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Militants Threaten To Strike Bangkok


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Thai militant group threatens Bangkok with attacks

27 Oct 2004 07:53:33 GMT

Source: Reuters

BANGKOK, Oct 27 (Reuters) - A southern Thai Muslim separatist group dormant since the 1980s said on Wednesday insurgents would take their fight to Bangkok to avenge the deaths of 78 Muslims in army custody in the deep south.

"Their capital will be burned down in the same way the Pattani capital has been burned," the Pattani United Liberation Organisation (PULO) said in a statement posted on its Web site.

The group, which is not thought to have an active militant arm, was involved in a violent campaign in the 1970s and 1980s for an independent Muslim Kingdom of Pattani between southern Thailand and northern Malaysia.

"We pledge before Allah that from now on, the infidel will suffer sleepless nights, the property they have robbed from us will be totally destroyed and their lives will face consequences for the sins they have committed," the group said.

"Their blood will be shed on the soil and flow into water. Our weapon is fire and oil, fire and oil, fire and oil."

A total of 78 Muslim men died of suffocation on Monday after being rounded up in the wake of a violent demonstration in southern Thailand and crammed into army trucks. Local Muslim leaders have branded the tragedy a massacre.

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TAK BAI AFTERMATH: Fears violence could spread beyond South

Published on October 28, 2004

Investors scared that turmoil may reach tourist areas and Bangkok; call for government to quit

As panic selling knocked the stock market down more than 3 per cent,

economists and analysts expressed fear that the escalating violence and inept actions of government security forces in the South could spread to major tourist destinations, even Bangkok.

The Stock Exchange of Thailand index nose-dived 3.3 per cent, following Tuesday’s 1.6-per-cent loss. It closed at 626.85 points.

Macquarie Research analyst Andrew Stotz was reported by Reuters as warning clients that more bad news might be forthcoming.

“This is the first time we have felt that the southern violence has a real possibility of spreading to areas where it would be felt more deeply (such as major tourist destinations and Bangkok). This is negative for the prime minister and for the market in general in the near term.”

Pairoj Vongvipanond, former economics dean at Chulalongkorn University, went so far as to call for the government to step down for its failure to contain the disturbances.

“This government is unaccountable for its actions. It should consider either dissolving Parliament or resigning.”

The comments came on the heels of Monday’s tragic turn of events in Narathiwat, when at least 88 people died or were killed in uncertain circumstances in Tak Bai district during and after clashes with state security forces.

Many fear the incident might become a turning point, escalating violence out of control and damaging national security. Local Muslim leaders have expressed outrage at the authorities’ failure to handle the situation with sensitivity.

“Most investors were shocked by the death toll from the latest incident. In addition, the technical chart, which suggested a selling signal once the index failed to stand above 640 points, intensified losses,” KGI Securities strategist Pichai Lertsupongkit was quoted by Dow Jones as saying.

Pairoj expects the shock waves from the Tak Bai incident to go deeper than an economic slowdown. “The real issue is not business or tourism, but national security.”

The incident shows that the government has failed to provide a safe environment for the public, with more people feeling alarmed that the death toll is likely to lead to more violence, he said.

Somchai Jitsuchon, an economist at the Thailand Development Research Institute (TDRI), said the death toll could have been avoided. The tragic incident reflects the government’s lack of concern for life or the safety of the people.

If investors believe the unrest will be prolonged and spill out from the three southernmost provinces, the already slowing economy could turn for the worse, Somchai said.

Chulalongkorn University economist Sompop Manarangsan said the appalling incident was a national security issue that could weigh down on the economy.

Finance Minister Somkid Jatusripitak said his ministry would clarify the issues to the international community so that outsiders would have a correct understanding of how the events unfolded.

The government would explain about what actually happened in a bid to restore investor confidence, he said.

Wichit Chaitrong

The Nation

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"Their blood will be shed on the soil and flow into water. Our weapon is fire and oil, fire and oil, fire and oil."


Let`s hope they are smart enough to inspect, track, escort oil and gas shipments on the roads.

How stupid this situation has become. Guess he was busy looking at plane catalogues the last few months. Good luck in the next elections :D

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The Pattani United Liberation Organisation (Pulo) is threatening to set Bangkok ablaze in revenge suicide attacks in the wake of the riot in Narathiwat's Tak Bai district.

Their Phra Nakhon (capital) will be burned to the ground like the capital of Pattani,'' according to a message posted on the militant group's website by a suicide squad.

Meanwhile, a group of people in the three southernmost provinces have signed a pact to retaliate against the government, according to Fourth Army intelligence reports.

Followers are urged to kill 40 people, including civilians and informants, and to sabotage government buildings.

The attacks would be carried out after funeral services for the people who died in the Monday riot.

A source close to Police Region 9 said the militant group is recruiting men to assassinate key government figures.

Some of the young men who died in the rioting had been buried without proper cleaning, he said.

Muslim burial rights include thoroughly cleaning the body, but those who die for a religious cause do not require bathing.


Theres trouble ahead, down town BKK may be worth staying away from for a bit, unless you really need to be there..

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Theres trouble ahead, down town BKK may be worth staying away from for a bit, unless you really need to be there..

Now this is exactly what one should NOT do, that is simply playing in to the hands of terrorism.

In England we went through many bombing campaigns by the Irish, well the IRA anyway for over 30 years. Christmas warnings about avoiding certain spots and rumours of would be attacks have never put me off doing anything i wanted to do throughout my life.

Be vigilant YES this goes without saying.

Avoid somewhere you want to go and be bullied out of doing things that you want to do by some mislead radicals NO WAY.

Exercise caution and be Vigilant but certainly DONT be scared at all.

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Theres trouble ahead, down town BKK may be worth staying away from for a bit, unless you really need to be there..

Now this is exactly what one should NOT do, that is simply playing in to the hands of terrorism.

In England we went through many bombing campaigns by the Irish, well the IRA anyway for over 30 years. Christmas warnings about avoiding certain spots and rumours of would be attacks have never put me off doing anything i wanted to do throughout my life.

Be vigilant YES this goes without saying.

Avoid somewhere you want to go and be bullied out of doing things that you want to do by some mislead radicals NO WAY.

Exercise caution and be Vigilant but certainly DONT be scared at all.


Good advice you are right on point. I would just like to add, "All Muslim terrorists must die." Thank You... :o

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Good advice you are right on point.  I would just like to add, "All Muslim terrorists must die."  Thank You... :o


How do you differentiate "Muslim terrorists" from, for example, people who simply do not want American soldiers in their country? Who decides the point of difference between, say, freedom fighters, and terrorists?

Is it as simple as this: those who support American imperialism are freedom fighters...while those who oppose it are terrorists?

Is America going to destroy the world, so as to save it?

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How do you differentiate "Muslim terrorists" from, for example, people who simply do not want American soldiers in their country? Who decides the point of difference between, say, freedom fighters, and terrorists?

Is it as simple as this: those who support American imperialism are freedom fighters...while those who oppose it are terrorists?

Is America going to destroy the world, so as to save it?

Not to be an ignorant <deleted>.., but what does this have to do with America? :o

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I was responding to Pepe', who is an American; I find the simplistic statement that "all Muslim terrorists must die" quite frightening........This is the level of rhetoric that Americans seem comfortable with, and I just don't think it will get us (the civilised people of the world, who don't believe that all problems can be solved by killing those who disagree with us) anywhere.

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Well, I just saw the video foottage on BBC, showing the events leading up to the rioters being placed into the trucks where they suffocated.

It was - Pol Pot and the killing fields type stuff. For anyone who has not seen it - it starts with a camera shot along the bank of some body of water - what look like bodies packed side to side stretch off into the camera's vanishing point - with a few uniformed people standing around the bodies. The BBC reporter thenstates - "these are not bodies, these are detained militants" and they zoom in so that you see that each body is a young shirtless Thai man lying facedown, with hands flex-tied behind his back,lying out in the sun.

They then go to the next shot - which is the men being forced to wiggle on their bellies in a column, hands still tied behind their back. They are forced to traverse a railroad track (with cinders) on their bare bellies, and then squirm up to an opening in a fence. There, they are dragged to their feet and pushed toward a big, open-backed military truck. Once they arriuve at the truck,they are laid out flat in a row on the floor - like sardines - hands still bound behind them. The military then simply fills the truck - packing layer upon layer of prone men on top of one another like sardines. Clearly, whomever is on the botton - lying flat, with 10 layers of people above you - are doomed - they will absolutely be crushed lifeless.

This is film of systemized execution of men by crushing - with no question about the results.

To me, this film is going to totally defame Thailand. It makes the Abu Ghraib abuse look like tickling. I cannot imagine the present government ultimately surviving this. If I look at this film, and I think that I am a member of a population that has any chance of being treated like that - they I walk off my job today,and join the fight - because I cannot choose to wait for this kind of treatment to happen to me or my family.

I have no soft spot whatsoever for militant islamacist wahabis. But you just don't murder defenseless suspects like this. Try them even execute them - fine. But don't pile them up hog-tied in the middle of a town with cameras running, nd crush them to death.

I have a really bad feeling about what is coming. This one isn't going to fade away.


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:o I totally agree with English Noodles comments re the events in UK involving the IRA, however the IRA did not use suicide bombers as the Muslims do and they on many occasions gave warnings of impending bomb attacks. I worked in the Middle East for 16 years and prior to that spent almost a year in what was then Aden, now Yemen and can say that the Muslim fanatic mind is a very dangerous animal, there is just no reasoning with them as recent killings have shown. Sad to say that Indonesia is in many cases just as bad, it cannot just be blamed on Arab Muslims. There are a lot of very good and honest Muslims in the world but it does not take many bad apples in the barrel to start a rot.

Yes the Thai authorities did screw up in the treatment of the detainees especially as it appears that TV crews were on location. Throw petrol on the fire and expect bigger flames! I just hope that this lovely country is not consumed by a Muslim backlash, the near future will tell.

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Wow, that sucks. I'm American too. How do I join this civilized world of yours?

There are ignorant a-holes all over the world. That does not make them American.

Case in point- you are not an American.

Do you believe that the problems of the world can be solved by killing those who disagree with you?

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I was responding to Pepe', who is an American;  I find the simplistic statement that "all Muslim terrorists must die" quite frightening........This is the level of rhetoric that Americans seem comfortable with, and I just don't think it will get us (the civilised people of the world, who don't believe that all problems can be solved by killing those who disagree with us) anywhere.

Americans have the right to talk like this I talk like this, 3000 of my fellow countrymen died and the muslim's are right in what they did!!!!! Give me a break.

The muslims are in different country's Why?? because they want to eradicate everyone and take over the world. don't you see this?? malaysia they are in bosnia chechnya and the <deleted> middle east. when are you gonna wake up!!!!


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"All radical Muslim terrorists must die."

Have you ever stopped to think why there are radical Muslims in this world?

Every coin has two sides to it, just as every history or every story. Take care, rest easy and keep watching TV.

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Wow, that sucks. I'm American too. How do I join this civilized world of yours?

A good start is voting out the number #1 hindrance to having a civilized world, GWB, on November 2nd.

Can i ask why you hate him so?? because he started a war?? he got rid of a brutal dictator Did you know John kerry came back from vietnam and slandered all the men that went to fight in that war??

you want GWB replaced by him??

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"All radical Muslim terrorists must die."

I was responding to Pepe', who is an American;  I find the simplistic statement that "all Muslim terrorists must die" quite frightening........This is the level of rhetoric that Americans seem comfortable with, and I just don't think it will get us (the civilised people of the world, who don't believe that all problems can be solved by killing those who disagree with us) anywhere.

Americans have the right to talk like this I talk like this, 3000 of my fellow countrymen died and the muslim's are right in what they did!!!!! Give me a break.

The muslims are in different country's Why?? because they want to eradicate everyone and take over the world. don't you see this?? malaysia they are in bosnia chechnya and the <deleted> middle east. when are you gonna wake up!!!!


These are two of the most ignorant posts I have ever read on this board. This has nothing to do with September 11th. This is about a minority people in the kingdom of Thailand trying to prevent the disintegration of their unique culture and language. The Bangkok government and Thaksin have created this disaster by ignoring their needs and wants and dismissing their culture as a whole.

Get your head out of Bush's arse and the propaganda machine spewing from his intestines.

OR, does Bush's anal cavity broadcast unbiased international news?

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"All radical Muslim terrorists must die."

I was responding to Pepe', who is an American;  I find the simplistic statement that "all Muslim terrorists must die" quite frightening........This is the level of rhetoric that Americans seem comfortable with, and I just don't think it will get us (the civilised people of the world, who don't believe that all problems can be solved by killing those who disagree with us) anywhere.

Americans have the right to talk like this I talk like this, 3000 of my fellow countrymen died and the muslim's are right in what they did!!!!! Give me a break.

The muslims are in different country's Why?? because they want to eradicate everyone and take over the world. don't you see this?? malaysia they are in bosnia chechnya and the <deleted> middle east. when are you gonna wake up!!!!


These are two of the most ignorant posts I have ever read on this board. This has nothing to do with September 11th. This is about a minority people in the kingdom of Thailand trying to prevent the disintegration of their unique culture and language. The Bangkok government and Thaksin have created this disaster by ignoring their needs and wants and dismissing their culture as a whole.

Get your head out of Bush's arse and the propaganda machine spewing from his intestines.

OR, does Bush's anal cavity broadcast unbiased international news?

so the muslim's are not in different country's spreading their propaganda of killing??

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Americans have the right to talk like this  I talk like this,  3000 of my fellow countrymen died and the muslim's are right in what they did!!!!! Give me a break.

The muslims are in different country's  Why??  because they want to eradicate everyone and take over the world.  don't you see this??  malaysia they are in  bosnia  chechnya  and the <deleted> middle east.  when are you gonna wake up!!!! 


The events of 9/11 did not only kill Americans, my friend, hundreds of those working in the WTC were from other countries, my own among them.

Nobody in his or her right mind would attempt to justify this sort of action. However, nobody in his or her right mind should imagine that madmen can be beaten by force alone. Unfortunately, there is a kernel of sense in what your enemies are saying....you support a corrupt regime in Saudi Arabia, which is the holiest place for Muslims...you appear to favour Israel at all costs over the Palestinians....and the basis for invading Iraq has been exposed as a series of lies.

It used to be communists who were going to take over the world. Now it's Muslims?

Your country is in the forefront of the world's destruction..... 2% of the world's population using 25% of the world's energy, for example.... not to mention your huge trade in making and selling weapons of minor as well as mass destruction.

I have to keep reminding myself that the majority vote at the last Presidential elections was against Bush.....and hope that the majority prevails this time, for the sake of our children, and their children.

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Things are going exactly the way someone in power wants IMHO

First you find a popular problem, declare it publicly, aggrevate it, manipulate it, make the problem bigger, aggrevate it even more, spread dissent, hatred, shock, horror, fear. Little by little you tighten the grip.

Use any available tactics to fuel even more hatred. Cause the problem to move from the provinces to the capital. reply with harder security, tighten the grip even further.

Gradually the people accept a "necessary" reduction of freedom, you now have a healthy de-facto ditatorship and the support of your sadly unaware subjects. We are well on the way there already. And I'm only citing Thailand as on example of many. :D

The interesting thing is how many on this site also buy into this sick game being played out. :o

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Americans have the right to talk like this   I talk like this,  3000 of my fellow countrymen died and the muslim's are right in what they did!!!!! Give me a break.

The muslims are in different country's   Why??  because they want to eradicate everyone and take over the world.   don't you see this??   malaysia they are in  bosnia  chechnya  and the <deleted> middle east.   when are you gonna wake up!!!! 


The events of 9/11 did not only kill Americans, my friend, hundreds of those working in the WTC were from other countries, my own among them.

Nobody in his or her right mind would attempt to justify this sort of action. However, nobody in his or her right mind should imagine that madmen can be beaten by force alone. Unfortunately, there is a kernel of sense in what your enemies are saying....you support a corrupt regime in Saudi Arabia, which is the holiest place for Muslims...you appear to favour Israel at all costs over the Palestinians....and the basis for invading Iraq has been exposed as a series of lies.

It used to be communists who were going to take over the world. Now it's Muslims?

Your country is in the forefront of the world's destruction..... 2% of the world's population using 25% of the world's energy, for example.... not to mention your huge trade in making and selling weapons of minor as well as mass destruction.

I have to keep reminding myself that the majority vote at the last Presidential elections was against Bush.....and hope that the majority prevails this time, for the sake of our children, and their children.

Then why are muslims in different parts of the world??

1. malaysia

2. indonesia

3. bosnia

4. chechnya

5. phillipines

6. middle east.

and don't tell me they are fighting against isreal!!!! the palestinians are terrorists plain and simple isreal was formed by the UN if that is not respected then what International community body do we respect??

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Then why are muslims in different parts of the world??

1. malaysia

2. indonesia

3. bosnia

4. chechnya

5. phillipines

6. middle east.

and don't tell me they are fighting against isreal!!!!  the palestinians are terrorists  plain and simple  isreal was formed by the UN  if that is not respected then what International community body do we respect??

Muslims are in different parts of the world for the same reasons that Christians, Buddhists, even atheists are. It is not a crime to be a Muslim.........is it?

The United States' uncritical support for Israel goes far beyond what the vast majority of the nations of the world want to see there...the US uses its Security Council veto ruthlessly to get its own, and Israel's way.

It was the US that turned its back on the UN when it invaded Iraq, wasn't it?

Incidentally, I am a practising Christian, and believe in Israel's right to exist....I don't however believe that that right extends to trampling all over the interests of non-Israelis, including Christians and Muslims..... nor do I believe that Israel should be allowed to have nuclear weapons when other countries...for example, Iraq...are invaded on falsehoods and lies.

I tell you, even America needs friends in the world......you guys can huff and puff all you want, but just like in Vietnam, you cannot force people to see everything your way. Fortunately......I just read today that 50% of Americans believe that the world was created in seven days.........that scares me, frankly.

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Then why are muslims in different parts of the world??

1. malaysia

2. indonesia

3. bosnia

4. chechnya

5. phillipines

6. middle east.

That's obvious, isn't it?

'They' deliberately spread out to confuse their enemies, namely yourself, the US and civilisation as we know it. In South Thailand, they only pretend to fight for equality or independence, really they want to destroy the entire globe. :D:wub::D


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It was the US that turned its back on the UN when it invaded Iraq, wasn't it?

I do remember the UN voting on 16 some-odd resolutions for iraq to disarm obviously iraq had something or it the UN would not want it to disarm?? These resolutions were voted on during the nineties well before sept 11 happend. but somehow everyone has forgotten these things.

I love how the US is the bad guy in all of this or according to some people well i just hope in the future when people need help and come CRYING to the US Oh please help us, we say NO. example(Liberia) :o

last post i'm doing here because i'm going off the thread.

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Muslim teachings has always been radical from the start.

Let's put it this way, in the Koran it tells a story of a war between muslims and other religion.

At one point before going to a battle the muslim were out numbered and they got scared. So the prophet muhhamad who was leading this battle told his men to bring along their wives and children into battlegrounds so they would fight to protect their wives and children from the enemy. And as usual who ever died for the religion during war will have his/her place in heaven.

I find this sick! The prophet muhammad would do anything to protect his interest and people worship him for that!

Another example, if i may...

In the islamic teachings women have no say against their husband

1) As all of us know one man entitle for 4 wives if they can afford it.

2) The wife has no right to question the husband where is going or what time is he coming back or who is he going with.

3) If the wife is "sick" (those time of the month) and the husband "feels" he wants it. The wife MUST satisfy the husband at all cost no matter what. If not she is consider unfaithful and the husband could divorce her because of that.

And, if you are a muslim who wish to convert to other beliefs, you'll be burried with your head sticking out. And every person in town that sees you would throw stones at you until you die. Talk about choices in the world!

So basicly islamic teachings sucks! And being one make it worst!

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