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Windows XP Pro, SP2c

Straight copies are on Ebay for $187.

Any cheaper in Thailand, if yes, where please?

Fed up with Vista problems.

Thank you for reading. :o


Just a thought in case this applies to you. If you have Windows Vista Business or Ultimate then you get free downgrade rights to XP Pro with those versions. Get the media anywhere, copies should be fine, and then get the XP licence key over the phone from MS.

This MS document explains http://download.microsoft.com/download/5/f/4/5f4c83d3-833e-4f11-8cbd-699b0c164182/royaltyoemreferencesheet.pdf

If have Vista Home Basic or premium, then you will need to buy XP. Hurry up, MS will stop selling it on 30 June 2008.


Golden rule: you can always find lower prices for hardware and software in the USA. This topic comes up often and perhaps deserves a sticky.

USA: OEM w/ SP3 and free 3 day shipping. There are other web sites with lower pricing

Thailand: typical of Thai websites is they don't tell you much about what you are buying

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