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I won't rant and rave (again) about this stupid test but question's like this get om my nerves:-

Where do you normally go first if you wish to buy a house in Scotland?


Estate Agent

Building Society

Local Bank

The correct answer (for the test) is Solicitor. What a load of <deleted>. Do Solicitor's in Scotland keep detailed information on houses that are for sale? Or do you go to an Estate Agent first, to see what is on the market. The question is totally mis-leading. It should be something like:- Once you have found a house to buy, where do you normally go first, if you wish to buy a house in Scotland?

Edit- P.S. thanks for the link mariner :o

Are these tests real? if so I've just failed

Yep, they're for real CMS.

Don't worry i failed too. I think i will be getting deported soon :o

Probably not a bad thing MrBoj. :D

Seriously though, these questions are a joke.


I failed. Guess I should hand my passport in to the Embassy.

But some of the questions I got wrong are : The Royal Family is important and popular in the UK - I answered false, the correct answer is true. I actually disagree.

The British Constitution is government through a number of institutions which provide checks on each other

The correct answer is supposed to be true, but I fundamentally disagree as Britain does not have a constitution, it has a body of law and precedent, all of which can be changed at any time by the Prime Minister, Cabinet or Parliament depending on the law or precedent. Also, the UK system is not a system of checks and balances. The US system is such a system because it was explicitly set up to be such to be an improvement on the UK system.

A bunch of the other questions are about the European Union. The true answer for those for a real British person would be: © Who gives a <deleted>?


Failed 58%. Most of the questions are ambigious or irellevant to anyone living in the UK. I suppose it pretty much sums up Labours immigration policy. :o

Failed 58%. Most of the questions are ambigious or irellevant to anyone living in the UK. I suppose it pretty much sums up Labours immigration policy. :o

So tell me this guys, what if the Mrs was to fail the test, do they send her home.

Failed 58%. Most of the questions are ambigious or irellevant to anyone living in the UK. I suppose it pretty much sums up Labours immigration policy. :o

So tell me this guys, what if the Mrs was to fail the test, do they send her home.


Have a look through This

your application will be refused and considered as an application to extend your temporary permission to stay in the United Kingdom (we call this 'further leave to remain').

I believe this is OK




Your wife-to-be can sit the Life in the UK test as many times as she wishes until she passes. If, when the time comes to apply for indefinite leave, she still does not have an English/citizenship qualification, she will be given an additional two years.

Anyway, I thought your missus was going to study Scots Gaelic?



Right, im just going to take the test myself, see how I get on :D

But before I do, maybe you could tell me if the questions on the link, are included in the real test, obviously they will not all be the same, or are they?

Are they just some random questions which are involved in the test??

One more thing, are the life in uk test questions exactly the same everytime you take the test??

I meen my wife takes a test in january, fails, then takes it again in february, will they be the same questions as january??

Cheers all, and here goes. :o


Am I the only one who passed then :o

Although I have gotta agree with some questions.

The majority of the Britain ( sic )believes that women shouldn't work in the UK

Need I say more.....................................


One more thing, are the life in uk test questions exactly the same everytime you take the test??


I meen my wife takes a test in january, fails, then takes it again in february, will they be the same questions as january??


But before I do, maybe you could tell me if the questions on the link, are included in the real test, obviously they will not all be the same, or are they?


There are so many questions from so many links on the web, there will always be a chance that you get a similar question, but unlikely questions, in the real thing.


Why don't you read all of the questions on all of the links all over the web and you are bound to pass, although I would suggest it is easier just to read, learn and memorize the relevant chapters in the relevant book.

I did answer this question on your last thread.

Good Luck



I also think some of the questions are a joke, but the point is that's what they are and we just have to live with it.

Don't forget, although its hassle, your other half can fail the test 9 times and pass it on the 10th and its still cheaper than having to apply for a FLR visa because she/he hasn't qualified for the ILR visa.

If it's useful, I've got a couple of tips that helped us:

1. Keep taking the practice exams online AND in the official test book - do one a day with your partner, check what questions they get wrong and explain the right answer. If they can't understand the right answer, keep practising the questions until she just knows it parrot fashion.

2. Do 'pop' quizzes all the time - I did dates etc - keep asking her saints days until she remembers them all.

3. There are about 60 pages to learn in the book. I went through it all and summarised it to take out all the waffle so she just had the facts to remember. It still leaves plenty to learn but not as much as learning the whole book.

4. Take the test as early as possible. You wouldn't believe the amount of pressure it takes off by taking the test without knowing the visa application date is looming.

All of the above took a lot of hard work and practice, but that is the point, you need to do the work, but it is worth it. The look on my wife's face when she got the pass result was terrific.

Hope this helps.


Good Post DC

I also think some of the questions are a joke, but the point is that's what they are and we just have to live with it.

A line I couldn't agree more with and the rest of your post is spot on.



It's hard to believe that these are the actual questions used - they're full of misspellings, poor grammar and faulty punctuation. Some of them are so garbled as to be meaningless.

A sign of the times?

My wife used this site its free and passed the test first time: i hope its of help.


You're having us on, aren't you? Please, someone confirm this is a joke ... it is, isn't it? Just an example of British satirical humour, .. right?

Right, im just going to take the test myself, see how I get on :D

But before I do, maybe you could tell me if the questions on the link, are included in the real test, obviously they will not all be the same, or are they?

Are they just some random questions which are involved in the test??

One more thing, are the life in uk test questions exactly the same everytime you take the test??

I meen my wife takes a test in january, fails, then takes it again in february, will they be the same questions as january??

Cheers all, and here goes. :o

Right, im just going to take the test myself, see how I get on :D

But before I do, maybe you could tell me if the questions on the link, are included in the real test, obviously they will not all be the same, or are they?

Are they just some random questions which are involved in the test??

One more thing, are the life in uk test questions exactly the same everytime you take the test??

I meen my wife takes a test in january, fails, then takes it again in february, will they be the same questions as january??

Cheers all, and here goes. :o

my wife took and passed the test first time after studying a question and answer book, as well as taking practise on line tests repeatedly, she took it with a friend who failed and they both had different tests. in fact all 7 people who took the test had different tests, the friend finally passed on her third attempt and had different tests each time.


My missus has been using this site to practice.

I'm convinced she was the only person i know who was aware it was St Georges day a few days back :o

I won't rant and rave (again) about this stupid test but question's like this get om my nerves:-

Where do you normally go first if you wish to buy a house in Scotland?


Estate Agent

Building Society

Local Bank

The correct answer (for the test) is Solicitor. What a load of <deleted>. Do Solicitor's in Scotland keep detailed information on houses that are for sale? Or do you go to an Estate Agent first, to see what is on the market. The question is totally mis-leading. It should be something like:- Once you have found a house to buy, where do you normally go first, if you wish to buy a house in Scotland?

Edit- P.S. thanks for the link mariner :o

Maybe you should look into buying a house in Scotland before you complain about the test.

Solicitor's in Scotland (that are involved in housebuying), at least where I lived, DO keep detailed information on houses that are for sale. I don't remember ever seeing an Estate Agent-like premises in Scotland that wasn't actually a solicitors.

They even have a thing called the "solicitor's property centre" which has details for houses for sale through all the solicitors in the area.

Maybe it's to do with an offer in Scotland being legally binding, unlike the sassenach practice of gazumping (in a rising market), and gazundering (in a falling market).

  • 2 weeks later...

Instead of doing the life in the uk test, my wife is about to start an ESOL course and once she reaches level 3 she doesnt need to do the life in the UK test in order to get ILR.

I won't rant and rave (again) about this stupid test but question's like this get om my nerves:-

Where do you normally go first if you wish to buy a house in Scotland?


Estate Agent

Building Society

Local Bank

The correct answer (for the test) is Solicitor. What a load of <deleted>. Do Solicitor's in Scotland keep detailed information on houses that are for sale? Or do you go to an Estate Agent first, to see what is on the market. The question is totally mis-leading. It should be something like:- Once you have found a house to buy, where do you normally go first, if you wish to buy a house in Scotland?

Edit- P.S. thanks for the link mariner :o

Maybe you should look into buying a house in Scotland before you complain about the test.

Solicitor's in Scotland (that are involved in housebuying), at least where I lived, DO keep detailed information on houses that are for sale. I don't remember ever seeing an Estate Agent-like premises in Scotland that wasn't actually a solicitors.

They even have a thing called the "solicitor's property centre" which has details for houses for sale through all the solicitors in the area.

Maybe it's to do with an offer in Scotland being legally binding, unlike the sassenach practice of gazumping (in a rising market), and gazundering (in a falling market).

Well there you have it then Mike. Conclusive evidence that the test is a load of <deleted>.

I have lived in England all my life, served in the forces and just because I've been fortunate enough not to have lived in Scotland (even though i have had no choice but to visit occassionally through work :D ) and i didn't know that was the case in Scotland. Tell me please, why should that question even be in the test because for the life of my, i can't think of a reason.

So, i feel i am totally valid in my initial complainjt about the test.

and i didn't know that was the case in Scotland.

If you read the book Mr Boj then you would, I think that is the point.


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