buddha Images just for Thai Buddha or for all Buddha? (note: Any Thai Buddhist would be able to figure out that these paintings did not originate in Thailand)

2) Am I allowed to Ship individually NEW Buddha Statues and Buddha Heads. (I have had ten different people tell me ten different things on this.) If the answer is yes, then am I allowed to ship NEW Teak Buddha Statues etc..

Thank you in Advance

S. Jahan

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You need a permit from the Department of Fine Arts, Ministry of Education to export _or_ import Buddha images. You need two photographs of the object to be imported or exported, your passport and an application form to get the permit.

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All religious images, old and new, require a permit (see above), except small 'amulets' to be worn on the person.

In practise, there isn't much of a problem. Some post offices will inspect the content of your parcel, and may not let you send your 'Buddhas'. Courier services are more cooperative, but may refuse also.

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  • 5 weeks later...
Does anyone know the precise definition of the words 'buddha image'? Does this cover, say paintings of buddhist images?

The law says all art, too. Guess that includes paintings. I also understand that buddha images from other countries (like your thonka images) are not required to have the export permits.

Many years ago, I was in an xray que at the airport. A lady in front of me was questioned about a buddha statue in her carry-on bag. She told him that she was taking it home to put in her garden as a decoration. They took it away from her..

I also had a reclining buddha statue in my bag... When it got to my turn, I told him I was Buddhist (true) and was taking it home to place on my altar. No problem, in my case...

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The Truth of the matter, is that without a permit to export, it is illegal to remove Buddha images from the kingdom.(unless it is for a Buddhist)

Like many other things here, what is permitted and what actually happens are two different things.

If you send by courier and you are caught without a permit, then you will be in deep doodoo.

Many Freight companies here in CM will send for you for a fee. Some get permits, some grease palms.

I was told by somebody who was "in the know", that the going rate for a container load was THB25000.

I was also told by an Antique shop owner, that for small items they did not get a permit as by shipping SMS was much easier...... :o

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