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Is Living In Thailand Really That Bad These Days?


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Girlx, you don't have enough intelligence to mix with the right kind of people.

you don't know me or the people i mix with so who is being stupid here?

I've read your posts over the years girlx, they are usually about beach boys and people on drugs/involved with drugs or similar kinds of people.

I know you don't mix with the right kind of Thai people because you agreed with an opinion that the Thais are best avoided.

My experience of living here is that Thai people are not best avoided because many of my good friends here are Thai. And none of them fit the description you give of the Thais.

I put that down to my choice to mix with the right people, people who are similar to myself and similar to the kind of people I would know back home. Open minded, loyal, trustworthy, intelligent people etc.

And if you can't find those kind of people in Thailand, well then that's a fault of you've own.

Perhaps you would do better to get away from the island life? Meet wider circles of people that way, you might not be so jaded towards the Thais then.

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Having been an expat in several lands for more than half of my life, I've done my learning curve in assimilation and what I've learned is - it's never easy if you expect to be accepted immediately.

You're on their turf and there will always be people who will make that clear.

The smiles in LOS are mostly reserved for those who can do something for them or their land - and pay their way -nothing new there.

The upside of Thailand is that the officialdom isn't ironclad as it is in many European lands. The people are relatively laissez faire,

the living is comparatively cheap and the weather is predictably clement.

I speak as a Brit and IMO we tend to assimilate better than some other nationalities, perhaps because we were born to roam, so we

are less likely to become aggravated by by foreign customs and mentality.

In short, wherever you settle, you have to take as you find - and this doesn't just apply to Thailand.

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I speak as a Brit and IMO we tend to assimilate better than some other nationalities, perhaps because we were born to roam, so we

are less likely to become aggravated by by foreign customs and mentality.

It's true that if you're in a foreign country and don't know where's the bars and women you just follow the Brits and happy times are there.

Brits often stick to their own so not sure if they assimilate any better or worse than other nationalities.

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about living in a farang-bubble ... lol ... well, living in a bubble is the Thai way, how else do you think people are able to maintain themselves in this mess? they live in their bubble and pretend it's not happening ... so, sure, I live in a bubble, but not because I'm a farang, only because I'm living the Thai way :o

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As long as you can keep your dealing with Thais minimal, it's a nice place

Sadly, I agree with this. Which seemingly leaves only one option, to exploit their country for what it's worth to you, or get out. Most of the long term farangs I know have completely withdrawn from the community and live their own encapsulized farang life within Thailand. I don't even blame them, the Thais don't really let you do much otherwise.

After about 6 years of living here, I am not sure it's such a good place to live. Not that America was much better most of the time, but Thailand is not the nice, fluffy place people think it is when they first arrive. There are lots of positives- the weather, outdoor lifestyle, great food, at least superficially friendly locals, interesting visitors from around the world, amazing geography, cheapness... but there are also many negatives; Thais are of often ruthless and seemingly heartless the closer you get to them. In general- they are obsessed with money. They do not value honesty or loyalty (outside their family) for the most part. They are poor and uneducated and have no real world view, so often can see things only from a very narrow perspective. They will always look at you as a "farang" first, and rarely see you as an individual. The police force is corrupt, the dogs and often children neglected. They pollute their surroundings mercilessly with noise, smoke, trash. They are ot the least diplomatic, often electing to solve their problems with violence. They do indeed whore their daughters (especially those from Isaan). There are huge drug/alcohol problems here. The medical care is laughable outside the big cities. And the nationalistic government constantly makes it clear we as westerners are not wanted here.

Definitely do a trial run before burning your bridges and coming to live here permanently. I still like it here and am not moving on yet, but I will probably not end up here in the long run. The cultural differences irritate me to no end.

Interesting perspective, and I sympathise with your obvious frustration.

Having started life here 31 years ago as a foreigner spending most of my leisure time with other foreigners, but gradually making a transition to living amongst Thais, I have found Thailand to be far more livable once I gained a strong measure of understanding in both language and society here. The place is far from perfect, but I will always prefer the Thai outlook on life to that of my native country, and I feel more comfortable here than anywhere else. Not that one is better than the other, for everyone. But for some of us Thailand is just the thing.

It may have to do with what your original purpose in coming to Thailand was, ie, whether it was instrumental (to make use of the country for one's own ends) or integrative (to become part of society here). The latter goal has always dominated for me, although I have also made my living here, so I have instrumental objectives as well.

Sometimes when reading rants such as these I have to wonder, is it Thailand failing the expat or the expat failing in Thailand? There are always those who are UTLIA (Unfit To Live In Asia) :o

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^ Well said, completely agree, some people just don't know how to manage their lives here, integrate with the society or even choose a decent circle of friends. You have to wonder how they managed in their own country.

I would hazard a guess that's its the people who first come here and thought Thailand was paradise are the first ones to become jaded when they find out it isn't.

When I come here I could see the faults and the cracks in the country, but I could see the positives as well. Over time more negatives have become apparent, but of course more positives also.

I focus on the positives and deal with the faults and I'm still very happy to live here.

For people who complain about the Thai people being mostly (to use girlx's phrase) "poor and uneducated", I have to ask what did they expect to find in a developing nation?

Edited by burman
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Interesting post sabaijai, funny, when I came my life was the other way around, very little foreigners to spend leisure time with so the majority of my time was spent with local thais. Not much has changed, there are alot more foreigners living here now, so I know a few more foreigners, but still, pretty much only know a very small handful well.

I've always thought it was life on the island, but perhaps it falls into that UTLIA you talk about. The foreigners that come here seem to fall into 3 categories, the ones who do quite well, adapt and thrive, those who isolate themselves and don't know anyone outside their little bubble, or those that flip out and end up alcoholics, drug addicts or just plain crazy.

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Girlx, you don't have enough intelligence to mix with the right kind of people.

you don't know me or the people i mix with so who is being stupid here?

I am coming up on 20, in my 19th year this year and I have to say that certainly there are people who live here as girlx says, in their farang bubble, but I wouldn't call them "successful" and I wouldn't really call them long-term either since I would be very surprised if any of them last longer than 7 or 8 years living in this manner.

Well where I live there is one farang woman with her Thai husband who is very successful and after about 13 years here has decided it is best to stick to herself. There are also 2 long term farang men married to Thai women, with successful businesses, who rarely leave their houses. They all have been here for 10+ years and all say they learned early on that it was best to not mix with the locals.

I do think it helps if you have a Thai partner though. I think the only reason one might be accepted into local culture is because of a Thai partner. If the partner wasn't around, you would be just another farang.

In my ten years here I've found the reason why farang stick to themselves is because of the other farang. Mind you I do live on Phuket ...

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I've read your posts over the years girlx, they are usually about beach boys and people on drugs/involved with drugs or similar kinds of people.

If you have read my posts then you know I am a very analytical person, and I observe the life around me voraciously. The people who cause the most drama where I live are the beach boys, the drug dealers, and the scam artists... so yes I write about them, but it is you who assumes this is my social circle.

The foreigners that come here seem to fall into 3 categories, the ones who do quite well, adapt and thrive, those who isolate themselves and don't know anyone outside their little bubble, or those that flip out and end up alcoholics, drug addicts or just plain crazy.

I don't really fit into any of those 3... I have a hard time adjusting (more so as a solo female), but don't isolate myself so much like I have been advised to do. And I am not an alcoholic, drug addict, or crazy.

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I've read your posts over the years girlx, they are usually about beach boys and people on drugs/involved with drugs or similar kinds of people.

If you have read my posts then you know I am a very analytical person, and I observe the life around me voraciously. The people who cause the most drama where I live are the beach boys, the drug dealers, and the scam artists... so yes I write about them, but it is you who assumes this is my social circle.

Well you've wrote before about dating beach boys, cocaine addicted friends etc. So yes I assumed beach boys and drug addicts were part of your social circle.

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Sometimes when reading rants such as these I have to wonder, is it Thailand failing the expat or the expat failing in Thailand? There are always those who are UTLIA (Unfit To Live In Asia) :D

there are also a lot of those who are UTLA (Unfit To Live Anywhere) :o

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I think what most people forget when they judge thai people is that they don't just seem uneducated, not very competent, they simply are. Thailand has only recently lost its status as a 3rd world country, a lot of people have just finished primary school when they started working, trying to make a living.

People who struggle that much to survive aren't usually the ones who hesitate much when there's the possibility to make some quick cash from a Farang.

And on top of that you aren't the only ones who judge Thais in touristic areas as untrustworthy, so does the rest of Thailand as well...

You just need to look for nice, educated people not dependant on tourism or working in the red light district... People who care for Thailand, its culture etc...

And if you know how to voice your criticism for a foreign country you have the privilege to live in, you will see that Thai people around you wholeheartedly agree with you ! And those are also the people who will appreciate your efforts learning thai language & culture.

For me personally, that really is/was the key to success ! Of course I am very critical of Thailand, it's not a dream country at all, but you can spend a nice time there with great people.

my 2 cents,


Edited by sleir
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As long as you can keep your dealing with Thais minimal, it's a nice place

Sadly, I agree with this. Which seemingly leaves only one option, to exploit their country for what it's worth to you, or get out. Most of the long term farangs I know have completely withdrawn from the community and live their own encapsulized farang life within Thailand. I don't even blame them, the Thais don't really let you do much otherwise.

After about 6 years of living here, I am not sure it's such a good place to live. Not that America was much better most of the time, but Thailand is not the nice, fluffy place people think it is when they first arrive. There are lots of positives- the weather, outdoor lifestyle, great food, at least superficially friendly locals, interesting visitors from around the world, amazing geography, cheapness... but there are also many negatives; Thais are of often ruthless and seemingly heartless the closer you get to them. In general- they are obsessed with money. They do not value honesty or loyalty (outside their family) for the most part. They are poor and uneducated and have no real world view, so often can see things only from a very narrow perspective. They will always look at you as a "farang" first, and rarely see you as an individual. The police force is corrupt, the dogs and often children neglected. They pollute their surroundings mercilessly with noise, smoke, trash. They are ot the least diplomatic, often electing to solve their problems with violence. They do indeed whore their daughters (especially those from Isaan). There are huge drug/alcohol problems here. The medical care is laughable outside the big cities. And the nationalistic government constantly makes it clear we as westerners are not wanted here.

Definitely do a trial run before burning your bridges and coming to live here permanently. I still like it here and am not moving on yet, but I will probably not end up here in the long run. The cultural differences irritate me to no end.

Girlx, you don't have enough intelligence to mix with the right kind of people.

If fact you sound like a jaded sex tourist which from reading many of your posts over the years probably isn't far from the truth.

She is different isn't she ? :o

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Lots of posters here, including the OP moaning and groaning about Thailand and the Thai people.

The people of Thailand or of any other countries are not obliged to change their way of life or habits, good or bad, to accommodate foreigners. For the losers that cant afford to live anywhere else, beggars cant be choosers.

Don't like the natives, go back to your home country's.

Phweeee! How original!

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about living in a farang-bubble ... lol ... well, living in a bubble is the Thai way, how else do you think people are able to maintain themselves in this mess? they live in their bubble and pretend it's not happening ... so, sure, I live in a bubble, but not because I'm a farang, only because I'm living the Thai way :o

Bubbles are the way of life for anyone who want to maintain a low stress, high level of happiness lifestyle, anywhere in the world. Ever watch the news and "not break down and cry" when you hear about X hundreds or thousands killed in report of genocide, plane crash, tsunami, etc. ? Then you know what it is to live in a bubble. And bubbles are quite transparent, it's just that one acknowledges that they prefer the inside to the outside.


(I've been in a Heng-type bubble for more than a decade, constructed circa 1997)

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My perspective is from being comfortably retired here as opposed to working. The 8 years I have lived in LOS have been the happiest of my life. Yes there are many differences here to my (also happy) life in California but I find them a source of fascination as well as frustration. LOS has a wide variety of places to live, and there even seem to be posters on this thread who appear to have found happiness in purulent shitholes like Phuket and Pattaya.

I certainly don't miss jury duty, smog checks, building a dream house only if you get approval from all of your neighbors (half of whom would sue at the drop of a hat), a gov't biologist and a structural architect at a town council hearing before you even start dealing with the building inspectors, paying property and all number of other misc. fees and surtaxes, and all the other frustrations that went with life in (even a rural area of) So Cal!

dam_n I sure miss college football though...

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I certainly don't miss jury duty, smog checks, building a dream house only if you get approval from all of your neighbors (half of whom would sue at the drop of a hat), a gov't biologist and a structural architect at a town council hearing before you even start dealing with the building inspectors, Don't forget the Planning Dept. approved archaeologist, soil engineer, year long public hearings after you've paid to send letters of intent to build to all neighbors in a 1 mile radius. paying property and all number of other misc. fees and surtaxes, and all the other frustrations that went with life in (even a rural area of) So Cal!

dam_n I sure miss college football though... Yes, me too and Baseball.

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