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Great forum but of no use to me anymore. Would you kindly terminate this registration - username: geevlus

Ha . ill be your friends . What's the matter ? :o

Opps I don’t know if im allowed to post here. Sorryzz

Edited by bkkblueeyes
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You asking tax? I am NOT about to delete 7000+ posts :o

No, theoretically its possible but way too much work as it would have to be done post by post. Usually only posts that reveal too much personal information will be deleted if requested.

Besides, this is not what the OP is asking. He is asking to have his account terminated. The user cannot be deleted, just banned. So why not just cease posting instead?

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would have to be done post by post.

surprised to hear that , seeing as all ones posts can be accessed in one click , wouldnt it just be a simple software alteration to be able to delete them with another click.

You asking tax?

no i'm not , much as i would like to delete many of them , but like speech .... once the words are out of your mouth you cant put them back in.

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I know of a guy on another forum, who got drunk out of his mind one night. He got angry at himself, and using his powers as an admin, eliminated every one of his thousands of posts. He was removed as an admin, didn't post again for months, and the feature was deleted from the admin powers.

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I know of a guy on another forum, who got drunk out of his mind one night. He got angry at himself, and using his powers as an admin, eliminated every one of his thousands of posts. He was removed as an admin, didn't post again for months, and the feature was deleted from the admin powers.

(James Earl Jones voice) With Great Power comes Great Responsibility.

Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

I'm not sure on this, but it is possible that actually deleting a member could cause software problems, as there is a lot of statistical information associated to a member that would suddenly become blank so to speak. Then there is possible problems that could happen if there are links within a members posts, attachements and so on.

Deleting a member and their posts could create gaps and holes in threads that the software would have to figure out how to get around (if it could), without screwing up the database. It would also have (possibly) and effect on posts made by other members.

For instance, if a certain member that created 7 topics and 15 posts in two days was deleted, what happens to the topics created by that member, and to the posts within the topic made by other members ? A relative newbie being deep sixed might not be a major headache, but what if it was a user that had been here for years, created hundreds of topics and had thousands of posts ?

How would deleting that member effect all the other members that posted in those topics and replied to those posts ?

Could be a major can of worms.

Easiest thing to do is simply delete the bookmark to the sight you don't want to visit anymore, and simply don't go there again. :o

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Guest Reimar

As far as I know, we can delete post's but in case the post is the opening post (Topic-Post) all other post's within this topic will be deleted as well.


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then somebody else could use it and pretend to be you.

That can happen anytime right?




What I meant to say, maestro (!), is...


Alright Brain, you don,t like me, and I don,t like you.

But let,s just do this, so I can get back to killing you with beer.

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To the OP,

Please email support[at]thaivisa.com with your request.

We do not delete members accounts or posts, but we can block your account and make sure you don't receive emails or notifications.

Totster :o

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