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Where's The Justice


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Basically put folks,

it's all over the news that 4 Foreigners in Pattaya have been caught/alleged to have had

sex with "underage boys".According to this Pattaya People clip the 4 will be..............................

"sent to Bangkok,BLACKLISTED + deported" :confused: :confused: .......is it me or is

this a tad ridiculous??I don't know,maybe they are due to face harsh punishment back in their

Home countries??? I would have thought that the Thai authorities would have wanted to seek

appropriate retribution themselves!!!

My attitude with regard to these 4 falangs,IS NOT..give them the electric chair or lock 'em up

and throw away the key,BUT SURELY,SURELY,SURELY they have to face a court of Law here in

Thailand and some type of music?????

I mean,one of the guys was caught red-handed with 8 boys in his bedroom and another had

sex with an 11 year old boy..........

Maybe there's more to this story I don't know of???.....but if this is basically the long and short

of it......how can the authorities be so lenient...........not being too cynical here..I know...maybe

there has been some $$$$$$ involved

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Also folks,

just found out that one of the accused.."Christopher Dee" was a TEACHER at AKSORN SCHOOL,here

in Pattaya :o ...go figure,eh,another Teacher scandal.....no disrespect to the good teachers that are

here in the LOS,these deeds do the good teachers no favours at all!!!!!!!!!!!

I myself am the father of a 10 year old boy and a 7 year old girl.Imagine I was back home in my

native country and a Thai National (on work permit)was found to have had intimate relations with my 10 y.o. son...

ONLY THEN to find out that he was NOT going to be charged but Blacklisted :D only and sent back to

Thailand????.....as I said,I'm not looking to burn these guys at the stake,BUT,if the Thai authorities want

to be taken more seriously,internationally,as a country that's cracking down on this thing,they gotta' surely

have a court appearance here!!!..............how can I put this???.....this teacher had sex with an 11 year old...

an adult who inserts his appendage into an 11 year old(boy OR girl).... SURELY has to recieve more

than a "Backlisting/slap-on-the-wrist".............

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Please quote or post a link to the story when you start a thread like this. I highly doubt you're correct that they won't face charges here in Thailand.

In Thailand, and just about every other country, blacklisting and deportation happens after the criminal has served out his sentence for the crime committed in that country.

Please show me where the news story says they won't face charges in Thailand. I don't think you can because I'm almost certain you misread or misinterpreted the story.

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