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What To Do To Get A Flatter Tummy


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hi there...

after my last pregnancy I think I have a tummy... mostly skin and a bit of fat that doesn't want to go... I went to APEX skin clinic and they have offered a solution that would tighten my skin and with a 50% discount it costs ONLY 120 000Bht WOW said I...

I have seen on thai TV an add that showd a lady getting some slimming procedure that also tighten her skin so after she lost quite a bit she did not look like a sharpei dog but her sking wasreally nice and tight but I did not get the address or a name of a place that offered this.

another thai lady told me that I should try sauna with some herbs, but I doubt it would tighten the skin...

any ideas?

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I am truly sorry, but sit ups are the fastest route. The best thing about them though is the more you do them, the easier they become. Leg raises are very good for your lower abs and are less work. Remember though that it doesn't matter how many stomach exercises you do, you will only tone existing muscles, not burn the layer of fat lying on top. You may have a great six pack hidden under a chubby tum! You can only shift this with diet and exercise, so try this first as you may find your stomach muscles are fine.

Yoga, swimming and pilates are all great at improving posture and strengthening the core muscles (your stomach and back muscles). When these are strengthened, you will use them properly in day to day life and this should be enough to keep them toned - no need for sit ups. Posture plays a big back in the appearance of your body so by doing exercises that improve this you will instantly lose pounds of your tummy!

Last thing is diet..obviously the low fat, low sugar kind is a start...but if you find that your tummy is bloated rather than flabby, you may have a food intolerance - the most common being wheat or dairy.

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Nice full body workouts with moderate weight will help a lot. Also some core strengthening exercises, google such exercises as the plank, dorsal raises, abdominal crunches. Don't make the common error that most women do when weight training is mentioned by being scared of becoming muscle bound, it won't happen. Good luck.

Check these out

MAyo clinic

Ab exercises

Edited by gymshark
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I think I got missunderstood I was talking about tightening the skin on the tummy..all the situps in the world will not help me in this..

if one would read the question it's the skin that I am worried about not the fat, it's not so much of it and I think if I loose that my skin will hang like a apron... I need someting to make it firm and tight.

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I think I got missunderstood I was talking about tightening the skin on the tummy..all the situps in the world will not help me in this..

if one would read the question it's the skin that I am worried about not the fat, it's not so much of it and I think if I loose that my skin will hang like a apron... I need someting to make it firm and tight.

Tummy tuck only would help you.Yet; it is a surgery operation but the results would be guaranteed and mostly permanent.

Thermage is also available as a very updated skin-firming treatment which is suitable for your case but it would cost you same as much as the tummy-tuck surgery but with less visible results.


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I think I got missunderstood I was talking about tightening the skin on the tummy..all the situps in the world will not help me in this..

if one would read the question it's the skin that I am worried about not the fat, it's not so much of it and I think if I loose that my skin will hang like a apron... I need someting to make it firm and tight.

Tummy tuck only would help you.Yet; it is a surgery operation but the results would be guaranteed and mostly permanent.

Thermage is also available as a very updated skin-firming treatment which is suitable for your case but it would cost you same as much as the tummy-tuck surgery but with less visible results.


yeap Thermage is the treatment that was quoted to me by APEX clinic

the thing is tummy tuck is such a big thing and leaves a big scar as well...

I don't have such a big problem I think that when tumy tuck is done all skin from navel and below is cut and that from navel and above is stretched to the bottom ( bikini line ) and stitched and new hole for navel is cut out, but I don't have so much skin on my upper tummy to stretch so far...

I saw ads fro tummy tuck at 1600 UDS but Thermage is much more expencive ( almost 4000 USD ) or is there a place for that at a lesser price?

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In Canada, I was a practicing Endermologist, and I saw some fantastic results. It was pricey there - I don't know what it would cost here. It's also incredibly relaxing and great for the whole body. Most of my clients were there with the exact same issues as you are having.

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ok I got it... everyone here thinks it's the fat I need to loose... so all the useless posts exept for on that actually understood what I was talking about... and I thought that I have bad english...thank you guys I am not fat I know how to keep a proper diet and I know about abs and muscles of the core... allthough it got nothing to do with what I am talking about. I was asking skin tightening procedures not fat eliminating. but thanks anyhow.

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Palmer's Cocoa Butter is what many ladies use in the UK.

I have heard of that but I don't understand how it works ( or does it? )to tighten the skin ....and I dont think it's available in Th

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ok I got it... everyone here thinks it's the fat I need to loose... so all the useless posts exept for on that actually understood what I was talking about... and I thought that I have bad english...thank you guys I am not fat I know how to keep a proper diet and I know about abs and muscles of the core... allthough it got nothing to do with what I am talking about. I was asking skin tightening procedures not fat eliminating. but thanks anyhow.

You're not going to get much help with an attitude like that. If "everyone here thinks it's the fat I need to loose" (sic) doesn't that tell you the confusion was caused by a miscommunication on your part, not by the poor English of everyone else?

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Basically from what you describe, IMO the only way to really eliminate it will be surgery, you could pay more than the cost of that on an unknown other option or you could just go for the op & know it is going to produce the results you want.

Palmers coco butter is a just an intensive moisturiser which is recommended to pregnant women to use during preganancy to prevent or help reduce stretch marks but wont resolve the probelm of excess or hanging skin as it is just too stretched to be able to go back to how it once was.

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Basically from what you describe, IMO the only way to really eliminate it will be surgery, you could pay more than the cost of that on an unknown other option or you could just go for the op & know it is going to produce the results you want.

Palmers coco butter is a just an intensive moisturiser which is recommended to pregnant women to use during preganancy to prevent or help reduce stretch marks but wont resolve the probelm of excess or hanging skin as it is just too stretched to be able to go back to how it once was.

ditto..it is exactly what I had posted :o .

Tummy-Thermage would cost you about 100k baht in most clinics here in Bangkok ;the results are not sufficient or visible until several treatments are being done.

Tummy Tuck will cost you about that exact sum of money; but the results are more (guaranteed) if you will follow closely the post op care-instructions to avoid any complications during the healing process.

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Basically from what you describe, IMO the only way to really eliminate it will be surgery, you could pay more than the cost of that on an unknown other option or you could just go for the op & know it is going to produce the results you want.

Palmers coco butter is a just an intensive moisturiser which is recommended to pregnant women to use during preganancy to prevent or help reduce stretch marks but wont resolve the probelm of excess or hanging skin as it is just too stretched to be able to go back to how it once was.

ditto..it is exactly what I had posted :o .

Tummy-Thermage would cost you about 100k baht in most clinics here in Bangkok ;the results are not sufficient or visible until several treatments are being done.

Tummy Tuck will cost you about that exact sum of money; but the results are more (guaranteed) if you will follow closely the post op care-instructions to avoid any complications during the healing process.

I have to agree with Boo and Zaza. I am a big proponent of exercise and natural remedies, but if the skin has lost elasticity and is hanging exercise and potions are not going to help. If you are done having children, I'd say get a tummy tuck.

Although, if I had a baby in Thailand, I would want to try their steaming and herbs right after birth, because they may be on to something. However, at this point, go for the surgery. I think they should be free for women after they have birthed their children. That's the least society can do for us. :D

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Go spinning! Works everything....

I already am..

I have to agree with Boo and Zaza. I am a big proponent of exercise and natural remedies, but if the skin has lost elasticity and is hanging exercise and potions are not going to help. If you are done having children, I'd say get a tummy tuck.

Although, if I had a baby in Thailand, I would want to try their steaming and herbs right after birth, because they may be on to something. However, at this point, go for the surgery. I think they should be free for women after they have birthed their children. That's the least society can do for us.

that's it I have delivered in thailand it's been 2 months now since delivery and I am trying to comeback to my shape before... I was thinking that someone might know about that herbs and steaming I have herd girls talking about this as well but i don't know what it is and where to find it...

thanks to BOO ZAZA and KAT for suggestions but I am really scared to do the surgery so big... and to be honest it's not that bad many people don't even notice it but I do.. because I know how it was before...

I think I wouldn't do the tummytuck even if it was free :D I am so afraid of knives!!!!! and needles! and thinking that a part of me will be cut and thrown in a bin :o just terrible!

but thanks...

as for the last post of edwardandtubs it is not my attitude ( there were posts that admin deleted right away I guess because they were not appropriate and offtopic so the attitude of the crowd came on me first) and not my "miscommunication " ( if that would be it there would not be even one poster who understood what I need I got 4... together with you since you reccomended cocoa butter for the skin conditioning) and even if it is I am thankfull to people who see me through my " attitude"

Edited by LazyCat
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Lazycat, If you have only given birth a couple of months ago then I would def advise you to not have surgery. I thought it was a longer term problem rather than a short time after labour. It takes approx 15 months for your body to get back to normal after birth, I had my son 13 months ago & things are still only settling down in terms of my stomach area & wobbly bits now but I have noiced in the last 4 months a massive improvement but still some way to go so don't do anything drastic for at leaat 18 months.

Do moisterise well to help your skins elasticity & do tummy massage with oil, Bio oil is really good, I have used this for nearly a year & it really helps with any stretch marks but don't dispair, things will get better so wait a while before making any major descisions :o

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just to lighten things bit here; :D no slight offense intended though :D

Here is a beauty advice:

If your spouse has a pot-belly tummy then; enjoy being lazy(cat) ;honey :o


If your spouse has a 6-pack tummy :D , then:get rid of your sack-tummy :D !

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just to lighten things bit here; :D no slight offense intended though :D

Here is a beauty advice:

If your spouse has a pot-belly tummy then; enjoy being lazy(cat) ;honey :D


If your spouse has a 6-pack tummy :D , then:get rid of your sack-tummy :D !


thanks but too bad for me my spouse has less fat than the leanest steak I have ever had...and I can hear him expecting me to be in shape faster than it would normally take... so I wanted to speed up the process of skin healing / coming back ot it's more or less original state...

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Go spinning! Works everything....

I already am..

How many times a week and how long? More concentrating gives better result. It must work... Some work harder than others :o ... in a class. Else just do the excresises for your belly in the gym...

And no pain no gain it's true :D

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Liposuction worked for me. :o

But as Boo said, if you have recently given birth you should give it some time first.

Also if you are thinking iof lipo be sure you are at a stable body weight first, preferrably a normal one but if not then as close to it as you expect to be. And be sure tio have it done at a reputable place, and don't do it if you are diabetic or have other chronic medical problems that would out you at high risk. It does give very good permamnet results on tummies.

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