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I understand that some will think that this is just an "accident," but to those who knew and loved Ebony, that just isn't sufficient. There were other people in the room when this happened that have yet to say anything. We have not heard or seen anything from the military's investigation. "Friendly Fire" is what the military told Pat Tillman's family and look at what has come from his family's own investigation into his death. An "accident" is not an acceptable answer. Where are the reports? How long is it going to take for ANYONE to tell us something, anything? An "accident," I don't think so. Ebony was too graceful and balanced for this "accident" to have happened. There are too many questions that need answers.

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But why do you think those answers are going to come from a Thai forum..

If you have a problem with the people on the scene.. Contact them.. If you have a problem with the military release of information.. Contact them.

The idea that someone is too graceful or balanced to have a drunken accident at silly o'clock in the morning is just not realistic. We realize your grieving, but the answers you seek are unlikely to come from here.


First of all, you have to be drunk in order to have a "drunken accident". Believe it or not, we (Ebony's family and friends) have received more information off of this forum than the military has given to us. Thank you to all, for your kind words and condolences. And yes, you are right, LivinLOS, we are still grieving and we probably will for the rest of our lives. That is how special Ebony was. Maybe just maybe, someone else will come on to this and say something else that we didn't know. Maybe a person who was afraid to talk to the investigators, in person, will come on with their info. That is what I pray for constantly. Oh and one other thing.....I have contacted some of the people on this forum personally.


First of all, to Ebony's Family, loved ones and friends, I offer my heartfelt condolences. We all truly hope that over time not only answers but peace of heart and soul will be forthcoming.

Reading some of the posts in this thread has caused my heart to stir and other posts have made me feel ill.

I am honestly bewildered why some posters in here have issues with you all coming on thaivisa in an effort to look for answers. This online community may well be one of the only places you can come and talk about Ebony, her unfortunate death and search for answers outside of your own Family and group of friends. As you state you have had more answers from people here than from Ebony's employers and responsible people.

I hope you will continue to find answers, and as you do I hope perhaps the anonymity of an online forum such as this will oneday (hopefully sooner) become a vehicle for someone who knows the truth to use as a way to unburden their own heart and conscience.

We all hope for a happier future for you all.


Instead of having mickeyluvsmom as my mouthpiece like for the poem I wrote last month, today I'm writing for myself, as Cpl. Ebony Cooper's mom. For some reason this forum doesn't accept me after several attempts of registering for a membership & maybe that's a good thing, but yet I recieve their newsletters. From all I've heard I don't want a membership. Tuky thank you for your response & others who have offered condolences. It's a shame we have to go online for answers & even more shameful are the comments that are posted. I am not writing just because Ebony was my only child, but because she was a human being & a fellow, military person serving her country. Some of the people posting comments are just talking out of the sides of their necks & seem to have no respect or regard for neither. I guarantee you if it was one of their loved ones it'd be a whole different story. Thank you to the kind-hearted responders & I won't even lower myself to say what I really think of the others.


To Moms..... I know how you feel, my heart still breaks for her everyday. I sat crying as I held a paper with her hand writing on it tonight. It takes everything in me to maintain composure when the permanecy of all this hits me out of no where when I'm in the midst of my day to day. It's so heartbreaking that she is not with us now, everytime I think I'm strong enough to move on the tears break through. This forum did bring us all some comfort because friends & family were able to find each other & support one another through it... so I'm not mad at this. We just have to remember that some of these people were not fortunate enough to meet Ebony & love her as we did; so take the insensitivity with a grain of salt moms, they know not what they do. Many a night I sit and I think of her smile, the vision of it makes me smile through my tears. I hear her voice in my mind & her will for me & everyone she loved is what encourages me to make peace with this. Easier said than done of course. No one will ever know the pain we feel until they themselves get that phone call. But Ebony was a positive person, she accepted life as it came. She loved that she was one of "the few, the proud, the marines!" She had no regrets and she showed no fear... I draw my willpower from the way Ebony lived life. I dont care anymore why she's gone because fact is, she's gone. It isnt fair. And I know someone saw something-- accident or not, but in the end she's still gone. Nothing will change that & really, thats all that could take this pain away. Hardest thing I ever had to do is admit that to myself... so I know its wearing on you but remember moms you're not alone. Though she was your only child, and she did love you... now I do too! You've been there for me & I appreciate you so much. God will carry you through this.

Tomorrow is her birthday... well where she would've been, today is her birthday. She would've been 26... its truly a bitter sweet day because had you not been blessed to have her on this day 26 years ago I would never have gotten to meet my bestfriend & soulmate. Even though we're going through this moms, we were BLESSED, we had such a beautiful & wonderful woman in our lives. However short lived it may have been, she graced us with her love & forever changed our lives. I have no regrets in loving Ebony, I would go through this nightmare again & again for just a day of the happiness I felt being with her. I was blessed to know her. And I am truly thankful to you for bearing such a wonderful daughter. I would normally have been celebrating this day with her but now Im saying to you Happy Birthday moms, thank God for the Blessing we received on July 25, 1982. Remember the joy you felt that day while you sit with her today, and even though tears will flow remember the good times & know that you will see her again one day. Time will heal us, faith will prevail, & memories we will cherish forever. May she Rest In Peace.

  • 2 weeks later...

Two months have now passed and yet it still seems like yesterday that I got the phone call about Ebony. Yes, Ebony was truly a blessing to everyone who knew her. I guess that is why it is so hard to believe all of this. I am grateful that I got the opportunity to have her in my life. I still miss her so much! Time will heal is what they say and I am still waiting for it. The ONLY thing that is bringing me some sort of comfort is knowing that Ebony is in a much better place now. I will probably never get over Ebony's passing and the way it happened. Time really is a treasure and I wish I could have had more of it with Ebony. I love and miss you Ebony.

  • 5 weeks later...

I come to this site everyday, over and over again thinking that maybe one day someone else will say something. How can one forget Ebony? How can one "get over it"? Everyday that passes that she isn't here doesn't get any easier for those that truly love her. How can it be said that this will take time? How much time is it going to take? No mother should have to bury their child EVER. 91 days have passed already and it still seems like yesterday. It is almost like time is standing still. Sure you go thru the motions and maybe, even put on a smile every now and then, all the while knowing that nothing will ever be the same. The sky isn't as blue as it used to be, people aren't the same, and priorities change. The world lost one of the great ones when Ebony died. I will love and miss her for the rest of the time I have left on earth.


A poem by W. H. Auden.

Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone,

Prevent the dog from barking with a juicy bone,

Silence the pianos and with muffled drum

Bring out the coffin, let the mourners come.

Let aeroplanes circle moaning overhead

Scribbling on the sky the message She Is Dead,

Put crepe bows round the white necks of the public doves,

Let the traffic policemen wear black cotton gloves.

She was my North, my South, my East and West,

My working week and my Sunday rest,

My noon, my midnight, my talk, my song;

I thought that love would last for ever: I was wrong.

The stars are not wanted now: put out every one;

Pack up the moon and dismantle the sun;

Pour away the ocean and sweep up the wood.

For nothing now can ever come to any good.


If you read today's Phuket Gazzette, on the night of the 29th August a Spainish National also died, after he fell from the same floor of the same hotel as this young lady.. but they have already made it a verdict of suicide.

But the point is, has this hotel got no health and safety? .... surly action now must be taken against the hotel!

RIP to those who died

If you read today's Phuket Post, on the night of the 29th August a Spainish National also died, after he following from the same floor of the same hotel as this young lady.. but they have already made it a verdict of suicide.

But the point is, has this hotel got no health and safety? .... surly action now must be taken against the hotel!

RIP to those who died

I think the article you are referring to was in the Gazette, not the Post, which doesn't report such stories:The link is here: http://www.phuketgazette.net/dailynews/index.asp?Id=6750

the text of it is below.. I don't think it is fair to rush to blame this on the hotel, bad spirits or anything else.

..I notice this thread continues to buoy from the repeated hits by the victim's mom. You have my sincere condolences and I hope time will somehow ease your pain.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Spaniard falls to his death in Patong

PATONG: Police are treating the death of a Spanish man who this morning fell from the balcony of his room on the seventh floor of the Club Andaman Beach Resort as a likely suicide.

He fell from the same floor where a female US marine fell to her death in June.

Kathu Police Duty Officer Patak Khwunna told the Gazette that he was informed of the death by a staff member at the resort at about 7 am.

He identified the deceased as Spanish national Josemaria Garcia Gonzalez, age 38.

There was slight bleeding from his mouth and nose, but no evidence that Mr Gonzalez had been involved in a violent struggle, Capt Patak said.

Room 708, where Mr Gonzalez was staying, showed no signs of foul play, but there were a large number of empty whiskey and beer bottles. His shoes were on the balcony and the room’s door to the corridor was locked from the inside, he added.

A hotel chambermaid who said she saw Mr Gonzalez jump told police there was no-one else on the balcony at the time.

Mr Gonzalez’s body was sent to Patong Hospital for examination by doctors and police forensics experts.

On June 3 this year, US Marine Ebony Cooper died in a fall from room 705 of the same hotel.

If you read today's Phuket Post, on the night of the 29th August a Spainish National also died, after he following from the same floor of the same hotel as this young lady.. but they have already made it a verdict of suicide.

But the point is, has this hotel got no health and safety? .... surly action now must be taken against the hotel!

RIP to those who died

I think the article you are referring to was in the Gazette, not the Post, which doesn't report such stories:The link is here: http://www.phuketgazette.net/dailynews/index.asp?Id=6750

the text of it is below.. I don't think it is fair to rush to blame this on the hotel, bad spirits or anything else.

..I notice this thread continues to buoy from the repeated hits by the victim's mom. You have my sincere condolences and I hope time will somehow ease your pain.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Spaniard falls to his death in Patong

PATONG: Police are treating the death of a Spanish man who this morning fell from the balcony of his room on the seventh floor of the Club Andaman Beach Resort as a likely suicide.

He fell from the same floor where a female US marine fell to her death in June.

Kathu Police Duty Officer Patak Khwunna told the Gazette that he was informed of the death by a staff member at the resort at about 7 am.

He identified the deceased as Spanish national Josemaria Garcia Gonzalez, age 38.

There was slight bleeding from his mouth and nose, but no evidence that Mr Gonzalez had been involved in a violent struggle, Capt Patak said.

Room 708, where Mr Gonzalez was staying, showed no signs of foul play, but there were a large number of empty whiskey and beer bottles. His shoes were on the balcony and the room's door to the corridor was locked from the inside, he added.

A hotel chambermaid who said she saw Mr Gonzalez jump told police there was no-one else on the balcony at the time.

Mr Gonzalez's body was sent to Patong Hospital for examination by doctors and police forensics experts.

On June 3 this year, US Marine Ebony Cooper died in a fall from room 705 of the same hotel.

I don't think it is fair to rush to blame this on the hotel, bad spirits or anything else.

I agree with you in some aspect here, but looking back through the old posts, my intention was more at the safty aspect of the Hotel, IE Bolts on the windows, thus people CANNOT fall out the window or jump..... ( similar to Bangkok Hotels )....


I wrote this poem for Ebony:

Why do they always say that time heals

Don't they know how bad this feels

Maybe they just never knew

Someone as wonderful as you

How much time is it going to take

Before I stop feeling this horrible ache

How many days, how many weeks

Before tears quit falling down my cheeks

Pain in my heart and also my head

Living without you I've come to dread

Everyday that passes that you are gone

Is so much of a struggle just to go on

Advantage of time, I used to take

Never again will I make that mistake

I wonder if your angels cried

Knowing that their hands were tied

When all of this was playing out

Them knowing what was coming about

Lies were told by fake family and fake friends

Guilt they must carry until their bitter end

Real family and real friends cry out loud

With memories of you and how we are proud

Of everything that you did and are

For you're our bright and shining super star

I love you Ebony and I will never forget you and the impact you have on my life.


Until safety standards and building codes are brought up to snuff this will happen over and over again. :o

I agree... for watever the situations were revolving their deaths...railings were invented for a reason. Sad, sad. My heart goes out to his family as well as to ours mourning Ebony. Her memory will live on forever. I miss her everyday and love her more than words can express.

Love ya moms.


This poem is written by Ebony's mom:

Days, weeks and months have gone by

But I still can't help but cry

Is the truth slowly trying to unfold

Or will the truth ever be told

Will answers erase my grief, anger and pain

Will the truth make your passing any more in vain

At times I want someone whom I can blame

But the outcome will only be the same

My world is hazy no longer bright and clear

It's so cold and empty since you're no longer here

And time is slowing ticking as I try to persevere

I rehash old memories and there's lots to reminisce

Even that can't fulfill all the things I miss

I even look at your pictures each and every day

But nothing will ever change the fact that you passed away

Nor can reminiscing replace things we'd actually say or do

Nothing can ever come close to me having you

But God continually comforts me as he's seeing me through

From the day my world was shattered the day I lost you.

I love and miss you!!!



What is it going to take for the building codes to be improved? How much effort could it possibly take for locks to be put on the windows so that these "accidents" don't happen anymore? From the looks of the website of the hotel, money isn't the issue with the locks. The owners can afford it and anyways, a life is priceless. The more I look, the more I find of these "accidents". It seems to me that if you rely on tourists for income, you would want to make it safe for them to continue visiting.


It almost seems like these "accidents" happen so much that people are getting immune to them. I cannot understand how as a people things like this don't affect us more. My heart goes out to families of the other ones this has happened to.


That hotel is run down and not managed in a healthy and safe way. This hotel and another hotel at the beach front of Patong are always used by the US marine and Navy forces.

If there are guest safety issues with the hotel, then why are they constantly used for RR?

Maybe RR staff booking these hotels should be more responsible and check that the hotels booked are safe and sound?

Master Chief

  • 2 weeks later...
That hotel is run down and not managed in a healthy and safe way. This hotel and another hotel at the beach front of Patong are always used by the US marine and Navy forces.

If there are guest safety issues with the hotel, then why are they constantly used for RR?

Maybe RR staff booking these hotels should be more responsible and check that the hotels booked are safe and sound?

Master Chief

I just wanted to say thank you, Master Chief. You understand exactly what I was trying to say. Now you have given me a place to start my endeavor so that this kind of "accident" doesn't happen to anyone else.

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