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Have U Ever Heard A Thai Fart ?


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Do Thais fart?

Do Germans fart? Anyone else? We don't normally do it in the office here, or department stores or wherever else here either. Only heard it on the streets 1nce or 2ce in my life. So it's pretty rare to hear (or smell) anyone fart most of the places I've lived. Barrack rooms were something else of course. Regular competitions there. :D:D:D

At home? A Thai "steady" I hung out with for a cuplla years let one slip once. She giggled about it in that mai bpen rai way and wiggled her hips. That was funny. Twas diabolical however. She was as embarrassed as I was revolted (at the smell, not the event as such). Never happened again with either of us. I don't want to either. 

Maybe something to do with age. I lived with a girlfriend for several years in my 20s (30 years ago, oh oh oh :D ) - deeply in love etc, and we would even wander in and out of the toilet when the other was dumping, especially in the morning. It seemed like a proof of love and her smell never bothered me, nor mine her. I can honestly say that I've positively not wanted that kind of thing in recent years even when in love, and I don't want to share farts either.

Somewhere nowadays I sense and want a boundary, somewhere privacy and respect has to begin. :)

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My wife/gf for over 3 years, right up to last month never made a sound. despite my unashamed blowing off, I would even offer her my finger to pull on many occasions; she would smile and dutifully tug on it. Last month she got me off guard, held her hand out, I though she was handing me something… Oooo No! “Pull this” she said, made a noise like a mouse on helium and ran of to the bed room…. I didn’t see her for the rest of the day. So yer the Thai women do! The men, defo, I was staying at my mate house in Pattaya, just walked out the main gate of his house, a Thai worker was up a ladder, working on some cables, Phones or elec, he was on his way down, he got to my head hight just as I past him... and he let one rip... Git! Some Thai food tasts bad before you eat it.... Trust me, it an't as bad as after.

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