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Estate Agents ?

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Dear Mr. D. Hatfield,

Personally I don't know Kohsamuiproperties in Chaweng.

However, as already pointed out by various other posters here, I can highly recommend Koh Samui Land & Homes in Lamai.

Stuart Evans, the owner, is very trustworthy and knowledgeable about the Samui property market.

Give Stuart a ring and see what you think of him. I'm not sure if it's allowed to post ph #'s, but you can find his info on the back of the latest Community magazine (the october issue) or PM me.

Good luck.

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Mr Hatfield,

Yai yen yen.

I read somewhere else that you will be here june 2005.

I understand you want to get a feel of properties available on Samui, but contacting real estate agencies will not give you a unbiased view. All of them wil first show their own development deals. They can be good on paper and pictures but are they really? Is that house you like build with good materials? Is that house high in the mountains with a fabulous view still interesting when you don't have water, electricity and phone? So many things you can't check if you are not here. The real estate agents don't give a sh*t. Only a sale counts. A sale by any means. And don't think someone can be made responsible or accountable here in Thailand. It is 100% your risk.

If you never lived here before some properties can look really good, until you are there in another season, suddenly the beach front land is not so nice anymore as all the water is gone and only a foul stench remains. Nobody will tell you that, ASK it.

Other things like noise pollution. In low season it might look great, in high season you want to run away screaming.

Come here in june 2005 and start looking around, rent a property. There are many so you won't have problems finding the right one and it is very cheap. Stay at least six months so you experience the rain season and high season. Drive around to see the effects. Narrow it down to a few spots you like best, then rent there. If you still like it then buy some land/house. And you will be happy ever after.

Too many people are desperate to leave the west and jump into paradise. Paradise is different for everybody. Someones paradise is disco's bargirls, right at his/her doorstep. Somebody else is on the beach, another one's in the jungle. Find out your paradise version first and go for it, but be carefull as paradise can change into ###### really quick.

Take your time, Samui will be here for a few million years. :o

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Many thanks khunjean,

We plan to rent for at least 12 months before making any serious decisions but life in the west seems to be getting harder and more expensive by the day.

After 20 years in a very stressful job i yearn for a simple, stressfree life. Is this possible on Samui???? I truly hope so. :o

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I know what you mean.

Live on Samui can be as stressfull as in the west. It all depends on which decisions you make.

The area where you are going to live is the most important. You want this place to be completely stress free. (not as easy as you think)

For me it was the choice of not living in Chaweng. It would be stress, although a different kind.

I choose a place south of Lamai. Very relaxing place. Close to Lamai for some entertainment. Chaweng i have been only there a few times. They have a good mexican restaurant. :o

I am close to the beach (50 meters). For me that is the way of winding down and be completely relaxed, i imagine a place in the mountains can be similar if you like that.

I have a little shop in Lamai that keeps me occupied. it is more for fun than to make big profits. Big profits means stress. Big profits without stress is ok of course. :D

Start your live here debtfree en keep it that way. That was for me THE difference to having a live without stress and be able to enjoy live and family.

As you already made the decision to leave your country the "fun" can already begin. Don't plan too much, just go with the flow. Only plan what you leave behind. Everything here can be decided when you are here.

Once the decision is made live gets exciting again. And samui is a nice place to be.

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Oh Yeah,

ALL the people who think you are crazy to go to thailand and leave your good paying job.

They haven't got a clue. Poor people.

Most of them are very jealous and envy you and try everything to make you stay so they can feel better.

Be happy you have a sense of adventure.

And good that you are capable of live changing decisions.

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Hi all,

Well the time has come for our big move.Dr Hatfield , we bought some land there last year.But we are still going to rent for a period to get the real feel if we would like to build on that particular block or somewhere else.

We are retiriring so time is not a problem.We are just going to take our time.

As Khun Jean said just takle it easy.

All the best.

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I'd just like to say thanks to everyone in these forums. I'm planning on moving to samui with my wife for a chance to try something new Nov 04. It is not easy to up sticks and leave, what we considered to be our world's but with help and info in this thread alone has made me feel even more determined to give it a go.



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Khun Jean gave very wise advice.

Also Medicinbox had some good input. It's importatnt to be free to move out and around, since chickens and dogs can be a nightmare. Or living next to a temple or school. Temples tend to have many social events where people start speaking over loudspeakersystems very early in the morning and continue with speaking or music late in the evenings.

Schools welcome their students with, you guessed it, a loudspeakersystem, at about 6 am in the morning.

Not to mention chickens and dogs who can ruin your nights sleep.

My nightmare is that some Thais open up a karaoke joint really near my house. Any experience or advice what can be done in a situation like that?

Good lick Olig.

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I have seen this karaoke thing happen with my sister in law. Right next door. She lived in a typical townhouse in Bangkok. The walls are very thin and a good night sleep was history.

There only two ways, join the karaoke club or move.

For my sister in law who has a job that requires she get up 6 o'clock in the morning, travel 2 hours and comes home around 10-11 o'clock at night this was a disaster. Luckily she only rented.

My parents in law live in a 'moo ban". Changes it happens there are smaller, but i have seen a bike repair hop, a bakery, and a few "restaurants" which all can be a nuisance when you live right next door.

If you know that there are no (enforced) zoning rules in Thailand you should act accordingly and seek a place that will stay free of the things you don't like. But no livetime guarantees.

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