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Fitness And Strength Of Thaivisa Members


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a few months ago I lost about 12kgs and was jogging for 30 mins 4 - 5 times per week...felt good, I was proud of meself and contemplated maybe even goin' surfin' again...

However, more recently I've developed stiffness in my shoulders and arms and it has become painful to raise my arms over my head...doctor says it's a common diabetes - related muscle inflammation problem...

sheesh...can't win fer losin' :D

I think you may have to introduce dietary changes as well to hold on to your health. There is a certain threshold where we can no longer be casual about exercise or diet to maintain a fitness standard that doesn't decline. If I were you, I'd check out the associations between gluten and diabetes. :o

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Push his straightened body from the floor and back at least 50 times. ( press ups). I can bench 120kg/3x10 reps so i think i could

Lower himself between two parallel bars at least 25 times. (dips). just done 3 lots of 20 about 30 mins ago could easily do more.

Pull himself up on an overhead bar until the bar is clear of his chin, at least 10 - 15 times. (pull ups). Yes

Run at top speed. Yes but it isnt too fast

Jump obstacles, equal to waist in height, with ease. Probably

Swim a mile. No chance can swim 1 length max.

I think with a months training most able bodied people could do all those with the exception being the swimming.

The first 3 tests favour light adult males. Most untrained males over 200 lbs would have their work cut out to do 10 strict (full extension) pullups.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Are not the farangs full of parasites, heavy metals and radioactivity from amalgams, (the law allows uranium in amalgams, that breaks down to polonium. We say amybody with an amalgam is a dead man walking), dyes from cookware,

Who exactly is "we"? What law where? This is utter bullshit.

The mods need to move this non-Thailand related topic to the health forum where it belongs...

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In my youth I managed to do pretty well as a racing cyclist with a few insternational multistage road races under my belt.

Now I'm happy to do a gentle jog, or a few laps of the swimming pool and occasionally a few miles on bike.

I've taken part in one of the most competative and physically demanding sports there is, now I enjoy a more relaxed attitude to exercise.

I'm also left with a particular dislike for 'Fitness Preachers' who for the most part have what to be honest are mediocre abilities, while they make up for balance of their missing ability with loud mouths, big talk, the latest sports fashion wear and pony tails.

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All these gym exercises that you pay big bucks to some club to let you do, but there is something you dont get "STAMINA".

You can always come to the farm and I will get you fit at NO CHARGE.

10-12 hrs a day under the Isaan sun. Start at 6am with carrying 4 bags of fish food (80KG) the 150 metres to the ponds (2 bags on each shoulder), followed by a fast 4km walk carrying buckets of food and tossing to fish.

1000 swings with the brush cutter to get grass for the ducks and rabbits.carry 50kg of grass 400m to the duck compound.

Throw a 10 kg cast net till you have 100kg of market fish.

Then you can have a coffee and start on the real work which might include a couple of thousand shovel fulls dig and toss soil or manure,dig a few post holes, hump around a few 60 kg concrete posts plus the myriad of other daily chores here on the farm.

As a 69 year old 80kg bloke I dont possess bulging muscles ,just a reasonable amount of stamina ,by the way ,I can still do 10 single handed chin-ups at a go.(will that get me into the marines?)

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As a 69 year old 80kg bloke I dont possess bulging muscles ,just a reasonable amount of stamina ,by the way ,I can still do 10 single handed chin-ups at a go.(will that get me into the marines?)

I couldn't do 10 single handed chin-ups when I was a 19 year old Marine. I could do 10 full dips while doing a handstand though. :o

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All these gym exercises that you pay big bucks to some club to let you do, but there is something you dont get "STAMINA".

You can always come to the farm and I will get you fit at NO CHARGE.

10-12 hrs a day under the Isaan sun. Start at 6am with carrying 4 bags of fish food (80KG) the 150 metres to the ponds (2 bags on each shoulder), followed by a fast 4km walk carrying buckets of food and tossing to fish.

1000 swings with the brush cutter to get grass for the ducks and rabbits.carry 50kg of grass 400m to the duck compound.

Throw a 10 kg cast net till you have 100kg of market fish.

Then you can have a coffee and start on the real work which might include a couple of thousand shovel fulls dig and toss soil or manure,dig a few post holes, hump around a few 60 kg concrete posts plus the myriad of other daily chores here on the farm.

As a 69 year old 80kg bloke I dont possess bulging muscles ,just a reasonable amount of stamina ,by the way ,I can still do 10 single handed chin-ups at a go.(will that get me into the marines?)

I would be really impressed if you can do 10 single handed chin-ups, i got enough muscle and fat too(trying to loose that). I cant do that dont think that i will ever be able to. It also requires coordination.

I must say i dont got much stamina, i can swim good but im build for strenght not stamina. I do train it at times but its not my favorite.

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Can do them all, except the mile swim. Never been in the water long enough to swim a mile, so I guess I fail the test. I would bet 99% of the x-pats in LOS would fail almost every category. Some don't need to be in good shape to enjoy themselves and more power to them. My vanity gets the best of me, driving me to exercise on a regular basis. I've actually convinced myself that I enjoy it.

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Can do them all, except the mile swim. Never been in the water long enough to swim a mile, so I guess I fail the test. I would bet 99% of the x-pats in LOS would fail almost every category. Some don't need to be in good shape to enjoy themselves and more power to them. My vanity gets the best of me, driving me to exercise on a regular basis. I've actually convinced myself that I enjoy it.

I love excercising at least fitness, the cardio stuff i absolutely hate. When it comes to training im a masochist i love to train near my limits. When i got a muscle acke i tell myself i worked out good. Though i seldom have the real bad muscle ackes anymore. Working out is just fun a way to relieve stress and do something else.

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Despite CONVENTIONAL gym wisdom - Strength "Core" Strength, Cardio Fitness AND Flexability are best obtained through bodyweight exercises. I myself have discovered this through experience. Countless other athletes at the top level, although they'd never tell you, have too. The masses continue to follow popular, mainstream, training methods. And are often wrecking their bodies in the process. The damage is usually accumulates over time, and as they age, it shows itself. A mainstream gym is the LAST place on earth I would go to learn how to train if I had my time again. "Personal Trainers" are often the worst culprits when it comes to bad training instruction.

Westerners like to seperate Mind, Body, Spirit. As Western athletes refer to Strength, core, fitness. But they are a single entity. Bruce Lee knew this, and as well as his martial art skills, built an awesome physique through advanced bodyweight exercises, in fact the only injury he ever sustained was whilst lifting weights, needless to say, he never touched a weight again - I wish I made this discovery 10 years ago.

A big, wide back, big stupid pecks, and a neck like a tree trunk give one a brutish, unathletic look. It may impress others in the gym, but on the outside ( the real world), Bodybuilders are a laughing stock. I have seen, with my own eyes, countless times, bloated lifters walking down the street, or strutting I should say, thinking they look good and in their midst, people are LAUGHING at them.

The list is one of basic exercises. I am training with an ADVANCED system od bodyweight exercises. I could put a "Bodybuilder" through a drill of bodyweight exercises that will have him screaming for his mother and on his back within 10 minutes - A 600 pound Deadlift, 500 pound Squat and 400 pound, plus Bench ( These are my top poundages before I got smart and made the change) won't help, or carry - over either.

As I said before. I am Stronger, leaner, more muscular, fitter and more flexable than I ever was whilst lifting weights. The only weight I pump, is my own bodyweight.

Bruce Lee died at a very early age due to his training/over training regime - not to be recommended! However, i agree that extreme body builders are a laughing stock and lack something upstairs.

What actually is your training method that makes you into such an admirer of yourself.

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A lot of people seem to have doubts about the mile swim. When i was 11 years of age it was standard for all kids to swim 1 mile at school and gain a certificate. 95% of boys ( boys school) passed without any problem - so it was no big deal in 1970!

However, many boys couldnt even do a single pull up - and i have never met too many people who could do 25 dips!

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Can do them all, except the mile swim. Never been in the water long enough to swim a mile, so I guess I fail the test. I would bet 99% of the x-pats in LOS would fail almost every category. Some don't need to be in good shape to enjoy themselves and more power to them. My vanity gets the best of me, driving me to exercise on a regular basis. I've actually convinced myself that I enjoy it.

I love excercising at least fitness, the cardio stuff i absolutely hate. When it comes to training im a masochist i love to train near my limits. When i got a muscle acke i tell myself i worked out good. Though i seldom have the real bad muscle ackes anymore. Working out is just fun a way to relieve stress and do something else.

I'm the opposite - I love the cardio. Just turned 41 and don't push myself hard like I used to. Agree, it does release the stress. I was an avid biker until a bike accident in Thailand. Now I run mostly and get into the gym a couple days a week. Ran a 5 min mile last Friday, becuase my office mates bet I couldn't do it. Still have a little competition in me. Next month I going to take some more of their cash and do it 4:45.

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Bruce Lee died at a very early age due to his training/over training regime - not to be recommended! However, i agree that extreme body builders are a laughing stock and lack something upstairs.

What actually is your training method that makes you into such an admirer of yourself.

The info i got about bruce lee is something different. read below

At around 7:30 p.m., Lee lay down for a nap and was still asleep when Chow called to ask why he and Tingpei had not yet shown up for dinner as planned. The actress told Chow she could not wake Lee. The ensuing autopsy found traces of cannabis in Lee's stomach, but the significance of this discovery is debatable. Some believe the cannabis caused a chemical reaction that led to the cerebral edema, but the coroner's inquiry refutes this theory. In fact, one doctor was quoted as saying that the cannabis being in Lee's stomach was "no more significant than if Bruce had drunk a cup of tea that day."

Dr. R.R. Lycette of Queen Elizabeth Hospital viewed Lee's death as a hypersensitivity to one or more of the compounds found in the headache tablet he consumed that afternoon. Although his skull showed no injury, his brain had swollen considerably, from 1,400 to 1,575 grams. None of the blood vessels were blocked or broken, so the possibility of a hemorrhage was ruled out. All of Lee's internal organs were meticulously examined, and the only "foreign" substance to be found was the Equagesic.

Chow came to the apartment and could not wake Lee either. A doctor was summoned, and he spent 10 minutes attempting to revive the martial artist before sending him by ambulance to Queen Elizabeth Hospital. By the time he reached the hospital, Lee was dead .

Foul play was immediately suspected as having a role in Lee's passing. Chow appeared on television to try to settle the public furor that quickly developed. He explained what happened, omitting only the fact that Lee had not died at home. The press soon uncovered the truth, however, and demanded to know what Chow was trying to cover up. R.D. Teare, a professor of forensic medicine at the University of London who had overseen more than 90,000 autopsies, was called in and declared that it was basically impossible for the cannabis to be a factor in Lee's death. In Teare's opinion, the edema was caused by hypersensitivity to either meprobamate or aspirin, or a combination of both. His view was accepted by authorities, and a determination of "misadventure" was stamped on Lee's death.

Strangely, an early death was a conceivability that Lee had contemplated with surprising frequency. According to his wife Linda, he had no wish to live to a ripe old age because he could not stand the idea of losing the physical abilities he had strived so hard to achieve.

"If I should die tomorrow," he used to say, "I will have no regrets. I did what I wanted to do. You can't expect more from life."

About extreme bodybuilders, im sure there are enough people who dont like the way they look (dont like the real extreme ones myself) But the same has to be said for overweighted ppl with beerguts (the real big ones). If i had to choose id rather be a bodybuilder then real fat. (im not real slim myself but have no beer belly). I am also a long way from beeing a pro bodybuilder, i will never reach it nor do i strive to be one. Just fair size muscles is enough.

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Fitness and strength is very subjective , Years ago I hired a few muscle bound types in my fishing operations,it was a bit like the Eveready ad,s ,a few hours hard grind and the muscle boys were in some cases reduced to tears,while the wiry little guys were still at it 10 hours later.

If you want to see fit, cast an eye in a fertilizer outlet..40-50kg men AND women lumping 50kg bags of fertilizer all day long ,ON THEIR HEADS... or the Thai,s on the bagged cement delivery trucks, 2 bags at a time ,,ON THEIR HEADS. Now that is fit....

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I'm the opposite - I love the cardio. Just turned 41 and don't push myself hard like I used to. Agree, it does release the stress. I was an avid biker until a bike accident in Thailand. Now I run mostly and get into the gym a couple days a week. Ran a 5 min mile last Friday, becuase my office mates bet I couldn't do it. Still have a little competition in me. Next month I going to take some more of their cash and do it 4:45.

As long as you are enjoying yourself that is all what counts. Some of us like hitting the weights others like running. It doesnt really mather that much as long as you enjoy it. It is healty to exercise i just cant bring myself to do cardio excercises too much. I still do a few but not for long periods of time.

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Fitness and strength is very subjective , Years ago I hired a few muscle bound types in my fishing operations,it was a bit like the Eveready ad,s ,a few hours hard grind and the muscle boys were in some cases reduced to tears,while the wiry little guys were still at it 10 hours later.

If you want to see fit, cast an eye in a fertilizer outlet..40-50kg men AND women lumping 50kg bags of fertilizer all day long ,ON THEIR HEADS... or the Thai,s on the bagged cement delivery trucks, 2 bags at a time ,,ON THEIR HEADS. Now that is fit....

Sure that is what i have been trying to explain to you. Big muscles means explosive strenght it isnt that good for going on and on and on. Look at the difference between a marathon runner and a 100m sprinter. Some have the genes for the one and some for the other. What you are talking about is stamina. Im not sure those bags are really 50 kg however ( i might be wrong) 50 kg is a whole lot of weight to be carying around and would be a real large and hard to handle bag. 25 sounds more reasonable and is still heavy.

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If you mean real one-handed chins, where the other arm is hanging down and not holding the chinning arm's wrist, then that is impressive!

I have been able to do 34 pull-ups at one time before and I can still do 20, but I don't think I have ever been able to do a true single-handed chin-up. The angle for me is all wrong, and I just have never been able to get up over the bar.

I think I have only known one guy who could do more than one of them.

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"Fitness Preachers" are like any other converts. THey want to let everyone else know about thier change in life, and they want to convert others to the same way of thinking.

I don't think it is so much bragging, but rather the unbridaled enthusiasm for their new-found love. This is the same for many religious converts, new vegetarians, new whatevers.

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At the turn of the last Century, a Fitness Pioneer said, that every able - bodied man, should be able to -

Push his straightened body from the floor and back at least 50 times. ( press ups).

Lower himself between two parallel bars at least 25 times. (dips).

Pull himself up on an overhead bar until the bar is clear of his chin, at least 10 - 15 times. (pull ups).

Run at top speed.

Jump obstacles, equal to waist in height, with ease.

Swim a mile.

Carry another human being, of comparable size, piggy back fashion, over distance.

Now, these are minimum requirments. If you are able to complete the exercises above, for the specified count, in perfect form, then you should have no difficulty with most, if not all, physical challenges that life may throw at you.

Get this. In the modern world 95% of men, are so far gone, they can't even do 5 press ups, some not a single press up. An embarssment to Mothernature. I wouldn't want a guy like that in my corner if I needed help.

So Thaivisa guys, let's have it........................

Dont think that the Victorian's did any of that, think the guy who wrote this was looking to open a gym,............ or a dreamer

roy gsd

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Yeah I bet 99% of farangs are over weight and couldnt even run 100 meters.

I could do the requirements x 5 times then have 10 beers and still take on 5 farangs in a pub brawl

Another of my old mans sayings,"200lb of dynamite with a 3 inch wick" :o

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Get this. In the modern world 95% of men, are so far gone, they can't even do 5 press ups, some not a single press up. An embarssment to Mothernature. I wouldn't want a guy like that in my corner if I needed help.

So Thaivisa guys, let's have it........................

So there you have it chaps, when this guy is having his brains stomped on, he wants you to walk right on by.

and if he's drowning, throw him a smile not a rope, for he dont want help from anyone but the super fit,

bet he has strong wrists though :o:D:D

roy gsd

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Yeah I bet 99% of farangs are over weight and couldnt even run 100 meters.

I could do the requirements x 5 times then have 10 beers and still take on 5 farangs in a pub brawl

Another of my old mans sayings,"200lb of dynamite with a 3 inch wick" :o

Jesus might of been able to part the seas, but can he bench press 200 kilos?

I think not

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Push his straightened body from the floor and back at least 50 times. ( press ups). YES

Lower himself between two parallel bars at least 25 times. (dips). Yes

Pull himself up on an overhead bar until the bar is clear of his chin, at least 10 - 15 times. (pull ups). YES

Run at top speed. define top speed

Jump obstacles, equal to waist in height, with ease. Depends

Swim a mile. YES

Carry another human being, of comparable size, piggy back fashion, over distance. Embarrassingly had to carry a bird from end of walking street back to Soi 13 on my back

you didnt have to, I am fairly sure you could have left her there and got another at the end of the journey.......

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Meaningless challenge. The old timer strong man was showing off, knowing that he was one out of a hundred. I wonder at what age did he die. Physical strength and endurance do not equal good health. that is nutrition, and many other factors based, as explained later. Example, in 1979 a 28 year old competetive marathon runner died of a heart attack in Honolulu. One of his coronary arteries was blocked, then another blocked to cause his death. Post mortems of 3 year olds on high sugar, (raises triglycerides); and hydrogenated fats, (another cause); low on vitamin C, (reduces lipo-protein alpha); B6, B12 folic acid, (reduces homocysteine) have shown arterial narrowing. In Vietnam US postmortems on 22 year old military personaell have shown massive arterial narrowing. They were fit, right? How does one handle lifes problems if you are fit and strong, yet mentally, (spiritually) weak? So what are the challenges to the Thais, when 99% of the farangs are not in that physical class, let alone health class? Are not the farangs full of parasites, heavy metals and radioactivity from amalgams, (the law allows uranium in amalgams, that breaks down to polonium. We say amybody with an amalgam is a dead man walking), dyes from cookware, livers blocked with stones, kidneys blocked with rrubber, gold etc, arteries narrowed, rampant bacteria.... (but happily doing their pushups.)

I was with ya until the kidneys blocked with rubber and gold. What do you mean... :D

condoms and gold braclets may :o:D:D be?

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When the bodys immune system weakens, it can no longer detoxify these substances, nor substances

such as rubber absorbed through the skin..............

So it seems I was right about those condoms then?

Adds new meaning to the phrase

come's with a health warning...... :o:D

roy gsd

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