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If you are from the USA and you are trying to hide it then you are Gutless and have not even a right to be associated as an american..


I'm a US citizen too. I'm not trying to hide it. However that fact seems to get me in some discussions that would be better concluded after the facts become history. To keep slightly on topic, we US citizens ARE herded into one group (unjustifiably) in the minds of the more vocal from most other nationalities. I'm in agreement that the US has made some terrible political and inhumane mistakes with it's military. I am also of the opinion that if it were not for that same military, the world as we know it would not exsist.

:o Coffee!!! :D

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I too am ashamed of some of the things that our government has done over the past few years but I am still and will always be proud of my background...

We all make mistakes and most of the time we learn from them and learn to live with them...

But I feel we are way off the subject of helping and taking care of our expat people by lowering down to talk about anothers country....

Are we here to help others asking questions or are we here to try and outdo the others???

I like this forum but I think at many times we get carried away and forget the points or questions asked....

I dont hate or dislike anyone!!!!!


cricket?...'fraid not...it's Major League Rounders although played by large muscular men with large bats rather than school girls in the UK...

True...but basically it's a girl's game :o

Girls do play what's called "softball" in the states. It's either fast or slow pitch and some of those chicks would blow away a cricket bat with the speed they deliver!

btw...Houston Astros are going all the way this year! :D


To herd, isn't it to look for protection among a bunch of the same?

I would not limit this to Americans, you find it in Thailand, at least in the big cities with all nationalities. Major countries have established here own chambers of commerce, own clubs, 'own' pubs catering chiefly to US-cittizens, English, French, Germans, Swiss, Australian a.s.o. You find the same with the Japanese, the Korean, the Indians.

Many only live within these circles, IMHO because being afraid, suffring from language problems a.s.o.

Anyway, try to mingle, listen and learn from Thais and any other nationals who live here, but by all means avoid politics.

When traveling in LOS I've always liked spending time with BGs or monks... :D

Btw Pepe' it's spelt "lose" not "loose"....... :D

Your signature that is (Janis Joplin/K Kristofferson - Me An' Bobby Mc Gee )

Pedantic , Moi?


ps resend me that pm please sir, I deleted it by mistake!


cricket?...'fraid not...it's Major League Rounders although played by large muscular men with large bats rather than school girls in the UK...

True...but basically it's a girl's game :D

Girls do play what's called "softball" in the states. It's either fast or slow pitch and some of those chicks would blow away a cricket bat with the speed they deliver!

btw...Houston Astros are going all the way this year! :D

You can't expect Brits to understand/appreciate baseball. Most of them don't even understand cricket, and it's their game! :o

cricket?...'fraid not...it's Major League Rounders although played by large muscular men with large bats rather than school girls in the UK...

True...but basically it's a girl's game :D

Girls do play what's called "softball" in the states. It's either fast or slow pitch and some of those chicks would blow away a cricket bat with the speed they deliver!

btw...Houston Astros are going all the way this year! :D

You can't expect Brits to understand/appreciate baseball. Most of them don't even understand cricket, and it's their game! :o

Now wait a minute Imperialist Yankee Dog! I understand cricket perfectly, Sir! It's Pinnocchio I have problems with!

Now wait a minute Imperialist Yankee Dog! I understand cricket perfectly, Sir! It's Pinnocchio I have problems with!

Hmm.... Here is a joke.....What does England and Boston have in common? :o:D


Now wait a minute Imperialist Yankee Dog! I understand cricket perfectly, Sir! It's Pinnocchio I have problems with!

Hmm.... Here is a joke.....What does England and Boston have in common? :o:D

:D statement retracted as it was said in jest but could be taken to seriously by people.

Cheers Mango :D

btw...Houston Astros are going all the way this year! :D

Well, we'll see after the first NCLS game tonight...Which I won't be watching, 'cuz the ACLS game is on at that time also! Astros are hot at the moment, But the Cards are the best team ( I admit ) in baseball right now, and they have an incredible and the best offense.

Yes, It's going to be a very good series that I won't be watching! :o

Err... Sorry, Off Topic! What was the Topic about again?

Hearding Americans? :D


Now wait a minute Imperialist Yankee Dog! I understand cricket perfectly, Sir! It's Pinnocchio I have problems with!

Hmm.... Here is a joke.....What does England and Boston have in common? :o:D

:D Heres another one. The United States of America

Nope. Try again. :D


Now wait a minute Imperialist Yankee Dog! I understand cricket perfectly, Sir! It's Pinnocchio I have problems with!

Hmm.... Here is a joke.....What does England and Boston have in common? :o:D

Messy chew-sets?


Now wait a minute Imperialist Yankee Dog! I understand cricket perfectly, Sir! It's Pinnocchio I have problems with!

Hmm.... Here is a joke.....What does England and Boston have in common? :o:D

They both have those ###### round-a-bouts that I can never get off of! :D

They also both have tea parties :D


They both have those ###### round-a-bouts that I can never get off of!  :o

That's because you can't drive :D

Huh? :D I could drive circles around you, dude! :D

Huh? :o I could drive circles around you, dude! :D

That's great, but I believe the concept most people follow on the roads is driving straight (following the road itself), until you come to a junction (or roundabout).

Driving around in circles is considered unnecessary practice.


I too am ashamed of some of the things that our government has done over the past few years but I am still and will always be proud of my background...

We all make mistakes and most of the time we learn from them and learn to live with them...

But I feel we are way off the subject of helping and taking care of our expat people by lowering down to talk about anothers country....

Are we here to help others asking questions or are we here to try and outdo the others???

I like this forum but I think at many times we get carried away and forget the points or questions asked....

I dont hate or dislike anyone!!!!!


Sorry Dude,

went off on my soap box a bit -

"herding Americans" are a target these days, anywhere in the world.

IMHO Thailand's easy prey...

No offense intended.



Now wait a minute Imperialist Yankee Dog! I understand cricket perfectly, Sir! It's Pinnocchio I have problems with!

Hmm.... Here is a joke.....What does England and Boston have in common? :o:D

Messy chew-sets?

Funny, but not quite.... :D


Now wait a minute Imperialist Yankee Dog! I understand cricket perfectly, Sir! It's Pinnocchio I have problems with!

Hmm.... Here is a joke.....What does England and Boston have in common? :o:wub:

They both have those ###### round-a-bouts that I can never get off of! :D:

I guess " round-a-bouts " is Britanese for "Rotary", which you find alot of in Boston/Cape Cod area...

Actually, for the joke, "What does England and Boston have in common?" the answer is :

"They Both love to make fun of the Yanks!


They also both have tea parties :D


"Tea Parties" I didn't think of that one! Now THAT is funny!


Back to the herding topic (remember that little thing? :o ) most of the blokes in Annie's bar in Nana (soi 4?) were septics. I was the only Brit I noticed. I was also the only one for whom the girls bought food, refusing to accept my offer to pay my share of the spread. Mind you: the size of tips the seps gave meant the girls could afford to feed one tip-shy Englishman. :D

I guess " round-a-bouts " is Britanese for "Rotary", which you find alot of in Boston/Cape Cod area...

We also have giratories, such as the one at Hanger Lane near Wembley. They're big ######-off roundabouts with traffic lights and large signs that mostly translate as "Screw you".


A bit dull now this thread. We could slag off eachothers idiosyncracies to Kingdom come etc , I mean for Kwiz's sake , CAN'T WE ALL GET ALONG?????????


Close it Wolf.....


cricket?...'fraid not...it's Major League Rounders although played by large muscular men with large bats rather than school girls in the UK...

True...but basically it's a girl's game :o

Girls do play what's called "softball" in the states. It's either fast or slow pitch and some of those chicks would blow away a cricket bat with the speed they deliver!

btw...Houston Astros are going all the way this year! :D

Yeah!! It's about time!! Go Astros!!

cricket?...'fraid not...it's Major League Rounders although played by large muscular men with large bats rather than school girls in the UK...

True...but basically it's a girl's game :D

Girls do play what's called "softball" in the states. It's either fast or slow pitch and some of those chicks would blow away a cricket bat with the speed they deliver!

btw...Houston Astros are going all the way this year! :D

Yeah!! It's about time!! Go Astros!!

Sorry but no the Kings of the world series will get it again NEW YORK YANKEES :o


I too am ashamed of some of the things that our government has done over the past few years but I am still and will always be proud of my background...

We all make mistakes and most of the time we learn from them and learn to live with them...

But I feel we are way off the subject of helping and taking care of our expat people by lowering down to talk about anothers country....

Are we here to help others asking questions or are we here to try and outdo the others???

I like this forum but I think at many times we get carried away and forget the points or questions asked....


  I dont hate or dislike anyone!!!!!

                                            KHUNDAN SENDS

I'm not ashamed.

But back to the herding thing. I have noticed (being an American) and IMHO, in my immediate surrounds, that Americans tend to be happy to see another American (just because of the rarity of it) but don't tend to hang in groups as is often seen with others nationalities. Exceptions to this would be if an American owned establishment was airing the World Series or Super Bowl. THEN you get some herding!!! :D .

:o Coffee!!! :D

I as a retired Marine and as an American Marine I am very proud of the USA...If you are from the USA and you are trying to hide it then you are Gutless and have not even a right to be associated as an american..

For the others that hate Americans So Be It, However if you look throughout history the americans have made you what you are today wheather Idiots or good people......

I love being an American but I love most of all living in Thailand where the only predujuice is from the Thai government towards people who are not Thai//.


Sounds like foolspeak.

Maybe you should walk around the Middle East in a Marines T Shirt and test out some of your theories.

Have you been out of the US long? Thai people are very prejudice.


I as a retired Marine and as an American Marine I am very proud of the USA...If you are from the USA and you are trying to hide it then you are Gutless and have not even a right to be associated as an american..

For the others that hate Americans So Be It, However if you look throughout history the americans have made you what you are today wheather Idiots or good people......

I love being an American but I love most of all living in Thailand where the only predujuice is from the Thai government towards people who are not Thai//.

                                            KHUNDAN SENDS

Sounds like foolspeak.

Maybe you should walk around the Middle East in a Marines T Shirt and test out some of your theories.

Have you been out of the US long? Thai people are very prejudice.


Didn't england rule the world once??? (Coming from an American) :o

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