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Which Visa

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Well some of you guys will see that I have posted here before asking about the rules and regulations to opening a business or shop, well now that problems out the way!!

What kind of bloody visa do I go for? I'm NOT going to be working but will be in Thailand for way more than 8 months possibly a year

So what is the correct visa for me to get? I'm no way near the retirment age and I live in the UK

last time i was going I just got a double entry tourist visa is there anything that easier than that visa? I think it's quite ennoying having to leave somewhere to get a new visa justafter your nicley settled in

Ireally need help here guys i'm leaving soon and need some Thai veteran help

Thx for any serious replies

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If you are under 50 years old then you have little real option except for the double (triple?) entry tourist visa.

A lot depends on where you are located.

There are few consulates that will issue multi-entry Non Imm O visas when backed by a letter saying you will repatriate yourself.

With this option you will still need to do some visa runs, but only every 3 month, not 2 like the Tourist visa.

I am not going to repeat the names of the helpful consulates.

Sorry, you must do a little searching through the recent posts,

the last 2 weeks should give you what you need.

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Just read your previous posts...........you have 2 options ....1. as astral says you could apply to Hull Consulate for a Non Imm O multi entry (1yr) and do visa runs every 90 days or 2. If you are still with the g/f marry her and as long as you meet the fianancial requirements get a visa based on marriage.

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