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Why Would`nt He Serve Me?


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Today I visited San Pa Tong market for some shopping.

Went into a small drug store at the side of the market, needed some cough medicine. In the shop working was a young girl assistant and a guy in his late 30s.

On the shelf were some bottles of medicine in boxes that looked like cough medicine but everything on the boxes was printed in Chinese and Thai so I was unable to read what kind of medicine it was.

The guy stood behind the counter staring at me with a big grim on his face, the girl was further down the counter peering at me as if I just landed from the planet Mercury.

I can speak enough Thai to ask for things and with a smile on my face explained to the guy that I have a sore throat and cough, does he have any medicine? The guy just continued staring still with the silly grim on his face. Than I said, do you speak English, he nodded, yes I do. Again still smiling I asked the same question this time in English and again he ignored me. After a couple of minutes I became bored and frustrated but still in a polite way I asked, why wont you answer me? than I sat down on a chair staring at him. It was stale mate, no one getting anyway. I could only think that for some reason this guy didn't want to serve me. I decided to walk out, on the way saying (rightly or wrongly) in a calm voice to the guy, are you stupid or what? he replied in perfect English, are you so clever?

Once outside the shop, I wondered, what the hel_l was all that about?

I can tell you that I am always polite and never an awkward customer when shopping.

This has happened to me 3 times in difference shops over the last 5 years, the previous being in a computer software shop, where I decided to buy some Cds. I picked up the CDs to pay the lady, she turned her back on me, walked out of her shop, stood outside and refused to re enter until I left. In all these instances I was the only customer in the shop.

Has this ever happened to you? Is it something I'm doing wrong? Maybe I am using the wrong brand of soap, who knows.

99.99% of my time here in Thailand I never have any problems but when these things do happen it is unsettling and does leave a bad taste in the mouth afterwards.

Edited by distortedlink
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How odd. One thing I can think of is how you look or your odour or something (seriously), I'm not suggesting that you smell or look weird but this is the only reason I can think of for this to happen. If, as you say, you were polite & smiling then it is just incredibly rude.

Only other thing I can think of it is possible that this guy has a chip about farang men & goes out of his way to wind up any that come in his shop. :o

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Is there something about your appreance or dress that might cause any reaction from a Thai?

I don't understand your question here. What has appearance or dress got to do with a simple question to the sales assistant like OP has a sore throat and needs to purchase a remedy for that. ? :o

IMHO, i sensed certain anti-farang elements among some locals.

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Today I visited San Pa Tong market for some shopping.

Went into a small drug store at the side of the market, needed some cough medicine. In the shop working was a young girl assistant and a guy in his late 30s.

On the shelf were some bottles of medicine in boxes that looked like cough medicine but everything on the boxes was printed in Chinese and Thai so I was unable to read what kind of medicine it was.

The guy stood behind the counter staring at me with a big grim on his face, the girl was further down the counter peering at me as if I just landed from the planet Mercury.

I can speak enough Thai to ask for things and with a smile on my face explained to the guy that I have a sore throat and cough, does he have any medicine? The guy just continued staring still with the silly grim on his face. Than I said, do you speak English, he nodded, yes I do. Again still smiling I asked the same question this time in English and again he ignored me. After a couple of minutes I became bored and frustrated but still in a polite way I asked, why wont you answer me? than I sat down on a chair staring at him. It was stale mate, no one getting anyway. I could only think that for some reason this guy didn't want to serve me. I decided to walk out, on the way saying (rightly or wrongly) in a calm voice to the guy, are you stupid or what? he replied in perfect English, are you so clever?

Once outside the shop, I wondered, what the hel_l was all that about?

I can tell you that I am always polite and never an awkward customer when shopping.

This has happened to me 3 times in difference shops over the last 5 years, the previous being in a computer software shop, where I decided to buy some Cds. I picked up the CDs to pay the lady, she turned her back on me, walked out of her shop, stood outside and refused to re enter until I left. In all these instances I was the only customer in the shop.

Has this ever happened to you? Is it something I'm doing wrong? Maybe I am using the wrong brand of soap, who knows.

99.99% of my time here in Thailand I never have any problems but when these things do happen it is unsettling and does leave a bad taste in the mouth afterwards.

Are you one ugly mofo?

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never had any problems unless I spoke english they thai and did not know what to do with me.....

Maybe you can post a picture from you? Anything special on your outfit?

trouser open?

a t-shirt with Thai writing which you can't read?

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You say that this is more than an isolated occurence, having happened three times in different places. Maybe the Thai people in your small northern Thailand town know and recognize you, the grapevine is working like it does amongst the Thai people, and they have (rightly or wrongly) pegged you for something stupid you might have done in the past?

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This has happened to me 3 times in difference shops over the last 5 years, the previous being in a computer software shop, where I decided to buy some Cds. I picked up the CDs to pay the lady, she turned her back on me, walked out of her shop, stood outside and refused to re enter until I left. In all these instances I was the only customer in the shop.

Has this ever happened to you?

Something similar happen at Pantip plaza when buying some computer software, i took the covers to the counter she grabbed them off me with anger written all over her face and put them back where they were without getting the CD, i laughed in shock and walked off.

Some people are just more open about not liking farangs then others.

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This has happened to me 3 times in difference shops over the last 5 years, the previous being in a computer software shop, where I decided to buy some Cds. I picked up the CDs to pay the lady, she turned her back on me, walked out of her shop, stood outside and refused to re enter until I left. In all these instances I was the only customer in the shop.

Has this ever happened to you?

Something similar happen at Pantip plaza when buying some computer software, i took the covers to the counter she grabbed them off me with anger written all over her face and put them back where they were without getting the CD, i laughed in shock and walked off.

Some people are just more open about not liking farangs then others.

Are you a George Bush lookalike?

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This has happened to me 3 times in difference shops over the last 5 years, the previous being in a computer software shop, where I decided to buy some Cds. I picked up the CDs to pay the lady, she turned her back on me, walked out of her shop, stood outside and refused to re enter until I left. In all these instances I was the only customer in the shop.

Has this ever happened to you?

Something similar happen at Pantip plaza when buying some computer software, i took the covers to the counter she grabbed them off me with anger written all over her face and put them back where they were without getting the CD, i laughed in shock and walked off.

Some people are just more open about not liking farangs then others.

It was in the Pantip Plaza where I had the problem of the women not wanting to serve me with the CDs.

Was she a short plump lady about 30ish with glasses?

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Relatively new to Thailand, but I have had this happen in a Ramen shop in Japan. I cross the street to walk in, they shut the curtains in my face!! I stood there watching a restraunt full of Japanese eating lunch... I walked on by...they opened the curtains again....I came back they closed them, it kept me amused for ages!! Some people just don't like Gaijin (Farang) and there is nothing you can do about it except not meet them when you are three sheets to the wind in a dark alley!!


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It was in the Pantip Plaza where I had the problem of the women not wanting to serve me with the CDs.

Was she a short plump lady about 30ish with glasses?

Might have thought you were there to have her closed down.

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I suppose what this is all about is that some business owners just refuse to deal with me, for reasons which I believe is because I am a Farang, such as some banks not wanting to issue me with certain bank accounts or shop staff cant be bothered to deal with my enquiry or flatly refusing to serve altogether.

As I said these events only happen very rarely once over a course of a few years and wondered if anyone else has had these experiences.

Thought it was quite an interesting topic and hoped that there would be at least a few good responses on this thread.

Anyway, there`s time yet and maybe there is intelligent life on Thaivisa.

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Has this ever happened to you?

Never had it happen to me in Thailand, but have had it happen several times in the US and Japan. Just accept it for what it is and move on. We don't live in a perfect world. Fortunately, there are probably dozens of other businesses which will happily accept your patronage.

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I decided to walk out, on the way saying (rightly or wrongly) in a calm voice to the guy, are you stupid or what? he replied in perfect English, are you so clever?

That is quite funny. :o

I've never had this problem, and even Thais that don't like farangs never seem to have a problem taking their money.

So surely there must be some other reason?

You say your Thai is good, but not fluent. Sure you didn't say something offensive to him? Address him wrongly?

Are you clean? I don't mean you shop in a suit and tie smelling of roses, but you don't stink do you? I used to work in a shop, and one family that come in used to stink to high heaven (to the point where it would make you actually retch) and I would never serve them.

It's quite baffling really.

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I suppose what this is all about is that some business owners just refuse to deal with me, for reasons which I believe is because I am a Farang, such as some banks not wanting to issue me with certain bank accounts or shop staff cant be bothered to deal with my enquiry or flatly refusing to serve altogether.

The banks I can understand, rules and regulations and misunderstandings of them (by the staff). The shop assistants I can understand to a degree, the ones that are scared that they might have to deal with an English speaker not knowing you can speak Thai.

But why this guy who could speak perfect English refused to serve you, well...?

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Some people are just...odd.

Ride taxi on average 10 times a week and most of the times there is no problems. But once in a while you might end up with a driver that constantly complains about where to drive, want specific instructions for every turn and twist, like they just landed from outer space, and endlessly mutters like a woman to them-selfs in Thai.

Amusing in a way, but almost ended up making a Chinese friend have a fight with one driver once. Just love it when the driver doesn't wanna drive one minute further in rain so a person, that pays, doesn't get to trample puddles of water for 10 minutes... :o

Anyway, as to the OP...it's definitly more to the story than we know. Or that the OP knows, yet.

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Just accept it for what it is and move on. We don't live in a perfect world. Fortunately, there are probably dozens of other businesses which will happily accept your patronage


These are very good words. I have had the very same thing happen to me a few times over the years while living here, even asking them in good clear Thai what is the problem why won't you answer me only got me the same smirky smile. As was said before some Thais just don't like us and we must accept that.

It's not just here in Thailand I must add. I spent some of my life in Florida and I had the very same thing there in a predominantly Spanish area !

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I sense there is no other reason why this would happen other than the guy was probably racist towards foreigners for whatever reasons who knows. Its unfortunate for you, I have been lucky that i havent experienced it yet but i am sure it will no doubt happen in the future. Well done for not flaring up, You are a better man than he.

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That's most strange, all I can think of is that either you inadvertantly offended him when speaking Thai, or he was insulted because you assumed that he didn't speak any English as you started by speaking basic Thai to him?....

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...staring at me with a big grim on his face...continued staring still with the silly grim on his face...

Yes, that grim look should have told you everything before you even opened your mouth... :o

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I've been in some shops where there are 2 or 3 people serving and maybe one of them will walk away but I think that's because they are afraid to speak English. When they hear I can speak Thai they often come back and maybe make a small remark that the farang can speak Thai. I've never experienced anyone refusing to serve me though.

One area I have serious problems though is on certain sois with the motorbike taxis. Some of them absolutely refuse to take me. Others that do take me sometimes get lots of jeering and other remarks from the others. Often something like "Farang! Add 10 baht to the fare". They also get furious when I don't give a "big tip". I really believe that is pure racism but these people are not really worth bothering about. Sometimes I get worked up by it and sometimes I just walk away.

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