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At Least 78 Die After Thailand Riot


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This was a very interesting discussion about a very serious subject, why do some people always want to turn discussions into personal vendettas and arguments and flaming that bears hardly any relation to the subject. Why not use your private email account for that sort of thing!

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The world is increasingly a complex place, and there are no clearcut categories of villans or heros, righteous or evil. I tend to agree with Guran, Stroll, and Jem Jem, but at the same time I understand why Katyusha may have his anger. I can sympathize with what might possibly be pain talking. Anger is really nothing more than pain turned inside out.

NOthing is ever too sacred or politically correct to be questioned, and for me that includes all of the world's religions, governments, adherents, and histories. However, no thinking person should resort to calling Arabs or Muslims "raghead", because this is racist. Is every Muslim a terrorist? Is every black person a criminal, or every white rich person a model citizen? When you resort to racist behaviour or slander you show yourself to be no better than the violence you protest against. You are simply part of the problem because you perpetuate the cycle.

Under no circumstances should restrained persons under arrest be stacked in worse conditions than cattle for slaughter. As this was the case, then we can only conclude that they were slaughtered, and this is inexcusable for any "professional" armed force. Thailand aspires to be a "developed" country in so many years, but what they should really aspire to is the Rule of Law.

I don't mean to single anyone out here, because we are all trying to grapple with the complicated and multi-generational result of events and world history at this point in time. None of us are perfect at it. I don't know what else to say.

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This was a very interesting discussion about a very serious subject, why do some people always want to turn discussions into personal vendettas and arguments and flaming that bears hardly any relation to the subject. Why not use your private email account for that sort of thing!

They can't be me, so they attack me. :o

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I suppose I'm to blame for raghead terrorists crashing planes into buildings too.

Have you ever wondered what reason they may have had for doing such a thing ?

What is their reason for hating the USA ?

Violence breeds violence .

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Isn't it a coincidence that there was not a single decapitation in Iraq until Katy and his mates turned up ??

I'm a "her", dipshit.

I suppose I'm to blame for raghead terrorists crashing planes into buildings too.

Sorry, then we all stand corrected; he is a she. No, Katyusha, you are not responsible for extremist idiots crashing into the towers, but we all are responsible for how we treat people according to our world view. There are individuals who comprise the term "ragheads". Would you say that to every person's face who would fit that physical description? I think even if you tried, you would feel bad along the way because there are beautiful and ugly people everywhere. Words matter, because they are what inflame people to blow up buildings and innocent people in the name of Allah, or convince people to roam the streets looking for Muslims or "ragheads" to bash.

If you allow hateful people to turn your outlook towards hate, then they have won.

I know this sounds very wishy-washy and I will get flamed, and no, I did not fight on the frontlines of a war, so I don't know what that is like. But soldiers are not the only people in a war, and not the only ones to confront life or death situations, or the decision to hate or not. It is easier to hate, which is why I suppose more people choose it.

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I'm a "her", dipshit.

I suppose I'm to blame for raghead terrorists crashing planes into buildings too.

Well you sure are a real Bitch, Bitch :o

The US got simply what is was asking for for a long time. Talk about ignorance....

Sure that thought didn't enter you limited brain yet :D

Hopefully you get shot by one of your adversaries, maybe you can contemplate your aggression then in your final moments.... :D

Lot's of karma still to learn yet...just a step up from an angry monkey...

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Recent intelligence reports have revealed that a number of ragheads operate in disguise, some take their headscarves off, some pose as protesting youth wereas others pretend to be innocent bystanders. Use your unfailing professional judgement as to who to execute at first sight, Comandress Kalashnikov!

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The world is increasingly a complex place, and there are no clearcut categories of villans or heros, righteous or evil.  I tend to agree with Guran, Stroll, and Jem Jem, but at the same time I understand why Katyusha may have his anger. 

I'm a "her".

I can sympathize with what might possibly be pain talking.  Anger is really nothing more than pain turned inside out. 

What do you know about pain Kat ?

Have you ever held a 10 year old boy in your arms, trying to keep his face turned away from where his arm and shoulder used to be, while lying through your teeth and telling him he wasn't going to die ?

Have you ever had a 5 year old girl you loved more than your own life step on a mine and bleed to death before anyone could reach her ?

If I let pain control my anger I would destroy everything in my path.

However, no thinking person should resort to calling Arabs or Muslims "raghead", because this is racist. 

In Afghanistan and Iraq we called everyday Muslims "citizens" or "civvies" and terrorist combatants "ragheads" or "sand niggers". It wasn't racist then, and it's not racist now.

Under no circumstances should restrained persons under arrest be stacked in worse conditions than cattle for slaughter.  As this was the case, then we can only conclude that they were slaughtered, and this is inexcusable for any "professional" armed force.

If the arrested rioters had been stacked 10 deep in the trucks for the express purpose of suffocating a few then I would condemn it as "slaughter", but they weren't. Shit happens. If they hadn't been rioting they'd still be alive today.

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well George... sorry but I can't agree with this...

" Even the most vicious and evil of terrorists are entitled to due process of law and a fair trial. "

it appears only terrorists and rioters enjoy favorable opinion for a certain sector a ex pats ...

I can easily understand why the vast majority of Thai's are silent .....

they don't like terrorists and rioters... and neither do I :o


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You don't 'like' human rights either, apparently...

well, that is one thing you have in common with the handful of terrorists amongst the rioters, and seemingly with the Thai government as well.

hello stroll

For the vast majority of people human rights work and are respected.

for terrorists - people who knowing take the life's of others,

yes you are right I have no respect for them and would not offer them human rights..


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OK, back to square one.

So are you saying all arrested rioters are 'terrorists'- " people who knowing take the life's of others" and deserve to be tortured to death by the Thai military in the procedure described in the article?

What then are the soldiers and their commanders, Thai military- are they 'terroists', "people who knowing take the life's of others", or how would you describe causing a defenseless man to be slowly suffocated to death by the weight of his defenseless comrades ?

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For the vast majority of people human rights work and are respected.

for terrorists - people who knowing take the life's of others,

yes you are right I have no respect for them and would not offer them human rights..


only human rights for those that you respect ? :o

That's probably what Pol Pot, Stalin along with others thought.

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terrorist in one country's view...

Are freedom fighters in another country's view.

Nothing is black or white.

Regarding katyusha's statements of resentment against certain groups i would equally qualify her as a terrorist as i would Bin LAden.

They speak the SAME language....

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Well you sure are a real Bitch, Bitch  :o

I'm more woman than you'll ever get and more man than you'll ever be, Dorknight.

Learn to live with it.

The US got simply what is was asking for for a long time. Talk about ignorance....

Sure that thought didn't enter you limited brain yet  :D

So according to you it was OK for a bunch of raghead psychos to murder 3000+ innocent civilians because it was "what the US was asking for for a long time" ?

You disgust me, you worthless piece of trash!

I hope Homeland Security reads your crap and sends someone to twep you!

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Well you sure are a real Bitch, Bitch  :o

I'm more woman than you'll ever get and more man than you'll ever be, Dorknight.

Learn to live with it.

The US got simply what is was asking for for a long time. Talk about ignorance....

Sure that thought didn't enter you limited brain yet   :D

So according to you it was OK for a bunch of raghead psychos to murder 3000+ innocent civilians because it was "what the US was asking for for a long time" ?

You disgust me, you worthless piece of trash!

I hope Homeland Security reads your crap and sends someone to twep you!

Bin Ladins actions were not ok , but the reasoning behind it can be understood.

Just as the reasoning behind Bush wanting to complete what his father started.

But neither action is acceptable by any civilized standards.

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So according to you it was OK for a bunch of raghead psychos to murder 3000+ innocent civilians because it was "what the US was asking for for a long time" ?

I didn't say that, but i mean you get what you sow.

How many innocent civilians have you killed?

How many innocent civilians has the US killed in it's history?

How many innocent civilians Has your President sent to their deaths?

Forgotten about earlier alteractions, just for money or oil?

Oh but let's not think that we were sent to afghanistan or iraq for only to secure Mr Bush his oil intrests.

NO we are performing HOMELAND SECURITY, Freeing the world, ect.

It just shows how brainwashed you are, always knew that soldiers were thought not to think....

It clearly shows here..... :o You sure must be PROUD being the superior race and country and all.....

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it appears only terrorists and rioters enjoy favorable opinion for a certain sector a ex pats ...


I'm starting to wonder why this forum has attracted so many cowards and terrorist sympathizers.

Maybe they e-mail each other for reinforcements.

it's rather critical thinkers that have responded.

Unfortunately Soldiers are so heavily indoctrinated that they are unable to think critically.

If they do, it is usually only after the conflict is over.

Most Soldiers don't know the real reasons why they are at war.

Why were you in Iraq Kate ??

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So according to you it was OK for a bunch of raghead psychos to murder 3000+ innocent civilians because it was "what the US was asking for for a long time" ?

I didn't say that, but i mean you get what you sow.

Earlier this year a little girl I loved stepped on a mine left behind by the Russians 15 years ago.

By your reasoning I should be permitted to crash planes into the Kremlin and the Hermitage and the GUM department store and kill a few thousand innocent civilians ?

How many innocent civilians have you killed?

I'll answer that question with another which should be easy for an armchair warfare expert like you to answer, Dorknight;

You're leading a four man team, hunkered down behind the rocks about 120 metres from a village hosting fifteen Taliban fighters.

You have all the Taliban tagged and placed. You plan to hit them in five minutes, during the next Salaah. With surprise on your side you can take them all out easily as they kneel to pray.

A little girl with a puppy on a leash approaches your position. A couple of metres away she spots you, and freezes.

Do you let her raise the alarm, resulting in certain capture and maybe death for you and your team, or do you ignore the military code of honor and the rules of engagement and slit her throat, then hit the village before she's missed ?

It just shows how brainwashed you are, always knew that soldiers were thought not to think....

Now you're sounding almost as stupid as JimJam.

My time is limited, and I have none to waste on insignificant nobodies with nothing of consequence to say.

Lift your game, or I'll have to put you on my "Ignore" list.

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Earlier this year a little girl I loved stepped on a mine left behind by the Russians 15 years ago.

How many little girls have been killed by US bombs ?

Why is the US among the few countries which have not yet banned landmines ?

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A little girl with a puppy on a leash approaches your position. A couple of metres away she spots you, and freezes.

Do you let her raise the alarm, resulting in certain capture and maybe death for you and your team, or do you ignore the military code of honor and the rules of engagement and slit her throat, then hit the village before she's missed ?

I'd just knock her unconcious with one wellaimed blow.

But then, I don't think all Muslims should be exterminated before they are old enough to attack, and I am not looking for excuses to do so. :o

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i would suggest somebody puts you on the ban list..

sure you kill the girl , wasn't she a "raghead" in the making????

it was the Human thing to do , no? For the Freedom of the US of A

Besides this was sarcasme.... :o

The fact that you were even there, killing others, probably getting killed as well, seeing things in black and white, being hero's and villains shows that you don't have a great understanding or consiousness.

"Earlier this year a little girl I loved stepped on a mine left behind by the Russians 15 years ago."

So which lovely girl or boy will step on your american mine in the future ?

Much to learn..... despite your experiences you havent grasped a thing


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