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Posting Cash To Thailand


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What on earth are you thinking about man? Have you taken leave of your senses?

Why would you send cash to Thailand (or anywhere) when there are dozens of much more secure ways to send money?

God help us . .

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How would one go about posting cash to Thailand? Are there laws which limit the amount you can post? If customs got hold of it would you be taxed?


Actually, depending on the country I think there are laws against shipping any sum of money in the post. One reason is to cut down on criminals transferring money in/out of various places, and another reason is to cut down/prevent people's mail from being stolen. (The police found a pile of mail in a dumpster once. Turned it over to the postal authorities. Couple weeks later I get a birthday card from my dad, but the (opened) envelope is sealed in a plastic bag with a note from the postal company, informing me that the envelope had been found opened in a trash dumpster. They also included a note reminding me that I shouldn't send money in the mail. Inside the card was a note from dad mentioning the $40 he was sending me, which of course never made it.)

Not to mention that if customs did find you sending money in the mail, you would probably be subject to a police investigation, and maybe even your governmental tax service might want to look into you actions. Chances are, the money would disappear though and you'd never know what happened to it.

Depending on who you are sending it to, you may never know if they got it (and said they didn't) or didn't get it at all.

You are better off using an alternate method.

If you have a bank account in Thailand, wire the money from your bank to your Thai account (or to whoever's account that you want the money to go to).

Failing that, wire the money using Western Express (you can even do that online, with a credit card and a land-line telephone - bastiches :o ) or go to a branch office.

There are ways to do it (sending cash in the mail), but I'm not going to share them (and they aren't hard to figure out anyways).

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How would one go about posting cash to Thailand? Are there laws which limit the amount you can post? If customs got hold of it would you be taxed?


Via Western Union or to a bank account here. Courier Companies will not carry cash. Via mail, you can try ...and get yr cash stolen

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Only way I would consider physically sending money to Thailand would maybe be DHL or FedEx or something like that. Although, I probably would not even do it with those. Best to do a wire transfer, or get an atm card for whoever you are trying to send the money to. Maybe Western Union, or Money Gram, but they take a big chunk.

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I would only be quite a small amount, hence the need to avoid western union / wire fees.. Maybe something like PayPal would be a better idea, but their exchange rate stinks..

Buy a book or magazine. Stick the money in the pages. Spread it out so it doesn't create a lump.

Buy a metal "thermos" mug. Put the money inside. Package it in a small, well wrapped box.

Send your parcel by registered mail. Better chance that it won't go missing, and the recepient has to sign for it (usually). Better for your peace of mind.

You could send a cheque, but that can take up to 45 days to clear the bank.

Or send a Traveller's Cheque (not sure how those work as I've never used them).

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in the interests of being a fun loving bastard - post some monopoly money to Thailand

Best answer yet. No platinum bands in the money for customs to track & if it gets stolen you get the last laugh.

I do not think it would be wise to send ANY cash in the mail to Thailand.

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You could send a cheque, but that can take up to 45 days to clear the bank.
There would be very expensive fees for handling a check made out in a different currency from another country - effectively madness.
Or send a Traveller's Cheque (not sure how those work as I've never used them).
The TC would need to be signed by the holder at point of purchase then signed with the same signiture at the point of redemption.

You do not indicate the amount you wish to transfer - for about USD35 you can send money to pretty much any bank account in the world using a SWIFT transfer. Talk to your own local bank about this. Most front counter staff will need to learn about Swift transfers and Thailand if they have not encountered such a request before.

If the person you are sending to does not yet have a bank account in Thailand - one can be set up easily within 15 minutes for which there is a ATM card fee of 200 Baht.


P.S. One point of information - the Thai postal service does seem to give extra focus of attention on items that are addressed in 'farang' writting - I am sure this is only to ensure that they get delivered to the correct address.

Edited by Cuban
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How would one go about posting cash to Thailand? Are there laws which limit the amount you can post? If customs got hold of it would you be taxed?



Not sure what country your posting from but.......

Posting cash via the USPS is supposedly illegal

USPS Thailand regs

Prohibitions (130)

Coins; banknotes; currency notes (paper money); traveler's checks; securities payable to bearer; platinum, gold or silver (manufactured or not); precious stones; jewelry; and other valuable articles.Firing caps and charged metal cartridges for small arms and non-explosive parts of artillery fuses.

But then again I know others have sent a bit from time to time in gifts to family.

But if it is going to be an ongoing thing a better way to beat the wire fees is to send them an ATM card. After they verify they have it you can give the pin over the phone or email. Then just put the amount in the atm card you want to send.

Plus leave the small minimum in the card to keep it open. Usually 1-50 dollars

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How would one go about posting cash to Thailand? Are there laws which limit the amount you can post? If customs got hold of it would you be taxed?


REALLY SIMPLE METHOD: If you know someone in Thailand with a bank account in your country... deposit the amount in his/her account and they can give your recipient the baht equivalent. For example, if it were me (and this is not an offer), I would check on line to see when the money was deposited and how much and then make the transfer to the local person based on that day's exchange rate.

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