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Hello everyone,

This is my first post here. I will explain the situation and maybe i can get some positive responces to make me feel a bit better.

I have been with my thai gf for 10 months. Since last june. Anyway she is in the process of applying for a student visa in the UK. She already paid for her Tuition for an English course (15hrs per week for 48 weeks) in a college in London. At the moment she is just waiting for the receipt from the school so she can do her application. Her mum got the financial statement showing that she had 20000 UK pounds in the bank. My gf just finished her degree in Computer Engineering and she wants to come to study english. I have been reading about UK visa and also that alot of thai ppl have been refused visa. My gf is using an agency and so far they helped her to find a gd school, register, pay for it and they will help her with her application as well. I said though that i want to read the application before it is send out to ake sure the answers the the relevant questions are correct and make sense.

What are the chances and what else can we do to improve my gf's position and get a student visa?

Your help is greatly appreciate.

Many thanks


I also forgot to mention that she did a 10-day enlgish course in BKK. Does that improve her chances of getting a visa? Is it true that 50% of ppl that apply for a student visa ger refused?

What kind of answers shall we give to the application questions.

Anyone help pls?



i am in the same sort of boat, paid for the school fees, got a letter from school, but un-sure as to the best way to fill in the form. at the school they did say that the UK has tightened up on student visas, especially from thailand and didnt' sound too confident in mentioning about the bf-gf relationship. Can't see how to get round that as she will be living with me and i will be her sponsor and it asks for the exact relationship between us. I would recommend having a look at whats written on the application form and check it all through.




My GF is graduating in 1 week from a 4 year University and has applied for a student visa to a country known for denying requests regularly. Our service is doing everything and I would suggest you let yours do everything for you as will. I have been told to stay our of it 100% by the service, no sponsorship etc I do not exist!!! Your service will prepare her for the interview and you should ask them how to answer some of the questions you have. Difficult for me to understand but I'm listening to them as they send students every year around the world.


thanks for the post siddv,

Do you know how they manage to get around the spnsorship part then? does the company "sponsor" the student? I just need to know whether being the boyfriend and sponsor will they get suspicious that we just want to be together? even if she supplies all the egree documents, prospective job adverts, my statements, savings, letter from school... etc!

(sorry for hijacking the thread),



I'd be very careful about not mentioning an exisiting relationship as this is a material fact. Should the embassy find out that the student visa applicant has a boy/girlfriend already in the UK, they may decide that deception has been practised and this may be sufficient for any subsequent visa application to be refused for a period of 10 years.

In relation to the OP's question, again, I would strongly advise that his relationship with his girlfriend is declared. Other than that, whether she gets the student visa will depend upon her circumstances and whether she meets the requirements of the Immigration Rules as a student.



Hi guys and thx for the replies. My gf has today given all the papers to the agency who is handling her application. The is no mentioned of me at all as she has booked a shared flat with a thai friends of hers. ONe questions though. She got her university transcript today but it doesn't have a graduation date on it. It has all the information of all the classes she took and pass but no graduation date as her graduation date. The agent said that is fine and it is not a problem. The university said that if she needs a transcript with the graduation date it will take 7 days to be produced. My questions is this. how important is that graduation date? Will that cause a problem? The thing is she is supposed to start her english course in the UK on the 16 of June. So if we wait 7 more days for the transcript to be produced that will make it less than a month for the application to go through. a quick reply is greatly appreciatted


By your own statement, you've employed an agent to process the application. Seeing as you've seen fit to do so, then it is s/he who should be answering the question for you; otherwise why are you employing them?

All I would say as both an ex-immigration officer, visa officer and a qualified immigration adviser is that one should not seek to withold material facts.



Just because he has employed an agency does not mean the OP can't seek help from others who may have some advice or might have experienced the same problem. Disclosing the relationship might be the kiss of death for some embassies particularly those not permitting sponsorship unless one is related to the applicant.

Just because he has employed an agency does not mean the OP can't seek help from others who may have some advice or might have experienced the same problem. Disclosing the relationship might be the kiss of death for some embassies particularly those not permitting sponsorship unless one is related to the applicant.

There'd be too many chiefs and not enough indians. :o

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