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Networking Marketing - Social Parasites!


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Recently I have approached via emails, unsolicited calls and even met a few acquintances trying to sell me either products that I do not need or to sign me up as a "distributor" '"dealer" or whatever they term it. Most of these Network distributers are either Malaysian, Americans, British or Australians and most of them are selling items that are not really that great but are over "inflated" in terms of pricings. I really find these people similar to social parasites! how many of you have encountered such losers out there.

I have made formal complaints to the authorities ie the Ministry Of Health as some of them claim merits for their products which is breaking the law plus some I am not sure have passed through the local FDA clearance. Plus checked with imigration and Ministry Of Labour, that foreigners involved in any of these Network Sellings without having proper work permits are braeking the law and there is now a hotline where you can tip the authorities of these foreign parasites.

Some of the companies that are being promoted by in particularly a group of Americans include names like Agel, Vibes, Crave, etc.

Pvt me if u come across any people in this networks as I would love to pass their contacts to the authorities as I really find them a pests.

I came across a story of a 18th year old poor Thai Kid from Chiangmai who was looking for employment but was hoodwinked into one of these networks and he borrowed money to come to Bangkok and was coerced into buying a starters kit and then was left in the wild!

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Guest Reimar
Recently I have approached via emails, unsolicited calls and even met a few acquintances trying to sell me either products that I do not need or to sign me up as a "distributor" '"dealer" or whatever they term it. Most of these Network distributers are either Malaysian, Americans, British or Australians and most of them are selling items that are not really that great but are over "inflated" in terms of pricings. I really find these people similar to social parasites! how many of you have encountered such losers out there.

I have made formal complaints to the authorities ie the Ministry Of Health as some of them claim merits for their products which is breaking the law plus some I am not sure have passed through the local FDA clearance. Plus checked with imigration and Ministry Of Labour, that foreigners involved in any of these Network Sellings without having proper work permits are braeking the law and there is now a hotline where you can tip the authorities of these foreign parasites.

Some of the companies that are being promoted by in particularly a group of Americans include names like Agel, Vibes, Crave, etc.

Pvt me if u come across any people in this networks as I would love to pass their contacts to the authorities as I really find them a pests.

I came across a story of a 18th year old poor Thai Kid from Chiangmai who was looking for employment but was hoodwinked into one of these networks and he borrowed money to come to Bangkok and was coerced into buying a starters kit and then was left in the wild!

Why you not just post the contact infos here so everybody who like to file a report can do so on his own behalf?!


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I have been involved in a few of these in the past, and when all totalled made more than I invested. What many misunderstand is that they are selling products, they are not, they are selling the dream. What dream? The dream to make money which for most isn't ever going to happen any other way, fact. It is a potential shot at the bucks which is why so many sign up.

Some people are good at it and make small fortunes but most are just cannon fodder, or how would the few make money? Oddly enough generally the products are quite good even if expensive, sign a few bodies and then they aren't anymore. If you aren't breaking even after 6 months then it definitely isn't for you.

Getting worked up about it all is just a waste of time, just block their email addresses. Or who knows you may just be one of the few that is successful.

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What many misunderstand is that they are selling products, they are not, they are selling the dream. What dream? The dream to make money which for most isn't ever going to happen any other way, fact. It is a potential shot at the bucks which is why so many sign up.

Some people are good at it and make small fortunes but most are just cannon fodder, or how would the few make money?

A lucid assessment, couldn't have put it better.

What is questionable is the methods some of these businesses use to sell their dreams and hopes.

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I do think pyramid selling schemes are a waste of money for most involved, but why are you getting so worked up about it?

Some guy tried to sell you some product (which you believe to be a waste of money) and now you want to report him to the authorities? Do you have nothing better to do?

What's the problem with someone trying to earn a living. The 18 year kid you mention surely would have blown the money on something else anyways, at least he ended up with a "starter kit", many blow all their money and end up with less (without any slick salesmen required).

Edited by dave111223
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Crap. these people should go out and find real jobs. there are to many people scamming others out of money in this town.

e-mails is one thing but getting calls on my private phone by these type of guys makes me really piss-d off.

they should all be booted out of Thailand.

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I have been involved in a few of these in the past, and when all totalled made more than I invested. What many misunderstand is that they are selling products, they are not, they are selling the dream. What dream? The dream to make money which for most isn't ever going to happen any other way, fact. It is a potential shot at the bucks which is why so many sign up.

Some people are good at it and make small fortunes but most are just cannon fodder, or how would the few make money? Oddly enough generally the products are quite good even if expensive, sign a few bodies and then they aren't anymore. If you aren't breaking even after 6 months then it definitely isn't for you.

Getting worked up about it all is just a waste of time, just block their email addresses. Or who knows you may just be one of the few that is successful.

Yes but selling the dream as you put it would be classed as pyramid selling and be illegal in many economies including Thailand I beleive - its not selling the product but the downline that is the fine line between pyramid selling and MLM but we all know there is no real difference.

I once had the misfortune to work as IT Manager for almost a year (2000) at one of the most once successful UK (and Euro) MLM's as it was declining (still going though as at Birmingham Uni the other week I saw a car with its name along with Kleeneze on it so there must still be suckers). I knew the system inside out how the downline was calculated along with the model for pricing goods.

The product was bought from HK/TW/Mainland companies (all same guy but three different companies for legal purposes). This product was marked up 100% with the downline getting 40% no matter how that was distributed ie top line sellers getting whole 40% and then others down the line to 20% with the other 20% shared out.

Even with that business model the company could not make money and it was using revenue to pay the piper - eventually new suckers were brought in to invest every so often to keep it a going concern - idiots but some of the owners made money.

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Direct distributorships, or MLM (multi level marketing) has got to be 40 or 50 years old in the West. I was in Amway in the 1960's, and if their growth model was to be believed, every person on earth would now have 489 Amway distributors selling them.....nothing, because the sales pitch was that you would start at the top of the pyramid, never having to soil your hands selling soap. At least in Thailand, Amway seems different.

Like Mama said, if it sounds too good to be true, it is too good to be true.

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I think these schemes stink. Selling WAY overpriced products to people who definitely can't afford them. Besides being overpriced, the quality is questionable. A couple of weeks ago some Thai woman spent an hour trying to convince my Thai wife to sell health products. The worst part about it is that the Thai people are receptive to schemes like that.

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I think these schemes stink. Selling WAY overpriced products to people who definitely can't afford them. Besides being overpriced, the quality is questionable. A couple of weeks ago some Thai woman spent an hour trying to convince my Thai wife to sell health products. The worst part about it is that the Thai people are receptive to schemes like that.

You mean "gullible?" :o Some are, yes. A lot of Thais are also too polite to tell one these pushy, annoying salespeople to p!ss off directly too, and might buy something just to maintain harmony.

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I think these schemes stink. Selling WAY overpriced products to people who definitely can't afford them. Besides being overpriced, the quality is questionable. A couple of weeks ago some Thai woman spent an hour trying to convince my Thai wife to sell health products. The worst part about it is that the Thai people are receptive to schemes like that.

I agree with you that thai people are particularly receptive to the schemes (scams). The Singaporeans are too and quite often you see newspaper articles about some holiday club or another going bust.

A lot of people in the west have seen through them so they need the emerging markets to try it on. Look at the massive pyramid schemes that happened in Albania when it opened up.

There are still people in the west fall for it - they use particularly <deleted> psychology but it works on the less sophisticated shall we say.

As I said I have seen these people close up and they are nearly all greasy slimeballs or naieve fools and not much in between

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  • 2 months later...


I think people who do this type of business are not stupid, just need quick money to burn on other ideas before this one has gone down the tubes. Time frame is the most important thing for these people, a con is a con but a person who trusts it is worse in a way. Just buy from department stores. If you get a call from one of these persons just order a pizza and ask the caller if he wants one too.

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In the last 50 years I have been exposed to a few of these fast talking, slick tongue individuals selling anything form cookware, sets of books, lightening arrestors, devices to get free electric, tv signals, strong body, strong mind, etc. There are a large group of people who have found their place in the door to door market and/or telephone etc sales. Some are selling snake oil and others are using their talents to take care of a family. It was never my choice of work, but if I was not interested in their product I was always able to covey that to them, without calling police or reporting them for not paying for a local license to sell. I have even invited the Mormans in for a glass of water on a hot day and told them up front, I was not interested in their lesson for the day. We all need to take a little time for others and if they wont listen when we say, no thank you, then tell them to f..k off, if that is your nature.

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The nanny who is helping me in taking care of my sons while am at work had lost all her money ,she had saved it for 20 years in EASY Network Marketing company in Sinakrin;couple of months ago; it was a pyramid scam.

she never accepted we go and report to Police after the scandal was out; the owner got arrested , the computers and all the money in that company were "compensated" by the police though.

she says that all the investors' money will be returned to them one day when the man would be released;

this is what he and his family promise the simple ppl to do for them if they don't file any charges against him :o

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I think these schemes stink. Selling WAY overpriced products to people who definitely can't afford them. Besides being overpriced, the quality is questionable. A couple of weeks ago some Thai woman spent an hour trying to convince my Thai wife to sell health products. The worst part about it is that the Thai people are receptive to schemes like that.

What is this Amway Stuff. I got a few boxes of this stuff that taste crap and cost a small fortune sitting in my lounge room when I asked my friends why buy it? she had no idea why just seems like a good idea at the time. LOL

No seriously what is this crap??

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