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Hi all

I've been to Phuket about 2 months ago and fell deeply in love with the country... it was my first time in Asia and I trully loved it. (I am half Japanese, but haven't had much contact with the Asian culture, maybe that's why I enjoyed so much).

Unfortunately I haven't fell in love only with the country. I've met this very interesting and charming man in Phuket, a local guide, worth saying that he is a also a shi'a muslim (and I am a catholic).

There is not one single day since I came back to my country (Brazil) that I haven't thought of him and the way he looked at me... I am feeling quite ridiculous though, as I am almost 30, have a son and feel like a child first time in love.

We spent a week together and he does not seem the type of guy that just want to take holliday makers into bed, but I would like to hear your experiences regarding local man and foreign woman...

As I could not reach him to tell him that, I am seriously considering taking another 2 weeks vacation and flying there in August with a friend, to enjoy the beach and see him again. Do you girls think I am crazy or should I invest in this passion, even though sooooooooooo many diferences are there?

Thank you for sharing your thoughts and experiences!


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i must say that by just arriving and surprising him, you may be disturbing his next romance. or his marriage.

i used to work as a tour leader and have seen all types of guides. some good, some not so good. but i can tell you this much for sure: guides have their pick of the girls that travel to thailand. personally, i wouldnt trust many of them as far as i could throw them. there IS the odd gem, but most of them are married or have girlfriends, for sure.

of course, yours may be different.

would you be willing to move your son to thailand to be with this man?

are you doing the kind of work that you can continue in thailand?

if not, are you confident of being able to find work in thailand should you move there?

of course, if you just see it as a holiday fling, then go for it. as long as nobody gets hurt in the meantime.

i do suggest you read the 'beach boy' thread (yes, hes a guide and not a beach boy, but there are similarities).

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he is a also a shi'a muslim (and I am a catholic).

sounds like a perfect match !!

go for it girl !!

:o:D it's a match made in hel_l, I bet.

reason for edit:

btw,I never knew shi'a Muslim exist in Thailand, are you sure you didn't meet him in Tukreet?

Edited by zaza
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he is a also a shi'a muslim (and I am a catholic).

sounds like a perfect match !!

go for it girl !!

:o:D it's a match made in hel_l, I bet.

reason for edit:

btw,I never knew shi'a Muslim exist in Thailand, are you sure you didn't meet him in Tukreet?

Haj Abudllah Qomi was a Shia Muslim who basically brought Islam to Thailand and the Bunnag family are his direct descendants. Most of the muslims in Thailand were Shia untill the 1940's when the Qomi's family(Bunnag) converted to Buddhism, and the Sunni were able to convert the muslims (Saudi money) to Sunnism.

By the way Zaza, you do know of one Shia in Thailand :D

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i must say that by just arriving and surprising him, you may be disturbing his next romance. or his marriage.

i used to work as a tour leader and have seen all types of guides. some good, some not so good. but i can tell you this much for sure: guides have their pick of the girls that travel to thailand. personally, i wouldnt trust many of them as far as i could throw them. there IS the odd gem, but most of them are married or have girlfriends, for sure.

of course, yours may be different.

would you be willing to move your son to thailand to be with this man?

are you doing the kind of work that you can continue in thailand?

if not, are you confident of being able to find work in thailand should you move there?

of course, if you just see it as a holiday fling, then go for it. as long as nobody gets hurt in the meantime.

i do suggest you read the 'beach boy' thread (yes, hes a guide and not a beach boy, but there are similarities).

Listen to Donna. Great advice for anyone having a holiday fling. Sometimes the beauty of a holiday fling is that all you get is the good sweet memories and none of the relationship stresses.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I second the motion that you should read the Beach Boy thread. We mean it with all sincerity and don't want to see another woman hurt, especially since anything you do will involve someone who has no say in this matter: your son.

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I'm one of the few that would encourage you to try, otherwise you may always wonder what *could* have been. But as others have pointed out, do come with your eyes open about the whole range of possible outcomes. There are ways to protect your son so he is not exposed unnecessarily until you are sure the relationship is stable. I met my partner while walking down the street, he gave up a dodgy job for me and is a great father that my kids adore. It can occasionally work out.

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