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One Year 800k Visa Renewal...report 03-06-2008

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Went for my annual renewal yesterday at Nongkai Immigration.

As i expected, going on previous visits, it went very well indeed i,m pleased to report.

I was seen by Pol Sgt Morakot Poolmas and it took approx 20 minutes to process my documents ect. and as always he was very courteous and helpfull.

Documents I provided as previously advised by them

1) One extension of stay form T.M.7 with p.port photo attached. ( looking like recently taken ? )

2) Passport and photo copies of all pages with information on them. ( not the blank ones ) and current TM card

3) Letter from the bank confirming my current account details and in my case 800k for the last 3 months and transactions showing i use the acc.

4) A photo copy of the above, officially stamped, along with my acc. personal details.

My bank do all this for 100 baht only, by the way. :o

5) One photo copy of the house papers and one copy of my wifes ID car, both signed by her.

He didn,t ask for or want the originals of 5, but i took them just in case.

I waited a few minutes while it was signed by a superior upstairs and off i went with my visa dated until July 2009.

I went a month earlier than my run out date, just in case of any hickups.

I also got a re entry stamp for my trip back home at the same time by the way, which stays valid until my Ex. of Stay expires

Total cost 2,900 = 1.900 for the Ext. of Stay and 1,000 for the Re Entry stamp.

I did not observe any officer being awkward or unfriendly during my time there, this includes the officer with glasses who in the past was a bit of a bind.

Indeed a guy with a problem regarding a certified letter regarding his finances, who for some reason was unable to produce it, tried his patience to the extreme

IMHO, couldn,t reduce him to his previous anti everybody stance.

Eventually he convinced the guy to come back the day after with his wife and a suggested letter format to give him time to put the finances into place.


Note. I was asked for the signed photo copies of the family house paper details and my wifes ID to use as proof of my address in Thailand if anyones wondering.

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Yes, thanks for the report. perhaps Nong Khai are mellowing in their old age. I certainly hope so.

Please can I ask you to clarify point 4. You had to provide a letter from your bank, and a copy of it too. And both had to be stamped by the bank, is that what you are saying? Last year from me they wanted the original bank letter only, no copy.

Thanks again,


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Yes, thanks for the report. perhaps Nong Khai are mellowing in their old age. I certainly hope so.

Please can I ask you to clarify point 4. You had to provide a letter from your bank, and a copy of it too. And both had to be stamped by the bank, is that what you are saying? Last year from me they wanted the original bank letter only, no copy.

Thanks again,


The bank always do me a copy of my book with the front part with my acc. details and pages of my 800k inside the book and transactions for which they stamp.

My bank always provide me with these when i go for my letter, so for me i just give them the lot.

I have always given them a photocopy of these details, along with the letter staing confirmation of my details re the 800k in the account.

The officers have always took them off me so i assume / assumed this was an additional requirement to compliment the letter.

It could be i am providing additional info in comparison to others, including yourself.

I would offer the advice that maybe you take photo copies just in case they ask for them when you nexr renew your visa, if it,s at Nong Khai.

We all know how they can change on a daily basis sometimes at the various Immigration offices.

Best to go prepared for this as much as possible and take all the stuff you have, document wise, just in case.

marshbags :o

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Marshbags, do you know if the letter from the bank can be dated the day before you apply or has it to be on the same day?

I was hoping to collect the letter from the bank in the afternoon, so I could be at immigration early the next morning, but not sure if this would be allowed.


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Marshbags. You are a braver man than me. Just the mention of the name N... K.. makes me shiver.

Hiya LB

I think unfortunately you probably go after one of the awkward ones have do their bit to upset them.

Not making excuses and i know it,s not always the case, ( as with everyone we all have off spells for various reasons other than this, including language problems )

One example being the guy i mentioned who was giving the notorious " spectacled one " a hard time while the officer continued for quite some time to explain why he could not help him, stayed calm and friendly, while continuing to suggest a way out of the problem. ( As in My O.P. )

The guy was raising his voice to say th least in his frustration, while the officer stayed calm until he took his avice onboard and left.

We have all witnessed the no brainers who turn up in in appropriate dress and have an attitude problem, i for one feel like giving them a good shake and

and offering a few pointers on how best to deal with the officers, the way they are presenting themselves, upsetting not only the officers but everyone of us who have to get visas ect. after they,ve created bad feelings those following on suffer the predictable fallout.

Udon Aek after the last change around re. officers got really bad for this and many of us started going to N.K. rather than put up with it all.

Travellling 56 extra K,s to avoid it all.

It is a two way thing, the frustrated applicant start shouting and loosing their cool, get aggressive ect. ect. then it starts to play back.

In all honesty i have, for the last few years always had a pleasant experience and always got my visa,s ect. with no trouble.

Two additional examples while i was there if i my post them in Imm,s defence.

Regarding Pol Sgt Morakot Poolmas i have nothing but praise for him and how he has always gone out of his way to assist me.

1) An old guy who saw him before me was on his first application and he was very helpful, patient and explained everything as they went through his paperwork, sending one of the girls for photo copies and getting the guy an additional application form he neeeded to complete and even helped him fill it in.

I reckon he was applying for the 400k method and as we know they need 2 of everything in this scenario.

In the past at Udon, after the " spectacled one " took over, they told you to go away in not so friendly terms and get the proper paperwork before coming back again.

Re. the spectacled one again.

2) Prior to the guy giving him a hard time, another guy wanted a visa and just sat down at his desk with no paper work.

2) He got a girl to get the relevant form he required, photo copy what was needed and get 2 photo,s off his passport, one of which he cut off, used, and the other he returned to him.

I talked to the guy after and he said he was very happy with his response as he,d been shi...pooing himself due to passed on negativity.

All true as it happened, while i was there.

I don,t doubt that some of you have been unforunate enough to get a hard time, i guess i,ve been one of the lucky ones.

I always have pre visit nerves on what to expect, re the unpredictable, but always stay calm when i,m there, even during the testing moments that occur from time to time.

Outwardly uneffected in appearance, inwardly fit to explode sometimes but keep it under control as i know i,m up sh..pooh street if i do.

Just my take on the situation when i have to visit. by the way.

Thanks for your post and i saw it as a non cynical response that put a smile on my face, by the way

marshbags :o

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Marshbags, do you know if the letter from the bank can be dated the day before you apply or has it to be on the same day?

I was hoping to collect the letter from the bank in the afternoon, so I could be at immigration early the next morning, but not sure if this would be allowed.


Re. the bank, it,s down to your local branch and if they can do it in time.

Every year when i need it, i just go to the branch early and they do it while i,m there.

I know i could also go later in the day and do like wise as those are the times when they are usually not to busy with a queue of customers.

I got my letter on the 29th of May for the 3rd of June visit from the bank.

I didn,t use my account in between the dates and made sure i had enough funds to cover my needs before hand.

I usually get my letter a couple of days before and sit while they do it, along with answering any questions they may want to ask for clarification during the process.

Mondays and Fridays are not recommended as these days are usually very busy times indeed for the banks.

If i may offer a tip for anyone who does repeat visas and doesn,t already do the same.

I keep a photo copy of my letter along with the receipt for the 100 baht stapled to it and when i go the following year, dig it out and take it to the bank, give it to them and ask for one the same for the due renewal / visit for the visa.

RE Immigration i think so long as it,s within a week of your visit, it,s no problem from their perspective.

Perhaps Lopburi or one of other more experienced members can advise you further on this should it differ from what i have posted.

marshbags :o

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Thanks for your post and i saw it as a non cynical response that put a smile on my face, by the way

marshbags :o

To be fair I have never had to deal with Nong Kai. I am just going on the experiences of friends and people on different forums (yes there are others)

Living in Khon Kaen I have the option to go to Korat. They are so helpful and friendly.

Agree with what you say regarding the attitude of some of the applicants you see at Immigration.

When I was in Samui I would see blokes in old shorts and vests. Girls in Bikini tops. Demanding this and that. Unbelievable.

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Just to add to Marshbags post - I renewed my 1 year retirement visa at Nong Khai last April.

Pol Sgt Morakot Poolmas was behind the desk (as was his boss) but I was attended to by one of his female colleagues.

Armed with the same paperwork as Marshbags plus our 6 month baby Kitty who spent as much time on the Immigration side of the desk as our side - I was in and out in about 30 minutes.

On the subject of Pol Sgt Morakot Poolmas - his looks belie his character. I've been going to Nong Khai for 4 years and he's always been fair and helpful to us (admittedly the odd bottle of lao khao never does any harm). In fact I've only praise for all the Immigration staff at Nong Khai who have only ever been helpful and efficient.

Its all a matter of playing by the rules - if you comply with the regs. dress sensibly and smile - then you wont have a problem.

(I too live in Khon Kaen Lite Beer - Nong Khai's a bit nearer than Korat (I think) - its a nice a nice day out by the Mekong - give it a try)

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Never any problems in Nongkhai. Just stick to the rules. I never give the house paper or any letter about my address but may be that's because I live at very short distance of the Immigration and they see me every day in the street.

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Never any problems in Nongkhai. Just stick to the rules. I never give the house paper or any letter about my address but may be that's because I live at very short distance of the Immigration and they see me every day in the street.

First time for me this year Prajak.

When i went for my last 90 day report in March, i asked Pol Sgt Morakot Poolmas as i always do, about the present needs for the renewal.

He said this year make sure you bring a photo copy of your house papers and a copy of your wifes I.D. card, both signed, in addition to the usual documents.

Originals of these not needed he assured me, but as stated i took them just in case and no, he didn,t want them.

I was very pleased with all the replies which are all positive and hopefully they may encourage others to follow suit with the odd pointer on what usually compliments a good visit.

As you live near the Immigration offices Prajak, how about putting a sign up with an invite for free refreshments for T.Visa, visa applicants.

Only joking, honest :D

marshbags :o

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Doing My 1st retirement visa renewal in Hua Hin. . About the 800k letter. I have two bank accounts one with the 800k (stand alone) which I set up for visa purposes, and a regular one from which I draw from. Heard recently that you have to use an active account (one with transactions) rather than a passive one dedicated for visa purposes only.

Any body can square me away on this before I go In? Thanks in advance. You guys are great!

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Total cost 2,900 = 1.900 for the Ext. of Stay and 1,000 for the Re Entry stamp.

LOL My new re-entry visa costed 3800 Baht at Phuket immigration. :o

I went last month for my first one year visa ( marriage ) and also had no problem with getting it.

( previous 12 years i lived on years visa from Thai consulate in Holland. )

400 K in bank book ( no official bank statement required )

House registration and so on.

new visa is now valid untill 24 June 2009 with multi re-entry visa. :D

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Doing My 1st retirement visa renewal in Hua Hin. . About the 800k letter. I have two bank accounts one with the 800k (stand alone) which I set up for visa purposes, and a regular one from which I draw from. Heard recently that you have to use an active account (one with transactions) rather than a passive one dedicated for visa purposes only.

Any body can square me away on this before I go In? Thanks in advance. You guys are great!

Have not heard of any such formal requirement - I would carry the used passbook account to show if they want to see activity. I would think that would be OK.

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I have to agree with everything you said about Pol Sgt Morakot Poolmas. He is willing to explain things and gives good advice. He extended my visa a month without me asking so I could get my paperwork from my overseas employer in order last December. He is a credit to the Thai people.

I have always had good experiences with the staff @ the Nong Khai office since I started going their in 2004. It also helps that many of them are former military and I am retired from the forces myself, it's good to massage those things we all have in common. My last visit in April for my drivers license renewal paperwork and reporting was excellent as they took care of everyone waiting, even into their lunch break. One gent was having a big problem with an overstay issue, he apparently was a habitual offender, and they calmly sorted everything out.

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Doing My 1st retirement visa renewal in Hua Hin. . About the 800k letter. I have two bank accounts one with the 800k (stand alone) which I set up for visa purposes, and a regular one from which I draw from. Heard recently that you have to use an active account (one with transactions) rather than a passive one dedicated for visa purposes only.

Any body can square me away on this before I go In? Thanks in advance. You guys are great!

Have not heard of any such formal requirement - I would carry the used passbook account to show if they want to see activity. I would think that would be OK.

This year i changed my Current account from joint to individual in anticipation of possible interpretations by some officers that more funds were required ( times 2 )

My take on this is that it should only apply to 2 foreigners, but does someone Thai married to a farang technically become this or can be seen as ???

I made photo copies of all the pages of my old book and it,s contents and took them along with the old book itself, just in case.

As it worked out i didn,t need them anyway.

marshbags :o:D

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