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Study Regular Thai Massage, Easy To Find Job, What Income?


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I have a friend (thai) who wants to study massage, how much would it cost to go and study massage?

And after the study, is it hard to find a job, or do you think it will be easy to find a job?

And finally, what about income, i know it will probably not get her rich, but i just want to get an idea, what a regular salary would be.

My gf did a course in pattaya, dont know how much it cost. She earns 8 to 9000 baht a month average over the year and i would imagine your friend would get a job fairly easy in the tourist areas. If she becomes realy good, customers will come back and ask for her personally, which will be good for her and the parlour ( more money for both) :o

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I don't know about massage shops as I am in Spa industry. If the lady in question gets herself a proper training, nothing too fancy, could be Wat Pho or Department of Skill Development, she could start at a Day Spa. Salary would be about 6,000 - 7,000 THB + tips and possibly commission. Gain some experience that way, and if her English skills are good, that would be a big bonus as a lot of Spa Therapists I've come across the past three years don't speak English very well. Salary in Hotel Spa should be 10,000 THB up.

If she was good at the job and English, she could get a job in a Spa overseas. Lowest offer we've dealt with is 600 USD + tips + commission.

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i bet the girl s who r being sponsored are laughing all the way to the bank. dam_n i wouldda thunk sex was part of the sponsorship fee.

i would also think when one of yr girls are on a sponsored encounter you believe them when they say its only for dinner and chat! and disco!

Edited by ralph444
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