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Woaaa...That's a bit frightening...

Actually I don't feel tired at all and no real thirst. I think (not that I know much about it) that I was coming down after a really heavy sugary day on Monday.

I mentioned earlier about the sweets from the UK. I was a bit like a kid when I received those and ate a lot. I've just eaten and will test my blood sugars in about an hour.

The hospital I went to was Samitivej on Srinakorin and the doctor spoke really good English. He did seem surprised by the 300 and warned me about various things.

I've dropped from 300 to 219 in a day. I'm still abiding by the eating/drinking rules and want to see if I can get it down again using just the diet and meds.

If I'm not on this forum tomorrow then you were right!



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Just remember that a non diabetic will normally have readings between 70-110, and will never exceed 140.

Over 200 is still high and if uncontrolled will lead to organ and extremity damage.


A number of people have commented about how much weight I have lost in the past year. It's true, I've noticed myself.

I'm curious if it's down to some unnoticed illness or just my change in lifestyle (have been with the same gal for 11 years now - no cheating)?

Years ago (6+ or so) I used to go out drinking more or less every night then we had our first baby. Due to the working environment (blokes) I still went out for drinks after work most nights. Can't remember when, but, then I decided just to go out two nights a week. Just over a year ago I cut that down to one night a week (we now have two kids).

I've probably lost about 15kilos (down to 95k from 110k) in the past year (sounds a lot to me) but could it be down to the reduction in beer intake?

Something else to mention is that I've noticed ants in our downstairs toilet seem to gather after I've had a piss which could suggest diabetes I've heard?

Any thoughts?

(never posted anything like this about myself before)


if your drinking 3 beers a day @ 150 calories per in 23 days that is 3,500 calories which is 1 pound if not burned up. that is equilant to 16 pounds in one year. so not drinking 3 beers a day in one year is a considerable weight loss. just figure out how many calories in the drink you have and how many and it is simple math. not drinking usually leads to a more active life style also which can lead to weight loss. when i am sitting in a bar at night and the girls ask why i am drinking water i point to a fat farang and ask what they are drinking, usually beer, and they now understand.


Great tip and what I do with my (non-diet as do not want aspartame) pepsi myself. Initially tasted a bit watery (in fact like a diet-pepsi) but now used to it and find the 100% Pepsi way too sweet.

I also sqeeze in plenty of lime and lots of ice to reduce the overall concentration even more. The ice trick works with beers too as we see the Thais do all the time and might even be more "socially accepted" :o than pooring in soda.


You might also try mixing the beer with soda water especially if where you go does not have lite beer available), this in essence creates a lite beer. The advantage of this approach is that it makes a smaller number of beers last longer, which is helpful for people who go out with friends and want to be abkle to continue drinking for a longer period for social reasons. If you do this, you will notice the difference only at first and then quickly become acclimated and not mind it. With a half and half mixture, 2 beers can become 4. And 2 is the max you should take.

a good thing to help your glycemia and fat to go down would be as suggested to do exercise everyday preferably cardio like bicycle 30-40 minutes/day and check your sugar level to not fall into hypo while performing the exercise.

it would good also to read about "glycemic index", some aliments contain fast sugar(saccharose(65)and glucose(95)) while others do contain slow sugar(fructose(20) lactose(46)) <-- the values are those from the index(the lower the better).

also fructose is more "taste powerfull" than normal sugar by 20 to 70% according to my readings so you'll benefit of a slow assimilated sugar wich a stronger flavour.

on a side note i think that alcool should be banned as ethanol will be transformed by your liver to fast sugar.

of course better listen to your doctor first, he knows better(normally) your particular situation than those websites wich might not be always accurate.

i hope you'll return to a normal glycemia soon.

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