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1am Bar Closing E-mail Campaign

Pattaya City News

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Pattaya City News has been asked by Khun Tawit, the Chairman of Pattaya City Council to undertake an email campaign to support their case to revert back to the 2 am bar closing times. We would like as many people as possible to send an email to us and every sensible email will be printed out and presented to the Council Chairman personally. Although I cannot guarantee this will have any effect, I would like to do my bit helped by members of this board to try and get the new regulations reversed. The fact that he asked me to arrange this gives me some hope that something can be done. I will keep you informed of developments on this board as they happen.

Please send your emails to: [email protected]

Please give your name and location (not full address). Please mention your thailand experience (If you live here, how long have you done so; if you holiday here how many times have you come here and would you consider not coming to Pattaya anymore because of the new regulations).

In the interests of fairness, if you support the new regulations, your emails will also be forwarded.

Please support this campaign, maybe we can make a difference.

Many Thanks


Pattaya City News.

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This is a quick email campaign and I aim to get the emails to Khun Tawit ASAP as meeting are taking place right now concerning the matter. So far, I am a bit disappointed with the response, only 26 emails so far. This is a genuine campaign and the emails will not be used for any other purpose. If you have the slightest doubt then do not participate. We foreigners have been given a chance to have our say as visitors and guests of the Kingdom. It may not have any effect whatsoever or it may help. To be honest I really dont know.

I urge you to send your emails now, if you wish to add your comments to this matter.



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Oh puke. Who cares, go solve a real problem.

bars are only open 20 hours a day. I'm crying for all the lager louts.

As if there are not enough alcoholics stumbling around the place.

Earth to boozeheads: Start earlier

Pattaya needs less boozy people. I'm not moralizing, just tired of seeing all the lushed out, stumbling booze hounds and vomit in the streets.

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>>Oh puke. Who cares, go solve a real problem.

This is a real problem for investors and bar employees alike... think of the bigger picture.

surprised he only has 26 emails... every one complains but thats it... thought there were more people in pattaya with more backbone...

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>>Oh puke. Who cares, go solve a real problem.

This is a real problem for investors and bar employees alike... think of the bigger picture.

surprised he only has 26 emails... every one complains but thats it... thought there were more people in pattaya with more backbone...

who cares maybe this will stop human trafficking once and for all go solve real problems and my heart goes out to the people affected but their are more important things to deal with than bars closing at 1am

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>>who cares maybe this will stop human trafficking once and for all go solve real problems and my heart goes out to the people affected but their are more important things to deal with than bars closing at 1am

i agree that human trafficking is also a real problem but if you have any belief that human trafficking will be impacted in way shape or form by closing entertainment venues early then you are dreaming...

... if anything, it has the potential to make it worse... people only believe in these dreams of better places (so they are told when they are poached - human trafficking) because they can not make money here...

... what do you think is going to happen if toursim falls, investors start reducing their investments... less job opportunities and more people out of jobs...

this then becomes a poachers dream (human traffickers) who prey on desperate people in desperate times... like i suggested, think about the bigger picture...

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>>who cares maybe this will stop human trafficking once and for all go solve real problems and my heart goes out to the people affected but their are more important things to deal with than bars closing at 1am

i agree that human trafficking is also a real problem but if you have any belief that human trafficking will be impacted in way shape or form by closing entertainment venues early then you are dreaming...

... if anything, it has the potential to make it worse... people only believe in these dreams of better places (so they are told when they are poached - human trafficking) because they can not make money here...

... what do you think is going to happen if toursim falls, investors start reducing their investments... less job opportunities and more people out of jobs...

this then becomes a poachers dream (human traffickers) who prey on desperate people in desperate times... like i suggested, think about the bigger picture...

Maybe the goverment is tired of being know as a sex destination You know I live in the states and i tell people i first meet usually male friend's about thailand and they say ohhh i know all about thailand thinking of the prostitution!!! Maybe it's time they cleaned up the image and maybe they can get more tourists this way.

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Of all my friends who have come to Thailand the only reason they came was for the bars the birds and the beach. The beach in Pattaya is awful now so that only leaves the bars and birds. We're all used to 24/7 pubs so it's a shock to find the bars here closing at a time when we a just getting ready to party. I can't see any reason to spend time in Thailand, who gives a toss about temples. If you can't have fun in fun town then we'll be going to someplace close to Singapore.


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I think it would be a great thing for Pattaya if they were to concentrate on the beaches, put the sex stuff in one area and turn it into a world class holiday destination, there is alot of potential here and believe it or not there are some lovely tourist attractions.

The be all and end all for pattaya should not be the girly trade. (it is good though)

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Pattaya City News has been asked by Khun Tawit, the Chairman of Pattaya City Council to undertake an email campaign to support their case to revert back to the 2 am bar closing times. We would like as many people as possible to send an email to us and every sensible email will be printed out and presented to the Council Chairman personally. Although I cannot guarantee this will have any effect, I would like to do my bit helped by members of this board to try and get the new regulations reversed. The fact that he asked me to arrange this gives me some hope that something can be done. I will keep you informed of developments on this board as they happen.

Please send your emails to: [email protected]

Please give your name and location (not full address). Please mention your thailand experience (If you live here, how long have you done so; if you holiday here how many times have you come here and would you consider not coming to Pattaya anymore because of the new regulations).

In the interests of fairness, if you support the new regulations, your emails will also be forwarded.

Please support this campaign, maybe we can make a difference.

Many Thanks


Pattaya City News.

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Can't really blame the government for wanting to be seen to be doing something.

Thailand has become a place associated with prostitution, where western males can go and get cheap sex. It is a target for sex tourists, it is cheap because many of the people are financially vunerable.

If I was the PM of a country that was the target for overseas sex tourists, I would be much more draconian.

Lets be honest, a huge percentage of the people that travel to Pattaya do so for one reason.

Take away all the girls, and you would be left with a ghost town.

Pattaya is not a world class resort, you cannot park anywhere, it is dirty, the sea is filthy, you cannot cross a road with any safety, no overpasses or underpasses, constant traffic problems, crime, prostitution, muggings , bag snatching, drug addicted prostitutes on the main beach promenade, aggressive ladyboys, corrupt police, no traffic regs, a haven for overseas criminals and sex tourists.etc etc.

How can you call Pattaya a world class resort ?

If I was PM, I would bulldoze the lot of it and start again.

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"" This is a real problem for investors and bar employees alike... think of the bigger picture ""

I have to laugh at any/all foreigners that come here with the hopes/dreams of profiting from a bar. New falang bars have opened on my soi, They will close after high season (if that long). Another moron and his "thai wife" have opened a guesthouse -only renting to Thai's (HAH). That's a failure too.

This board fosters this fantasy well. Best thing to do is to live simply off your funds that are kept in a bank in your home country. You've come to retire -retire!

Look along Soi Bukhaow, much buildings and many closings. A really, really bad business concept. As the saying goes...Do you know how to make a small fortune in Thailand? Start with a large fortune. I've a friend of friend bar on Chaiyapoon -closed. He said that in his darts club that many, many of the owners are lucky to break even. Lesson: margins are too low for foreigners to make any sort of return on investment.

I honestly feel sorry for the Thai's that buy the beer bars and rent shop houses. All are doomed to failure. Th eonly people benefitting are the Chinese who own all the real estate.

PATTAYA MAIL NEWS REPORTED 27-10-04: Drunk falang goes nuts in early hours (Soi Day/Night). Twas a German nutter, looked to me like a bad case of X. Bloke actually kicked the tourist policeman on camera.

One thing though: comment about the beach being shit and only being here for the birds is spot on. You can thank Pattaya City Hall for ruining the place. It's total crap. Beach has fully eroded, The walk is torn up and will be for months upon months thru high season, people (incl falang!!!) drive like maniacs, trash problems, trash and raw sewage in water, huge [problem with overbuilding- all sorts of nutcases here now. -and Pattaya City Hall met w/ TAT on how to bring more tourists to Pattaya. What a bunch of crap.

1am may be a bit early, but who cares. 1-2am. Time for bed. What they might do as compromise is up the time to 2am from Nov-Feb. There, problem solved!

Never own a bar. Really bad idea.

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>>Oh puke. Who cares, go solve a real problem.

This is a real problem for investors and bar employees alike... think of the bigger picture.

It is always a bad investment to invest in a bar in Pattaya, that is why so many are for rent and for sale. If the Bars where such a great money spinner, the Thai Chinese would run all the bars, not just rent the land and premises to farang dreamers. The Chinese and Indians are good business people in most countries, how many do you see sitting in their beer bar getting drunk with tourists?

95% of the bars in Pattaya should be closed, they are not an attraction, they are what makes Pattaya the place it is.

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Thing is you would probably amazed how many ordinary Thai people live of the seedy side of Pattaya. It starts with the girls, who more often then not make more then the bar owner they're working for.

They are the kind of people who don't cook food and therefore eat at the small restaurants or streetstalls.

Most of them don't even apply their own make-up but pay 100 Baht at the beauty salloon!

They share rooms, no place to do their laundry just bring it to the shop...

You see droves of Thais walking around selling clothes, even underware, they do a brisk trade with those girls...

Go and sit for half a day in one of the airconditioned bars in soi six, somewhere close where you can observe the comings and goings of the girls/customers. You will be amazed at turnover, and the amounts of cash changing hands...

It's the simple truth that Pattaya atracts a lot of freespending tourists generating a huge cashflow which will mainly benefit Thai people, and not that much benefits goes to the barowners, who would spent anything they make in Thailand as well!

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>>Oh puke. Who cares, go solve a real problem.

This is a real problem for investors and bar employees alike... think of the bigger picture.

It is always a bad investment to invest in a bar in Pattaya, that is why so many are for rent and for sale. If the Bars where such a great money spinner, the Thai Chinese would run all the bars, not just rent the land and premises to farang dreamers. The Chinese and Indians are good business people in most countries, how many do you see sitting in their beer bar getting drunk with tourists?

95% of the bars in Pattaya should be closed, they are not an attraction, they are what makes Pattaya the place it is.

who's the 5% then?

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If the govt really wanted to shut down illicit trade they would enforce currents laws. Its obvious they aren't interested and they make extremely good profit from the beer bars/go gos ect. No doubt they are even using such services themselves.

As far as indian/pakistani business men- I'd have to say you don't see them at bars because they are too tight to spend their dosh, and to be quite honest they aren't very much liked. I've seen some pretty extreme reactions from Thai(s) over indian/pakistanis.

As far as Chinese- hmmm go to the non-ferrang areas and you'll see an eyeful both Chinese and Thai.

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Pattaya City News has been asked by Khun Tawit, the Chairman of Pattaya City Council to undertake an email campaign to support their case to revert back to the 2 am bar closing times. We would like as many people as possible to send an email to us and every sensible email will be printed out and presented to the Council Chairman personally. Although I cannot guarantee this will have any effect, I would like to do my bit helped by members of this board to try and get the new regulations reversed. The fact that he asked me to arrange this gives me some hope that something can be done. I will keep you informed of developments on this board as they happen.

Please send your emails to: [email protected]

Please give your name and location (not full address). Please mention your thailand experience (If you live here, how long have you done so; if you holiday here how many times have you come here and would you consider not coming to Pattaya anymore because of the new regulations).

In the interests of fairness, if you support the new regulations, your emails will also be forwarded.

Please support this campaign, maybe we can make a difference.

Many Thanks


Pattaya City News.

Well, if the Chairman of Pattaya City Council has to ask farang Tourist Volunteer Police hacks to make an impression on the powers that be, then it seems likely that Viagra sales will be ‘up’ soon as impotence is obviously on the rise.

A farang-driven e-mail campaign to persuade Thai Officialdom to change its mind?

What a ridiculous notion! :o

Howard, you must think we are as thick as you seem to be.

I see that you have the time to come out with this nonsense, yet lack the inclination to answer previous posts querying the purpose of the farang Tourist Volunteer Police.

Hmmm, I wonder why that is? :D

If you cannot recall one of many such requests, then I refer you to this:

The Farang Tourist Volunteer Police presence has to be the most contentious issue to hit the Newsgroups, Chat Rooms, Discussion Boards et al since the debacle caused by rumours alluding to visa exemption regulation changes and early closing panic warnings manifested themselves, only to die a predictable death as they were bul***hit.

The latter two turned out to be cr*p, as expected, although the former issue has more sinister implications as it is real.

We actually see these farang striding around full of their own self-importance as they sport some cra*py T-shirt that they had to buy with their own money to elevate themselves to the level of the ‘unwashed’ (so some might say).

I happen to know of several of the ‘volunteers’ but am in many ways happy to state that I do not know them on much more than a nodding basis. I have always been careful with whom I mix as guilt by assocation has to be a consideration so whilst I know some of these people, avoiding them will hardly cause a stir as they cannot set me up for something I have not done.

Despite certain websites strangely deleting any mention of these ‘volunteers’, Thai oriented websites whose members consist of farang continue to debate the issue, just as Thaivisa.com does.

What I find interesting is the high profile that one of the already maligned volunteers adopts. I, of course, refer to the member of this forum who calls himself ‘******* the Volunteer’.

The conundrum to me is the fact that ****** does not make a very clear, simple statement to explain the obvious, so I will ask him ten simple questions:

1. Why did you join the Tourist Police Volunteers?

2. How did you join, were you approached or did you apply?

3. Do the Authorities have anything on you?

4. Was it suggested that if you did not comply then your current visa status etc might be reviewed?

5. What are your duties and the purpose of your role?

6. What powers do you have?

7. Do they supply you with a Work Permit (WP’s are issued for a particular ‘job’ so one you may already have is inapplicable, may the ‘job’ be non-paying or not).

8. Are you not concerned about the bad reputation volunteers have as the motive for enlisting is, to say the least, questionable?

9. Are you not concerned that some of the lowlife that exists in Pattaya may get to you before you, in their minds, get to them?

10.  What would you do if you stepped in to a situation, potential or otherwise, and the farang told you to get lost or else?

Until the above questions are satisfactorily answered, I suggest that anyone wearing a T-shirt telling but not telling the world who and what they are supposed to be, then the so-called volunteers are putting themselves in jeopardy and undermining any good intentions they may or may not have.

Apologies if the above ruffles any feathers, but to my mind the only crime I can be accused of is stating the obvious. I also apologise if the answers to the above were in the thread that was deleted.

There are many genuine expat’s such as myself who wonder what lengths these volunteers will go to to retain their as currently is ‘dubious’ status.

Either way, it is time for the ‘defensive’ volunteer(s) to either put up or shut up.

Once we know what they are really all about, we can treat them accordingly.

It should not be that difficult, should it? :D

I await your comments, but doubt any will be forthcoming. :D

How transparently sad if that is the case. :wub:

PS. Oh, of course, if you cannot answer the farang Tourist Volunteer Police questions, then perhaps Khun Tawit can? :D

Please be sure to forward this mail to him and openly copy me when you do. -_-

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1. Why did you join the Tourist Police Volunteers?

2. How did you join, were you approached or did you apply?

3. Do the Authorities have anything on you?

4. Was it suggested that if you did not comply then your current visa status etc might be reviewed?

5. What are your duties and the purpose of your role?

6. What powers do you have?

7. Do they supply you with a Work Permit (WP’s are issued for a particular ‘job’ so one you may already have is inapplicable, may the ‘job’ be non-paying or not).

8. Are you not concerned about the bad reputation volunteers have as the motive for enlisting is, to say the least, questionable?

9. Are you not concerned that some of the lowlife that exists in Pattaya may get to you before you, in their minds, get to them?

10.  What would you do if you stepped in to a situation, potential or otherwise, and the farang told you to get lost or else?

Some good questions that a lot of us expats would like answered.

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