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Well......who Doesnt Want To Live In Thailand?


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On my own word, it costs 'ME' as much as living in Florida.

Actually, if you try to replicate an American lifestyle in Thailand, America is probably cheaper. Cars are cheaper there and many electronics. American brands of food are cheaper because no duty.

I remember meeting a Thai Generals daughter who was studying in San Francisco and she kept talking about how "cheap" apartments were in SF, compared with Thailand. For a huge apartment with a full Western kitchen, she was probably right.

You can live much cheaper in Thailand if you are willing to give up a lot of things.

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I would live there part of the year and go to San Francisco, London, New York or Montreal for the hot season eating at all the best restaurants and seeing the best plays and concerts. That way, Thailand would never stop being exciting and I could have the best of both worlds. :o

Spot on mate!

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Actually, if you try to replicate an American lifestyle in Thailand, America is probably cheaper. Cars are cheaper there and many electronics. American brands of food are cheaper because no duty.

Now you are starting to go off the rails. I responded to your earlier post before I read the one just above. I use to think as you say but now, especially with the tanking $, it is no longer much of a bargain for many things. As Tinker the Gator has said, she can live in Florida for about the same or cheaper than an equilivent lifestyle in Thailand. Like Thailand, the cost of living varies greatly in different areas of the States, and in many mid-western and southern states, house rents or buying costs and the cost of food are as cheap or cheaper than the farang oriented places in Thailand. In addition, you still generally get First World standards of safety and general lifestyle in these places too.

As to your specific comments about cars and electronics, you are way way off. I have been researching the price of cars recently and just this morning by chance was at Numchai in Pattaya looking at electronics. To give you a couple examples, the Honda Accord 2.4EL costs B 1.5M, while in America this same car cost the equivalent of B 800K...the Thai Honda, which is made in Thailand using cheaper Thai labour, is twice as expensive as the American Honda! Another example is a Philips stereo DVD player system I saw today..the MCD908. In Thailand, all stores sell it for B 29,999 or US$ 937, but in the UK (specific model not sold in America), it sells for the equivalent of around US$ 500-550. Again, the exact same thing is twice as expensive as in the "expensive" West. [And don't forget, electronics are very expensive in UK...if sold in the US market, it would probably be 25% cheaper than even the UK price.]

Where Thailand still comes out ahead is the cost of housing, compared to the major cities/resort areas of the West, is still a relative bargain. As this is the largest component of most peoples budget, you can save allot of money here, which then goes for paying 2x for cars, cameras, electronics, etc. Also, in Thailand, unlike in many Western cities, the cost of living is more variable...what I mean is that you don't necessarily have to spend allot to have a comfortable lifestyle whereas in big cities back home, even to have a modicum of comfort is not cheap.

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johnniedude, I think you are a little mixed up about the meaning of my post. Maybe I wasn't clear enough.

I am saying the same thing that you are, and you are helping to prove what I am saying: Many things are cheaper in the US than here. :o

Edited by Ulysses G.
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johnniedude, I think you are a little mixed up about the meaning of my post. Maybe I wasn't clear enough.

I am saying the same thing that you are, and you are helping to prove what I am saying: many things are cheaper in the US than here. :o

Oops...sorry there...didn't read your post closely enough....it was a late one last nite :D You are certainly correct.

In the future, I will make sure I am fully awake before I start posting on ThaiVisa :D

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johnniebkk, you just took the words right out of my mouth............

........ " As Tinker the Gator has said, she can live in Florida for about the same or cheaper than an equilivent lifestyle in Thailand. Like Thailand, the cost of living varies greatly in different areas of the States, and in many mid-western and southern states, house rents or buying costs and the cost of food are as cheap or cheaper than the farang oriented places in Thailand. In addition, you still generally get First World standards of safety and general lifestyle in these places too..... "

For sometimes now, I have a choice to choose to live in Thailand and the U.S. Base on what it would cost me. The U.S. comes out ahead on every catagory as any First World has to offer.

So far, three of my cousins and their Thai spouses who have been living and raising their families in Michigan, California, Hawaii for over 3 decades, they also never thought of moving back home either. Their reason - LOS is not what it used to be, they are more happy here in the U.S.

UlyssesG, you're right, at least one thing is true - LOS offers you a choice to live on low end, middle or high end. One can survive on a few bahts a day. As you know back home there are certain things that you can not avoid like paying property taxes yearly, house insurance. In Florida, these two are the killer. But that's the price we are happy to pay so to maintain lifestyle of First World. We get what we pay.

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For sometimes now, I have a choice to choose to live in Thailand and the U.S. Base on what it would cost me. The U.S. comes out ahead on every catagory as any First World has to offer.

it all depends on your individual lifestyle. living in a shack which involves low property taxes = US comes out ahead. living in a shack in Florida without hurricane insurance = US comes out ahead. mowing the lawn, trimming the bushes yourself = US comes out ahead. cleaning your home yourself = US comes out ahead. popping a meal in the microwave, wash the dishes yourself and doing the laundry instead of having a maid = US comes out ahead.

all afore-said of course in my [not so] humble opinion :o

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Don't get me wrong, I much rather live in Thailand, but people who think that everything is cheap here, really bug the heck of me.

I always get people who tell me that I'm charging "US prices" for books, and I'm in Thailand, so they should be cheap. I explain that Thailand is mostly Thai people who don't read English, so I have to mostly import my good books from the US and UK and pay the price there and a high price for shipping and customs charges and taxes. How can I possibly sell them cheaply when I have to pay so much to get them here?

Mostly I'm wasting my breath, but usually they shut up for the moment anyway. :o

Edited by Ulysses G.
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johnniebkk, you just took the words right out of my mouth............

For sometimes now, I have a choice to choose to live in Thailand and the U.S. Base on what it would cost me. The U.S. comes out ahead on every catagory as any First World has to offer.

Tinkerbell you are certainly right (love your avatar by the way :D). In Thailand housing is not only cheaper to rent/build/buy but the annual running costs like property taxes, maintenance, and insurance are much lower. But, city services are also many times lacking (sewage, water, garbage, etc). It all depends on what you need for lifestyle and one's budget. It is still possible in many states and in rural areas to buy a decent size home/land combination for US$ 100-150K...compared to what B 5M buys one in Bangkok, Phuket, or Pattaya!

If I ever did move back to USA after 10 years in LOS, I could never move back to SF-Bay Area as too cold most of the year. I would have to move to Hawaii or Florida (more likely Florida because cheaper) for the weather :D

Just be careful of those gaters in on your front lawn or in your pool. Saw a news clip on CNN the other day where one had snuck into some lady's kitchen at nite as she had left the screen-door unlocked :o

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If I ever did move back to USA after 10 years in LOS, I could never move back to SF-Bay Area as too cold most of the year. I would have to move to Hawaii or Florida (more likely Florida because cheaper) for the weather :D

I would rather live in San Francisco for the weather, although it might take some gettintg used to. After 20 years of HOT, I think that I would prefer yen sabai tuk wan. :o

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But that's the price we are happy to pay so to maintain lifestyle of First World.

what is the exact definition of "lifestyle of first world"?

thats easy, not worrying about contracting dengue fever, getting robbed by the police, being able to own land, about another coup, and tripping over a soi dog for starters

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If I ever did move back to USA after 10 years in LOS, I could never move back to SF-Bay Area as too cold most of the year. I would have to move to Hawaii or Florida (more likely Florida because cheaper) for the weather :D

I would rather live in San Francisco for the weather, although it might take some gettintg used to. After 20 years of HOT, I think that I would prefer yen sabai tuk wan. :o

That's because you've been gone long enough that your memory has faded. That wind in The City coming off the bay is f'ing COLD!

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If I ever did move back to USA after 10 years in LOS, I could never move back to SF-Bay Area as too cold most of the year. I would have to move to Hawaii or Florida (more likely Florida because cheaper) for the weather :D

I would rather live in San Francisco for the weather, although it might take some gettintg used to. After 20 years of HOT, I think that I would prefer yen sabai tuk wan. :o

That's because you've been gone long enough that your memory has faded. That wind in The City coming off the bay is f'ing COLD!

That's for sure! I always feel the same on my visits back...the clean cool breeze will be nice and it is for a couple days...but after that, I start freezing-up and my skin and lips get so dry and chapped. That's when I'm ready to come back to the warm humidity of LOS :D

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think they were Dutch as they said they were from Norway


Only an American can be that confused geographically

Admittedly - I probably wouldn't mind moving to Florida myself, if it wasn't for the Hurricanes... Cheap houses (by UK standards), cheap shopping, and Disneyworld for the kids...

Edited by bkk_mike
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Qwertz-"wouldn't ever live there again."

"I got out precisely because I couldn't conceive of growing old there."

Thats very sad qwertz.Could you tell more of why you feel that way.

Where are you now?

I have just got back to the West after spending 3 months in Thailand.

I found if i moved there I would have to do something to keep me occupied.

A few other things too,I found I became a distrustful person especially of Thais after a while.

Sometimes I felt like i had to put my guard up 24 hours to stop being ripped off.

I had this feeling of some Thais not liking Farang.

Saying that I met some very nice Thai people too.

However myself being Jewish,and sometimes copping the brunt of "money saving" type jokes,and I have a sense of humour,I found Thais seemed to be more obsessed with money.

Even asking for directions,some Thais wanted a tip off me.

I still love Thailand and i went there with a view to buying a business.

I looked in several locations and looked in Pattaya.

What I found is a lot of struggling business owners,some living off profits of as low as 10,000 baht per month.

A lot of red tape for a farang business owners made it difficult.

I like Thailand and i do plan to move there and I will have to get use to that way of life.

But the times not right just to move there for the sake of it.

Many farangs rush there to buy a business to stay with there Thai GF only when they eventually separate it all goes belly up,just like one business in Jomtien.

Some Thai people I spoke to actually were surprised I wanted to move to Thailand,some have said they wanted to leave and go to the U.K or Australia.

They are wanting to get out and we farangs are wanting to get in.

Why cant we swap countries?

AD4 - It is indeed sad that the lack of respect for foreigners, especially the old, has rubbed off on the Thai people.

They weren't always like that, I've been visiting LOS for about 30 years now, but I realised some time ago that I'd never be more than

a "farang" to them. And that's the hard part because as much as you want integrate, learn the language, etc. when push comes to

shove, it's their turf and they'll make you know it. I once lived there among them for almost 7 years and that's how I learned the hard

way; even my wife was not accepted as one of them but IMO, she was the best because she wasn't like them. As for my views on

growing old there, I'm now 65 and when I read this and similar forums and take in the contemptuous comments of the wrinkly bashers,

well - I guess I'll just keep to being a tourist so I won't become an obvious target for them, or worse, an ATM for some scheming

hottie looking for an easy mark.

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I was talking to these chicks in Starbucks one day, (think they were Dutch as they said they were from Norway)

Arai Nah??? :o:D:D:D

I thought Dutch people were from Holland and Norwegians were from Norway .. but what do I know .. I suck at geography as much as you do ! :D

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I was talking to these chicks in Starbucks one day, (think they were Dutch as they said they were from Norway)

Arai Nah??? :o:D:D:D

I thought Dutch people were from Holland and Norwegians were from Norway .. but what do I know .. I suck at geography as much as you do ! :D

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They weren't always like that, I've been visiting LOS for about 30 years now, but I realised some time ago that I'd never be more than a "farang" to them. And that's the hard part because as much as you want integrate, learn the language, etc. when push comes to shove, it's their turf and they'll make you know it.

Isn't that pretty much the case for any immigrant group anywhere in the world? They often get treated badly and are discriminated against by the native population.

That is pretty much what all the foreign retirees amount too when they come to Thailand to live out the rest of their days...a group of immigrants. And like all immigrants, they generally don't know the language, culture, or customs of their adopted land and therefore run into conflicts. Add in the fact that most of these "immigrants" are orders of magnitude more wealthy than most of their hosts and you get more envy and scams.

Maybe the "second generation" of these immigrants, all the luk krung children that are being produced, will be more accepted as they will have been born and raised in Thailand and therefore fully integrated in the culture. It worked for the Chinese and look where it got the Shinawatra family :o

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Look at the quality of the farangs vacationing, or moving there, in the last 4 years, or so. Can you blame the thai people?


Qwertz-"wouldn't ever live there again."

"I got out precisely because I couldn't conceive of growing old there."

Thats very sad qwertz.Could you tell more of why you feel that way.

Where are you now?

I have just got back to the West after spending 3 months in Thailand.

I found if i moved there I would have to do something to keep me occupied.

A few other things too,I found I became a distrustful person especially of Thais after a while.

Sometimes I felt like i had to put my guard up 24 hours to stop being ripped off.

I had this feeling of some Thais not liking Farang.

Saying that I met some very nice Thai people too.

However myself being Jewish,and sometimes copping the brunt of "money saving" type jokes,and I have a sense of humour,I found Thais seemed to be more obsessed with money.

Even asking for directions,some Thais wanted a tip off me.

I still love Thailand and i went there with a view to buying a business.

I looked in several locations and looked in Pattaya.

What I found is a lot of struggling business owners,some living off profits of as low as 10,000 baht per month.

A lot of red tape for a farang business owners made it difficult.

I like Thailand and i do plan to move there and I will have to get use to that way of life.

But the times not right just to move there for the sake of it.

Many farangs rush there to buy a business to stay with there Thai GF only when they eventually separate it all goes belly up,just like one business in Jomtien.

Some Thai people I spoke to actually were surprised I wanted to move to Thailand,some have said they wanted to leave and go to the U.K or Australia.

They are wanting to get out and we farangs are wanting to get in.

Why cant we swap countries?

AD4 - It is indeed sad that the lack of respect for foreigners, especially the old, has rubbed off on the Thai people.

They weren't always like that, I've been visiting LOS for about 30 years now, but I realised some time ago that I'd never be more than

a "farang" to them. And that's the hard part because as much as you want integrate, learn the language, etc. when push comes to

shove, it's their turf and they'll make you know it. I once lived there among them for almost 7 years and that's how I learned the hard

way; even my wife was not accepted as one of them but IMO, she was the best because she wasn't like them. As for my views on

growing old there, I'm now 65 and when I read this and similar forums and take in the contemptuous comments of the wrinkly bashers,

well - I guess I'll just keep to being a tourist so I won't become an obvious target for them, or worse, an ATM for some scheming

hottie looking for an easy mark.

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Look at the quality of the farangs vacationing, or moving there, in the last 4 years, or so. Can you blame the thai people?


I hate to say it but that is how I feel too.

On my trips there I have felt embarrassed many times by how they act & I hate to be lumped into the same group.

Unfortunately many go there on a binge & think everything is for sale.

Perhaps everything does have a price anywhere in the world but the same group would not be so rude in their own country.

Having money is no excuse for rude behavior or lack of respect for customs of another country.

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But that's the price we are happy to pay so to maintain lifestyle of First World.

what is the exact definition of "lifestyle of first world"?

thats easy, not worrying about contracting dengue fever, getting robbed by the police, being able to own land, about another coup, and tripping over a soi dog for starters

....and noise pollution as well as dirty air- belching from moving buses...trucks...cars...motor and annual burning land, filthy klongs and waterways - the horrow one is on Klong Baglumpoo...yuk!, low sanitaton standard on tap water and eating establishs, corruption is on every level and everywhere - worst is the big fishes gotten away. :o

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...... " Just be careful of those gaters in on your front lawn or in your pool. Saw a news clip on CNN the other day where one had snuck into some lady's kitchen at nite as she had left the screen-door unlocked :D


Thanks, johnniebkk for a well deserved concern.

When I first living in my new house, I use to think about how horrow it is if the gator crawls up to my bedroom and bolts through glass wall and snap me into half. But after living here more than 3 years I come to learn that creature is quite shy, whenever it see anyone approaching ( like the time when I tried to take a picture up-close ), it would dash back to the water at the speed of the blink of the eyes.

If you start feeding them, soon they will loose natural fear of human, they they will attack you for the food or when it felt threatened.

Ask any grown up Thais, most still remember " I-Daang" = "Spot".

'I-Daang" was one of biggest croc who had eaten 8 or 9 people by the river bank. Finally, it was killed and stuffed for displaying a the temple festival ( Thai= ngan -wat ) around the country. It was measured up to 21 ft. :o

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Seeing all the latest topics on here about everyone wanting to move to Thailand and how long it took you etc,I wonder if theres any posters on here who dont wish to live in Thailand full time.

Reading some of the posts on here can be depressing to read all about the unhappy people who cant wait to get back to the LOS,and others posters working 3 jobs to save to live in LOS full time.

Isnt there anyone happy to live in the Western World and only want to visit Thailand once a year or stay a few months or less.

Isnt there anyone who prefers to live in the west with their Thai wife and doesnt want to live in Thailand?

Surely there must be some of you who are quite content with your life in the UK or Australia or wherever you come from.?

Is there many of you?

Me and Wi, (pronounced, we) . Love living in South Florida (Miami area) except for hurricane season! Then we come to Thailand. Also it is Rambutan picking time there so we are kept very busy. We have a farm here, where we grow everything you can in Thailand except rambutan! My favorite :o

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....and noise pollution as well as dirty air- belching from moving buses...trucks...cars...motor and annual burning land, filthy klongs and waterways - the horrow one is on Klong Baglumpoo...yuk!, low sanitaton standard on tap water and eating establishs, corruption is on every level and everywhere - worst is the big fishes gotten away. :o

i thought as much that...

you compare living in a sh*tty thai environment with living somewhere in Florida. by the way, having lived in countries with much higher corruption levels than Thailand i have acquired a liking for it. corruption makes life much easier for some individuals (like me) and i wish there was much more corruption in Thailand. Thai government officials are nothing but pious choir boys compared to their colleagues in some african countries.

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I go and stay for 3 months in a year, whether it's hot or cold. It gets hot in the daytime but it gets really cool at night and early morning. I wish I had more money so I could stay longer.

It's a very nice experience every time.

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I wanted to retire in LOS atone time. I didn't thank God.


Now I've only got two reasons to visit Thailand.

1 Visit family and spoil my nieces and nephews rotten

2 All the loose young, thai girls... :o

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