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Bangkok Music Scene

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Hey all... love indie rock as my handle suggests... I was just wondering, this forum seems to be frequented by the more experienced Farang in Thailand so maybe someone can give the low down on which music is really good? I'd love to go see some talented bands here that are for thai people and not tourists covering westren music. I've heard there are some good clubs around victory monument, and got a list of a bunch of good bands, but then when I tried to find them I found groups like Silly Fools had broken up. :o

Is anyone plugged into the scene here? Hopefully I'll see some great music. In a city this size, it has to be out there.


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Yes victory monument sometimes has some good Thai bands. Rachida Soi 4 and 8 as well. And sometimes have Thai Star singers come there to perform and there really good.

RCA next to Slim has a venue every night with Live bands as well as Roate 66 1 min walk down the road. There Very packed out before midnight every day.

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Try searching for info on the 'dudesweet' parties too.

Sure, I truly love all music, but in a pinch to name my favs I would go with The Pixies, Pavement, Ween, Guided By Voices, The Fall, Misfits, Black Flag, Slayer, Metallica, Hierogliphics, The Roots, Stephen Malkmus, Beck, Dre and Snoop, The Advantage, anything Math Rock (genre if not familiar), Polvo, The Boredoms (ok, my one asian band I love, hence the topic), ...And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead, The Blood Brothers, Captian Beefheart, Frank Zappa, Iron Maiden, Jurrasic 5, Pantera, Dinosaur Jr, Q And Not You, Built To Spill, and uh, Celine Dion. :o (okay, that one was a joke!)

Anyway, thats some of what I love. Any hits? Any reccomendations? If its great live I want to see it.

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Try searching for info on the 'dudesweet' parties too.


honestly, after 4 years living in BKK I must say, there is not much of an Indie-scene really.

at least not of that kind we are used to it in North-America and Europe.

last year, I went to that "Alternative-festival" at bangkok-hall (former BEC-TERO-HALL), I was even interviewed by some Thai-TV (probably as they were amazed to see such a "B.O.F." there) and asked about my opinion on Thai-Alternative, but then most of the "alternative" (more than 30 bands on 2 days!) was the usual Thai-Sweetie-sugar-Pop, with some noisy guitar-riffs added sometimes.

though, EBOLA are great (but they didnt play there), MODERN DOG, the icons of the Thai-Indie-scene, are okay, and there was that ONE young band, which sounded a little like a mix of HIM and PLACEBO. they were actually GREAT ! and I bought their second album the next day and certainly didnt regret it. (forget their first album where they still sounded like sweetie-sugar-thai-pop). okay I know what happens next: u will ask me about the name of the band. but I dont remember the name at the moment and too bad that I am out of the Kingdom now and that cute little CDs is some 10.000 km away in my BKK-apartment.... :o will tell you next time, ok

if I really want Indie these days, and yes, I still DO WANT it, I go to Malaysia (see this : http://www.doppelgangerkl.blogspot.com/ ) or Indonesia (see this: its even in the biggest english-language daily paper there in indonesia! http://old.thejakartapost.com/yesterdaydet...id=20080525.M17 )

after the closure of CD-Warehouse in Emporium, Thailand doesnt even have a decent CD-store anymore. the LAND OF SMILES is certainly not the LAND OF INDIE.......

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If you are looking for Thai indie music on CD you should check out DJ Siam at Siam Square, for international artists go to Do Re Me also in Siam Square, the woman who runs the shop is surprisingly knowledgeable.

The big indie event of the year is Fat Festival held in November over a couple of days. Features loads of bands over 4-5 stages, last year drew about 60,000 people over the 2 days.

There aren't many indie nights in Bangkok but the situation has been improving recently. Have a look at some of these.






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Try searching for info on the 'dudesweet' parties too.


honestly, after 4 years living in BKK I must say, there is not much of an Indie-scene really.

at least not of that kind we are used to it in North-America and Europe.

last year, I went to that "Alternative-festival" at bangkok-hall (former BEC-TERO-HALL), I was even interviewed by some Thai-TV (probably as they were amazed to see such a "B.O.F." there) and asked about my opinion on Thai-Alternative, but then most of the "alternative" (more than 30 bands on 2 days!) was the usual Thai-Sweetie-sugar-Pop, with some noisy guitar-riffs added sometimes.

though, EBOLA are great (but they didnt play there), MODERN DOG, the icons of the Thai-Indie-scene, are okay, and there was that ONE young band, which sounded a little like a mix of HIM and PLACEBO. they were actually GREAT ! and I bought their second album the next day and certainly didnt regret it. (forget their first album where they still sounded like sweetie-sugar-thai-pop). okay I know what happens next: u will ask me about the name of the band. but I dont remember the name at the moment and too bad that I am out of the Kingdom now and that cute little CDs is some 10.000 km away in my BKK-apartment.... :o will tell you next time, ok

if I really want Indie these days, and yes, I still DO WANT it, I go to Malaysia (see this : http://www.doppelgangerkl.blogspot.com/ ) or Indonesia (see this: its even in the biggest english-language daily paper there in indonesia! http://old.thejakartapost.com/yesterdaydet...id=20080525.M17 )

after the closure of CD-Warehouse in Emporium, Thailand doesnt even have a decent CD-store anymore. the LAND OF SMILES is certainly not the LAND OF INDIE.......

okay, my brain and memory is back to work again somehow..... means, I now remember the name of that excellent Thai Indie-Band I have seen at BANGKOK HALL last year. their name is SLOT MACHINE. try to find them on any MP3 site. their latest CD should be available everywhere, maybe even in carrefour or Tesco.... do buy the CD, its cheap, support the local bands by buying original records, thank you .

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  • 3 weeks later...

The indie scene / 'dek neaow' is alive and well in bkk... some of my fav Thai bands:

Saturday Seiko



Saliva Bastards

Modern Dog

Siam Secret Service

A great reggae/ska band also worth checking out is T-Bone.

You can find all their cds at DJ Siam in Siam Square. Enjoy and help spread Thai music!!!

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I'll settle for any bar that doesn't play anything by the `curse of thailand' - Dire Straits, the Eagles and all the other bland prog rock crap that's hardwired into your brain every night. No wonder the place attracts the clientele it does - "wanted, fat, balding farang (pref American) to spend moolah accumulated by an accident of birth on young girls who are under pressure to feed their families. Must be stupid and opinionated. Absolutely must have no taste in music at all. (Naming yourself after a bubble an advantage)".

The Morning Night bar (or whatever it's called) plays decent music, even indie at times. They will take requests, as they did with the 'DCs Whole Lotta Rosie the other night, from a Swede who could've amply filled the role.

I had been in Thailand for maybe 9 months before I heard a single decent song - Bone Machine by Pixies, I think. And that was in a Soi that hadn't yet opened for the evening. Of course it was back to RnB drivel when the punters rolled in.

Of no help, but there's a bar in Pattaya (of all places!) that plays indie music all the time, although not as obscure as some of the bands you list. I was stunned to hear Radiohead's the Bends in there. There is a serious gap in the market here - one reason I won't come back to Thailand is the absolutely risible quality of the music. I used to go in a bar in Chiang Mai that played the usual outdated 'guitar hero' crap, but some of the patrons were Radiohead fans, who convinced the band they should play Radiohead's Creep. The band HATED it. They'd play it, but not UNDERSTAND it. Ironically, in 20 year's time, that song will be the staple diet of future axe-men. What really surprised me was the fact that the band would be tipped for playing it - they got nothing for {shudder] Hotel California (I feel dirty even writing it), but still prefer to play it than something actually quite good.

Still, as I tell my bemused Thai friends: innovate, don't replicate. They don't get it, bless them.

Edited by Super Hans
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You have a lot of different tastes - you should come and check out my band practice - we don't do metal but the Thai bands that come to the studio love Pantera. I am a drummer playing with only a guitar player using tons of effects pedals. He's into Pixies, Yo La Tengo, Helio Sequence - I'm into everything - and we love the Smiths.

SO pretty much jams go like this: we stagger in at 3PM - play, take a break, play take a break then our 3 hours have gone by and we drink beer in front of the studio and listen to the other bands rehearsing - it's like a free show and the beer is cheap!

Try searching for info on the 'dudesweet' parties too.

Sure, I truly love all music, but in a pinch to name my favs I would go with The Pixies, Pavement, Ween, Guided By Voices, The Fall, Misfits, Black Flag, Slayer, Metallica, Hierogliphics, The Roots, Stephen Malkmus, Beck, Dre and Snoop, The Advantage, anything Math Rock (genre if not familiar), Polvo, The Boredoms (ok, my one asian band I love, hence the topic), ...And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead, The Blood Brothers, Captian Beefheart, Frank Zappa, Iron Maiden, Jurrasic 5, Pantera, Dinosaur Jr, Q And Not You, Built To Spill, and uh, Celine Dion. :o (okay, that one was a joke!)

Anyway, thats some of what I love. Any hits? Any reccomendations? If its great live I want to see it.

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Here's a tip - go to music stores and find out where the employees like to hang out. I also find they have alot of posters and stuff of upcoming shows. There is a great musical instrument store at Fortune Town Rama 9 MRT - you're bound to meet some Tghai musicians willing to plug there band in there.

I am gonna go on a limb here and say that despite the fact i too hate cover bands in bars if you can see Lee Shamrock (last I saw him he was still playing Irish Exchange and then Dubliner though now they are under new management) it is well worth it. It's an all request show.

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Here's a tip - go to music stores and find out where the employees like to hang out. I also find they have alot of posters and stuff of upcoming shows. There is a great musical instrument store at Fortune Town Rama 9 MRT - you're bound to meet some Tghai musicians willing to plug there band in there.

I am gonna go on a limb here and say that despite the fact i too hate cover bands in bars if you can see Lee Shamrock (last I saw him he was still playing Irish Exchange and then Dubliner though now they are under new management) it is well worth it. It's an all request show.

I just happened to be around that store today. They've a poster up for some gig in 808 next thursday.

I find the best way to find out is just take a look at one of the MySpace pages of any decent promoter in Bangkok. They all advertise their gigs on each others pages anyway.

Here's Mind The Gaps page and I see they have a gig lined up for Saturday in Silom.

Mind The Gap MySpace

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Sorry for dragging this post up from nowhere but I came across it while looking for info on Dude/Sweet.

Anyway, the last dude/sweet night is taking place next Friday at 808 in the RCA. I've never been before but I think I'll check this out.

Anyone else thinking about going?

I am planning to go there, and I have been to several DUDESWEET events before, but I might be too old to be considered "a cool guy" by western folks.... :o

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If you are looking for Thai indie music on CD you should check out DJ Siam at Siam Square, for international artists go to Do Re Me also in Siam Square, the woman who runs the shop is surprisingly knowledgeable.

where exactly are these 2 shops located ? when i was in that area lately, I had a look in Siam CENTRE, as this is a trendy place for many Thai Youth, but didnt find any such shop. I assume its rather somewhere accross the street.

I would be quite happy to avoid those pricey CD-Shopping-trips to HMV Singapore once in a while....

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If you are looking for Thai indie music on CD you should check out DJ Siam at Siam Square, for international artists go to Do Re Me also in Siam Square, the woman who runs the shop is surprisingly knowledgeable.

where exactly are these 2 shops located ? when i was in that area lately, I had a look in Siam CENTRE, as this is a trendy place for many Thai Youth, but didnt find any such shop. I assume its rather somewhere accross the street.

I would be quite happy to avoid those pricey CD-Shopping-trips to HMV Singapore once in a while....


Walk around there. Plenty of music stores.

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I have to agree with the general sentiment here; the music scene in Thailand, if you are interested in decent rock/indie, is pathetic. I rarely come across a bar that has some music I like - there was a place called Spoon on Rama IV road a few years ago but I think it is gone now. I once went to the Brick on Khao San Road and they had some pretty good ska bands playing. But that's about it. Sometimes the Hillary Bar on Soi 4 will have an event that is worth attending (like Sek Loso a while back).

Young Thais are obsessed with so-called R&B and hip-hop - many are not even aware that modern rock exists. If they are aware of rock music at all they think it begins and ends with Hotel California, a song for which my years in Thailand have given me a deep loathing.

The problem with Thai rock/indie is the vocalists - they seem to think they should sound like pop singers so while you might have some decent drums/bass/guitar going, the singer will ruin the effect by crooning over it like he's singing some sugary pop song - very frustrating. I have been trying for years to introduce some decent indie/rock music into the bars (like the Pixies, etcetera) by talking to DJs and giving them CDs but am mostly met with blank stares. I've given up.

My advice is to get into the Look Thoong music from Isaan - forget about any decent rock or "indie" in Thailand.

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I was very impressed with Dude/Sweet is Dead at 808 last week. The music played was pretty much exactly what I would of wanted. I was shocked to walk into a BKK nightclub and hear the Pippettes being played. Put a smile on my face anyway.

But no more Dude/Seet! :o

Niteshift seems to be more of the same though and is taking place in Club Culture on Saturday week.

Other events that are coming up...



Does anybody know if Club Soma still goes ahead on a weekly basis?

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  • 1 month later...
The indie scene / 'dek neaow' is alive and well in bkk... some of my fav Thai bands:

Saturday Seiko



Saliva Bastards

Modern Dog

Siam Secret Service

A great reggae/ska band also worth checking out is T-Bone.

You can find all their cds at DJ Siam in Siam Square. Enjoy and help spread Thai music!!!

Are Saturday Seiko still together?

Another good local ska band is Teddy Ska, at Brick Bar on Khao San some nights. There's an excellent ska band at Park 2 Bar on Suk 62 on wknds, cannot remember the name of the band though.

Catch Daytripper if you can. The guitarist is a J Mascis disciple.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Anyone going to that Club Soma night at Cosmic Cafe tomorrow night? Meant to be some 1999 night, looks pretty good.

I was in Singapore that weekend so couldn't go. Did you go? How was it? Club Soma really put on a great night.

Futon, Slur and Ornaree are playing Club Culture on 14th September. Looking forward to it.

Facebook Event Link

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