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Uk Visa For Newborn And Her 4yr Old

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Hello everybody,

A little advice please.

My wife's 6 months pregnant and the little one, all being well, due to make an appearence around the end of Jan 2005.

I am looking to bring my wife and the newborn to the UK around about the end of May 2005 on a Tourist Visa, giving us some 7 months or so to try and manoeuver around any sh*t the system may try and throw

I am paranoid, could be the miss spent youth, or some previous threads i have read but I have a new life to think of and dont want to be a photo father.

As the baby isnt born yet, is it possible to make two applications. My wifes first giving us some 7 months and our childs when the time arrives?

I am not currently working but having an extended holiday, taking care of the wife. I am confident i can gain employment on my return to the uk and have suitable accomodation and have enough cash put aside for the expenses of the Trip. Will this pose a problem?

My wife has a 4yr old son from a previous relatonship who is fully Thai, is it possible to get a visa for him to accompany us?

What about on a settlement visa?

Would changing his surname to mine make any difference?

Any advice would be greatfully appreciated, and would go along way in relieving some brain pressure.

Thanks in advance.

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Firstly the soon-to-be newborn child. Providing that you were born in the UK, that you are married, and you will be named as the father on the child's birth certificate when it is born it will automatically be British.

Now your wife and her 4-year-old. The maximum allowed for a visit to the UK is 6 months and your wife and her child would be expected to leave the country at the end of that time. The visa officer would need to see that they have a good reason to return to Thailand at the end of their stay and, frankly, on the information that you've given I can't see one. The visa officer will think that the entire family is shifting lock stock and barrel to the UK. Do you intend to return to Thailand at end of the stay in the UK? If so this may aid matters a little but only if you can provide some evidence.

If you don't intend to return to Thailand then you would be better advised to get settlement visas for your wife and step-child. One of the requirements of the settlement visa is that you can maintain them without recourse to public funds. If you are not working then you would have to show, inter alia, either sufficient capital or a firm job offer in the UK.

Changing your step-child's surname to yours will not have a bearing upon his admissibility to the UK. However, if you were to formally adopt him then you can seek registration as a British citizen on his behalf.

If you intend to go to the UK in May I'd apply for your wife's and step-son's visas jointly around February time. When your second child is born I would immediately set about getting him/her both a British (if an entitlement exists) and Thai passport.

Hope that's of help.


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thanks scouse for the quick response.

We have every intention of returning to Thailand. My wife fulfils all the requirements land business etc. and we have every intention of returning to Thailand.

i am british, we've been married since May, living together since Jan 04 and my name will be going on the certificate

With regards to a settlement Visa. Would they consider me a bit keen applying for this first off, it seems tricky enough getting a visitor visa?


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thanks scouse for the quick response.

We have every intention of returning to Thailand. My wife fulfils all the requirements land business etc. and we have every intention of returning to Thailand.

i am british, we've been married since May, living together since Jan 04 and my name will be going on the certificate

With regards to a settlement Visa. Would they consider me a bit keen applying for this first off, it seems tricky enough getting a visitor visa?


The scouser as normal gave you solid advise but you seem to have changed course between first post and this, or my reading ability is suspect (I know - American and all that). :o

You speak of work in first post and bringing entire family but now insist you are returning to Thailand? Are you saying the return will be immediate at the end of a tourist visa or 'in the future' you plan to return?

As was said a tourist visa is based on proof of return and with you not working here in Thailand or the area it is going to be hard to support. As you are also asking about a settlement visa it seems you are not clear either.

Immediate future is to be living and working where? If UK I would advise settlement visa first as tourist is going to be very suspect. If Thailand I would be looking for work now and only apply for tourist visa after starting a history/ties here.

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As Lopburi3 said, I would firstly decide exactly what you intend to do; either settle in the UK or just go for a holiday.

If you intend to settle in the UK then the fact that your wife has never visited the UK before would not have a bearing on the outcome of a settlement application. However, I would advise against getting a settlement visa when only a visit is intended, except where there's no other option, as this can later complicate things.

You stated in your second post that your wife has a business in Thailand. This may give her the necessary reason to return that the visa officer is looking for in terms of a visit visa. You would have to provide accounts and details of the number of employees (if any) and stipulate who would be running the business in your wife's absence. I'm not being funny, but if the business constitutes a noodle stall on a street corner I wouldn't mention it.



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