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You have to remember that you are from a developed country, with respect and understanding for another persons needs and surroundings.......

And some say my head is in the clouds :o:D

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Well after a couple of years in BKK I would say that I have adjusted to the level of noise completely.....APART FROM THOSE DAMNED MEGAPHONE TRUCKS!!!!.

Ahem, excuse me for that outburst but it is the one thing that really gets my goat and I cannot get used to. My soi has endless streams of these prats starting from the raw fish seller at 6am (who needs a fry-up at 11am after a night on the town when u can have raw squid at 6am) through to the longkon sellers past 6pm.

My girlfriend is really amused at my distaste of this level of noise at such ungodly hours -completely baffled as to why anyone would be annoyed by this, even though it disturbs here last couple of hours in the sack before she has to get up for work. In that sense I kind of admire the Thai's.

BEST ONE YET : woken up at around 8-9am with the loudest megaphone truck blasting out a barrage of Thai right under my balcony. It stayed there for 20mins so I asked the GF what were they doing "Oh they are government, they are telling people how to clean their house properly and telling people off about bad hegiene" :o:D

Nothing I could say to that one really :D


Though I am rarely home at 6PM, I can't stand the techno music that the aerobic class at the club's parking lot blares at full blast. It's only one hour a day but still, aaaaaggggghhhhhhh :D:D

But not as bad as in China, where it was always pleasant to go for a stroll or a hike at a beautiful hill, and have lively music blaring through loud speakers enhancing your nature experience. :o


"Come to the edge, He said. They said, "We are afraid." "Come to the edge," He said. They came. He pushed them... and they flew."

Guillaume Apollinaire


One time I went to a school fundraiser sports day in the village.

Apart from all the adults being totally drunk at 10am, the noise was unbelievable.

There was a karaoke and right next to that a group and right next to them a disco. All competing with each other. People came to talk to me and seemed to believe that the only thing I could say was ARAI NAH!.

They all seem to be able to have quite normal conversations with each other, but I can't hear a word they say.

T.I.T. :o

Where do you buy industrial earplugs in Thailand? I've tried web searches etc but cannot find a supplier to provide more than 28db protection. From my experience swimming earplugs/travellers etc are waste of time. My major noise problem has been cockerals. Noise level must be over 100db. Had to move out of the moo baan & rent a condo

I got a heap from a friend who works for Unical. Not sure what protection they have. I'll maaybe ask him the next time I speak to him.

You can try this mail order company although I have no idea if they ship to Thailand.



I can accept to some degree the noise on the streets (dogs, motorbikes and fruit vans) but what annoys me most is the incredibly loud music in some restaurants. It's often impossible to have a normal conversation.

Also walking around Carrefours and Lotus can be a nightmare. They have so many young people using huge speakers to promote their products. Each one trying to outdo the other. I usually wear earplugs now whenever I go shopping.

A few months ago I was in England with my Thai wife and she even remarked how quiet it was in the supermarkets and on the streets.

Anyway despite all the complaints I still love Thailand.

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