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Guest Reimar

Just a reminder: the posting of Web Sites Addresses with illegal stuff or the discussion about that is against the rules.

Offenders will be warned.

I also changed the topic title to be more precise.


Reimar Moderating Team Thaivisa


///EDIT: As in the original post: deleted

And how is that legal ??


///EDIT: As in the original post: deleted

And how is that legal ??

Interesting discussion on this weeks "TWIT" (This Week in ech) about otrrents and legality.

Last weeks was good as well saying (in the USA at least) a website or board owner can not be responsible if someone did post addresses of illegal download sites due to the "Safe Harbour" defence.

This was from the woman who does TWIL (This Week in Law) - it must be aid the do concentrate on US law and it is up to any websites owner what they wish to allow - ie if the leave the posting alone its fine but if they alter it in anyway they are not help to b under safe harbour.

That was my take on it anyway?

Guest Reimar

Unfortunate the USA are NOT Thailand!

And even in USA the owner of an Bulletin Board write the rules, which don't need to 100% in accordance with the existing Law.

And the Board Rules are the existing rules. There only two ways: Take it or Leave it!



I am well aware of the rules here and its why I wrote

"it is up to any websites owner what they wish to allow"

I do not require any hints or tips on downloading from the so called amateur tehcies on here and i do not use illegal downloads or software as I am in a *Real* IT job and would not put myslef at any risk :o

Guest Reimar
I am well aware of the rules here and its why I wrote

"it is up to any websites owner what they wish to allow"

I do not require any hints or tips on downloading from the so called amateur tehcies on here and i do not use illegal downloads or software as I am in a *Real* IT job and would not put myslef at any risk :o

No any doubt about that! And my answer to your post wasn't for you but for others to understand. :D



iTunes Etc..

Theres many many sites selling legal MP3s.. Theres even semi legal avenues like allofmp3 which are legal in russia (where copyright laws are different) but do not pay the artists a fee.

Your not going to find much in the way of legal and free.. Some band jam recordings.. some legal trading systems.. But very niche.

www.archive.org has a lot of concerts, it would be a good place to look.

www.jamendo.com they have the creative commmons license and everything is free and legal.  

From their site "On Jamendo artists allow anyone to download and share their music. It's free, legal and unlimited."


There are no legal 'sharing' websites with commercial music ... 'sharing' in itself is illegal .....unless the copyright owner has given permission to share it .... like unknown artists who would like to promote their music.

Guest Reimar
There are no legal 'sharing' websites with commercial music ... 'sharing' in itself is illegal Wrong! Sharing itself isn't illegal but mostly used for illegal action! .....unless the copyright owner has given permission to share it .... like unknown artists who would like to promote their music.

Most of the Torrent Sites (99.99%) providing the "gateway" to illegal contents only but didn't hosting anything. But by providing that "gateway" that sites are illegal as well and that's why they work from the "Underground" hidden behind untraceable Proxies and so on.



The sharing of 'commercial music' is illegal.. As per the users post.

Sharing files of non copyrighted material is of course not illegal.. But thats not what he said.

Guest Reimar
The sharing of 'commercial music' which isn't under copyright or with given permission is not illegal.. As per the users post.

Sharing files of non copyrighted material is of course not illegal.. But thats not what he said.


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