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Name The Trolls


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Dickie, i thought Wooliebacks are Lancastrians?

I could be wrong, its not a term i hear quite so often!

Jay, im sure your envolvement with Sheep is limited to eating 'em... washed down with a beer :D

I thought wooliebacks were Scouse wannabies.... :D

Now sheepshaggers.... Those people from the Forest of Dean are quite partial to sheep relations.... as well as their own mothers and sisters... :D ( well some parts are quite remote.. :o ... and they're pretty much welsh anyway..) :D

totster :wub:

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Dickie, i thought Wooliebacks are Lancastrians?

I could be wrong, its not a term i hear quite so often!

Jay, im sure your envolvement with Sheep is limited to eating 'em... washed down with a beer :o

I'm from Sussex originally so as far as we're concerned down therrrrrrre anyone North of Surrey or West of Hampshire (and we're not too sure about them either!) is a woolieback (the sheep shag them, think about it).

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Dickie, i thought Wooliebacks are Lancastrians?

I could be wrong, its not a term i hear quite so often!

Jay, im sure your envolvement with Sheep is limited to eating 'em... washed down with a beer  :o

I'm from Sussex originally so as far as we're concerned down therrrrrrre anyone North of Surrey or West of Hampshire (and we're not too sure about them either!) is a woolieback (the sheep shag them, think about it).

Now that is a really different concept. I'm confident that the idea could catch on in New Zealand.

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Dickie, i thought Wooliebacks are Lancastrians?

I could be wrong, its not a term i hear quite so often!

Jay, im sure your envolvement with Sheep is limited to eating 'em... washed down with a beer  :D

I'm from Sussex originally so as far as we're concerned down therrrrrrre anyone North of Surrey or West of Hampshire (and we're not too sure about them either!) is a woolieback (the sheep shag them, think about it).

Now that is a really different concept. I'm confident that the idea could catch on in New Zealand.

oh... c'mon dr PP..... everyone knows the aussies like a bit of wooley luvin :D

go on deny :o it :D:D

totster :wub:

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Dickie, i thought Wooliebacks are Lancastrians?

I could be wrong, its not a term i hear quite so often!

Jay, im sure your envolvement with Sheep is limited to eating 'em... washed down with a beer  -_-

I'm from Sussex originally so as far as we're concerned down therrrrrrre anyone North of Surrey or West of Hampshire (and we're not too sure about them either!) is a woolieback (the sheep shag them, think about it).

Now that is a really different concept. I'm confident that the idea could catch on in New Zealand.

oh... c'mon dr PP..... everyone knows the aussies like a bit of wooley luvin :wub:

go on deny :o it :D:D

totster :)

Kangaroo's are our go. The downside is kicking 'em out of step at 50 kmh :( Always remember that it was the Kiwi's that developed Velcr gloves for a better grip. :D And Wellington boots. :D

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...in respect of the definaition that was posted does that make you a troll for posting the thread...

a question posted on the forum may not seem stupid to the poster, especially by the newbies... we all had our first time in thailand and were all wet behind the ears... i have been here for over 4 years and fortunately when i arrived i had a lot of other friends who had been here alot longer to show me the ropes...

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Actually a 'tosspot' was not meant to be a derogatory term. It originated from people who can handle their drink. They can toss the drink down, thus tosspot.

Tosser is short for tosspot, but both are most certainly taken as an insult these days.

I have no evidence to back this up, whatsoever. Tosser.... :o

The term "Tosser" actually comes from one who literally tosses himself off in that they are having a "wank" and is considered to be rather derogatory word...

Back to the original question - my candidate for Chief Troll would have to be lamphun. :D

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Always remember that it was the Kiwi's that developed Velcr gloves for a better grip.  :o

I thought they stuck the velcro to the insides of the knees... :D

totster :D


Yeah, it was originally developed to stick on the tops of ´wellington´s´, general knee area.


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But are trolls bad?

Are their provocative posts always bad?

Take the queen of trolls, IMHO, 'pudgimelon' usually doesn't start a thread herself but waits for the right one and then will put up a 2000 word reply beginning with the sort of respectable educated noises that most people agree with but then ever so slyly twists it into a personal rant against a section or two of society that pudgi has some problems with.

She puts you in a position of feeling morally forced to agree with him yet you know he's completely wrong. She's almost a clever sod but her arguments often have big holes in them and a couple of the more astute posters will pull her pieces and she'll disappear for a few months.

What she does do though is generate a lot of discourse on a, usually, controversial topic and this may be the upside to trolls in general. If the origional poster's twisted reasoning is pushed aside and an open and serious discussion results from the troll it's valuable.

As for my good mate Harry. Lighthearted banter, quite often informative and generally harmless. If some of the posters here didn't take themselves and their positions here so seriously Harry wouldn't feel the need to get a little 'naughty' and thereby incur the wrath of some [insert own words] moderator and get himself banned.

Whatever happened to BKKBarney? Sometimes the boards cops are a bit to real-life for me. corrupt and self serving.


Why the importance to the infamous trolls? They contribute and feed discussion, which is what this forum should be about.

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We don't really want to know about your 'scat' adventures on this board thanks! Disgusting.

dont judge anything till you try it :o

I have never murdered another human being, should that then preclude me from standing in judgement of one who has. You are an obvious <deleted> who should think more carefully about what they post.

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^ Are you suggesting that this board employs double standards? On the other hand aren't you guilty of 'feeding the trolls' simply by responding to this thread? Why don't you report it instead of complaining?

Bar girl threads are banned because it upsets the board sponsers to be reminded that this message boards members are primarily 'here' for sex.

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^ Are you suggesting that this board employs double standards? On the other hand aren't you guilty of 'feeding the trolls' simply by responding to this thread? Why don't you report it instead of complaining?

Bar girl threads are banned because it upsets the board sponsers to be reminded that this message boards members are primarily 'here' for sex.

who were you before your banning?. Every post you make is a trolling flavour.

get over it mate!

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:o  :D  :D

Don't hold back LC... just come right out with it.....  :D

totster  -_-

I've been in a deep doo-doo already! :wub:

We don't really want to know about your 'scat' adventures on this board thanks! Disgusting.

Bite me, honey. :D

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I thought Pudgi was a guy for some reason. Now I'm not so sure anymore. 

Same with alot of other posters, those I assume are guys, I later find out to be gals and vice versa. 

Gazza, I hope you don't have the same problem in real life - can be real dangerous in LOS - schwing! :o
Bite me, honey. 

LC, you spelt 'my' wrong. :D

Just read this thread from top to tail. I feel positively schizophrenic now - at least four simultaneous threads in one - and all of them libelous (except NZ/Welsh sheep shagging which is a fact and thus can't be libelous) :D

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^ Are you suggesting that this board employs double standards? On the other hand aren't you guilty of 'feeding the trolls' simply by responding to this thread? Why don't you report it instead of complaining?

Bar girl threads are banned because it upsets the board sponsers to be reminded that this message boards members are primarily 'here' for sex.

who were you before your banning?. Every post you make is a trolling flavour.

get over it mate!

That's rich coming from you, Gent! :o

Of all the folks on this fine forum, you're the guy with the most serious case of identity crisis! :D

p.s. have a nice day... :D

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:o  :D  :D

Don't hold back LC... just come right out with it.....  :D

totster  -_-

I've been in a deep doo-doo already! :wub:

We don't really want to know about your 'scat' adventures on this board thanks! Disgusting.

Bite me, honey. :D

Errrr... thanks for the offer.... but christ, I wouldn't want to bite you with Wolfies false teeth. There is an AIDS eprdemic amongst Thai girls & I'm not going to put myself in the firing line.

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