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Militants Threaten To Strike Bangkok

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Target Bangkok:

Tourism may dip on fears of sucide attacks

THEIR capital (Bangkok) will be burnt down. Their blood will be shed on the soil and flow into water.

These chilling words were put up by a squad of suicide bombers belonging the Pattani United Liberation Organisation (Pulo) on its website.

The separatist group dormant since the 1980s said yesterday its terrorists would take their fight to Bangkok to avenge the deaths of 78 Muslims in army custody in Narathiwat in Southern Thailand (see report below).

Experts say terrorist groups, including those linked to the JI could be planning similar attacks.


The Bangkok Post quoting Army intelligence reports said yesterday the groups in the three southernmost provinces have signed a pact to retaliate against the government.

Followers are urged to kill 40 people, including civilians and informants, and to sabotage government buildings.

A source told The Bangkok Post that Pulo is also recruiting men to assassinate key government figures.

All these have lead to fears that the lucrative tourism industry, which draws 10 million visitors annually and generates six per cent of the economy, might suffer as tourists stay away.

Tourism-related companies such as hotels and airlines and those dependent on strong economic growth were expected to be hit hardest by the violence.

'This is the first time that we have felt that southern violence has a real possibility of spreading to areas where it would be felt more deeply (such as major tourist destinations and Bangkok).

'This is negative for the prime minister and for the market in general in the near term,' said Mr Andrew Stotz, head of research at Macquarie Securities in Bangkok.

And if Hat Yai is an example of what is to come, Bangkok is in for a tough time.

The truck deaths took place about an hour's drive from Hat Yai which is in Songkhla province.

But the town has seen tourism dip 60 per cent, over the last year, say those in the industry.

The relentless assassinations and bombings in the Southern provinces has kept the tourists away.

Also, terror groups there have warned tourists that they would not be spared when they strike.

After the latest incident, leading hotels such as Novotel Central Sukhontha and Lee Garden hotels in Hat Yai have said they have had plenty of of cancellations, reported The Nation.

So is Bangkok in danger of facing the same situation?

Investors voted with their money.

Panic selling knocked the Stock Exchange of Thailand down 3 per cent, following Tuesday's 1.6-per-cent loss.

It closed at 626.85 points.

The Thai baht also dipped as investors put their money in other currencies in anticipation of trouble.

Mr Somchai Jitsuchon, an economist at the Thailand Development Research Institute, said if investors believe the unrest will be prolonged in the three southernmost provinces, the already slowing economy could turn for the worse.

Did they die because they were tied together?

WHAT could have happened inside the trucks that led to 78 protestors choking to death?

A photograph published in the Thai-language newspaper, Matichon, showed protesters herded like animals as they were packed into an army truck in layers.

The relative of an injured protester, now in hospital, told The Nation that soldiers tied his hands and threw him into a truck.

Two to three layers of men were then piled on top of him. Those at the bottom needed to push their foreheads against the ground to take in air.

When the truck reached the military base, the prisoners' limbs were numb. The soldiers dragged them from the truck and kicked them, he said.

The Thai military refused to reveal how many people were put into each truck.

The Bangkok Post quoting a source involved in examining the bodies of the victims, said that the deaths may have been triggered by a rope.

According to the source, the protesters put on each army truck were tied together, with their hands behind their backs.

He said that if one was too weak to hold himself up and collapsed the rest would be pulled down.

Those crushed underneath would not have been able to lift their heads to breathe.

More than 1,300 protestors were packed into trucks from the border town of Tak Bai and taken to the neighbouring province of Pattani, some 120km away.

Security officials in charge of the military operation were yesterday tight-lipped as to how the protesters were treated during transportation.

Meanwhile, The Nation claimed that it had obtained a photograph showing a soldier lying on the ground firing his rifle horizontally. This, the paper said, refuted Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra's claim that security forces only fired into the air and not directly at protesters.

'Soldiers fired at below knee-level, targeting protesters hiding under a car,' Mr Muhammad Ayuf Pathan, a reporter on the scene, told on-line Prachatham new agency.

'They were killed and thrown onto army trucks. There were at least 14 dead bodies, that I could count,' he added.


# Thai shares nose-dive 3.32 per cent yesterday

# Foreign investors sell 2.6 billion baht worth of securities, out of total sale order of 7.9 billion baht

# Fearing backlash, government hikes insurance cover for employees in south

# Bangkok Bank branches in south cut operating hours by one hour to help minimise potential danger for staff.

-- AsiaOne 2004-10-28


Wow, that sucks. I'm American too. How do I join this civilized world of yours?

A good start is voting out the number #1 hindrance to having a civilized world, GWB, on November 2nd.

Can i ask why you hate him so?? because he started a war?? he got rid of a brutal dictator Did you know John kerry came back from vietnam and slandered all the men that went to fight in that war??

you want GWB replaced by him??

I want GWB to be replaced because:

1. He supposedly "finished" the war a year and half ago.

2. It's not America's business to remove dictators....because as often as not, America put the dictators in or kept them there in the first place, eg. Shah of Iran, Marcos, Noreiga, et al ad nauseum. America is not the world's cop.

3. Yes, Kerry returned from Vietnam and exercised his Freedom of Speech rights. btw, did atrocities NOT occur in Vietnam?


Wow, that sucks. I'm American too. How do I join this civilized world of yours?

A good start is voting out the number #1 hindrance to having a civilized world, GWB, on November 2nd.

Can i ask why you hate him so?? because he started a war?? he got rid of a brutal dictator Did you know John kerry came back from vietnam and slandered all the men that went to fight in that war??

you want GWB replaced by him??

I want GWB to be replaced because:

1. He supposedly "finished" the war a year and half ago.

2. It's not America's business to remove dictators....because as often as not, America put the dictators in or kept them there in the first place, eg. Shah of Iran, Marcos, Noreiga, et al ad nauseum. America is not the world's cop.

3. Yes, Kerry returned from Vietnam and exercised his Freedom of Speech rights. btw, did atrocities NOT occur in Vietnam?

The US is not the world's COP give me a break I don't want GWB replaced and i'm excercising my right to vote for him Ohhhh it's not America's place Tell that to winston churchill in world war two when he was begging for help from the USA. The Shah of Iran is dead and I wonder who killed him?? Muslims Noriega is sitting in a miami jail cell Marcos is dead also and the phillipines is now hurting because the US pulled bases from the country. and The US still went there to help with the terrorist problem. GWB didn't finish the war You Moron He said major comabt operations were over MAJOR what is going on in iraq is minor combat

I was there and what you read in the news don't tell half of what has been done Ohhh they just report on the killings and beheadings but they don't show the country's progress Noooo don't let anyone see that it'll ruin our rating's. :o


Wow, that sucks. I'm American too. How do I join this civilized world of yours?

A good start is voting out the number #1 hindrance to having a civilized world, GWB, on November 2nd.

Can i ask why you hate him so?? because he started a war?? he got rid of a brutal dictator Did you know John kerry came back from vietnam and slandered all the men that went to fight in that war??

you want GWB replaced by him??

I want GWB to be replaced because:

1. He supposedly "finished" the war a year and half ago.

2. It's not America's business to remove dictators....because as often as not, America put the dictators in or kept them there in the first place, eg. Shah of Iran, Marcos, Noreiga, et al ad nauseum. America is not the world's cop.

3. Yes, Kerry returned from Vietnam and exercised his Freedom of Speech rights. btw, did atrocities NOT occur in Vietnam?

The US is not the world's COP give me a break I don't want GWB replaced and i'm excercising my right to vote for him Ohhhh it's not America's place Tell that to winston churchill in world war two when he was begging for help from the USA. The Shah of Iran is dead and I wonder who killed him?? Muslims Noriega is sitting in a miami jail cell Marcos is dead also and the phillipines is now hurting because the US pulled bases from the country. and The US still went there to help with the terrorist problem. GWB didn't finish the war You Moron He said major comabt operations were over MAJOR what is going on in iraq is minor combat

I was there and what you read in the news don't tell half of what has been done Ohhh they just report on the killings and beheadings but they don't show the country's progress Noooo don't let anyone see that it'll ruin our rating's. :o

I'm glad then that my Kerry vote negates your GWB vote.

The Shah of Iran died from cancer... so I guess the "who" you refer to is.. hmm..God?

How long did Marcos and Noreiga receive American support before being toppled? For Marcos, it was 20-plus years. The Philippines is hurting today for many reasons... the removal of U.S. bases is probably around #142 on the list.

Dead or jailed or alive, the point is... America has not learned the lesson that it is in no position to say who should and who should not be in charge of a foreign country. When it does try, it seems to come out on the wrong side more often then not.

Sorry for misinterpreting GWB's somantics. I was foolish to believe that "Mission Accomplished" meant something akin to finished. Major or minor combat operations? Why have more soldiers died during the "minor" part than the "major" part?


Wow, that sucks. I'm American too. How do I join this civilized world of yours?

A good start is voting out the number #1 hindrance to having a civilized world, GWB, on November 2nd.

Can i ask why you hate him so?? because he started a war?? he got rid of a brutal dictator Did you know John kerry came back from vietnam and slandered all the men that went to fight in that war??

you want GWB replaced by him??

I want GWB to be replaced because:

1. He supposedly "finished" the war a year and half ago.

2. It's not America's business to remove dictators....because as often as not, America put the dictators in or kept them there in the first place, eg. Shah of Iran, Marcos, Noreiga, et al ad nauseum. America is not the world's cop.

3. Yes, Kerry returned from Vietnam and exercised his Freedom of Speech rights. btw, did atrocities NOT occur in Vietnam?

First of all, while you seem to know a bit about the world wherever the US has been involved militarily, you clearly know f-ock all about Islam and very little about the motivation for revenge even though your own country is the top producer of movies about revenge against anybody who touches your country or your family.

Islam WAS and sometimes IS a major improvement for people in different parts of the world.

Tell me, as a descendant of an African slave in the US, would you feel that adopting the same religion as that of the plantation masters who raped and abused your ancestors (Christianity) is a good idea? If you were a Hindu of the pariah caste living somewhere in the Indian subcontinent, would it not be preferable for you to be accepted into a community where you are not seen as lowly and unclean?

While most Islamic societies do not acknowledge the same degree of freedom for women as many Western socities (valid points from Kat), they are still not all raving loonie terrorists... they are people like you and me, essentially with the same feelings inside. The demonization of Muslims is frightening and says a lot about how far much even an "open" society such as that in the West has to go before claiming to be "civilized".

As for the situation in Southern Thailand, this was NEVER a question of religion but of resources and a cultural dividing line which is not in sync with the de facto border between Malaysia and Thailand. The deep south of Thailand is predominantly inhabited not by the Siamese, but by a Malay people. These people are ALSO muslims. The issue is their differing way of life and refusal to accept the pee nong system and buddhist beliefs of Central Thailand as superior to their own beliefs.

How would you feel if your precious USA was annexed by another country and you were forced to bow to their flag? Huh?!?! If many of the new central power's appointed soldiers and officials showed little interest for the local community and repeatedly showed corrupt behaviour. Would you shut up about it? Would you accept it as a just and fair state of things?

I do NOT want to see terrorist attacks on any parts of the Thailand I love.

But when representatives of a central government treat people like dirt, they can expect trouble from their citizens. This is human nature, like it or not.

The same mechanism that occurs within yourself when you sit in front of your screen and add fuel to the flame war.

The same mechanism that occurred collectively in the US before they attacked Afghanistani farmers because a *Saudi* millionaire thousands of miles away had orchestrated the attack on the Twin Towers.

That's all for now.


I am sure thailand does not wish to have a tourist industry the size of iraq's or lebanon's. And look at the result after 1 bomb in bali.

since january they have said this violence is under control - and as everyone knew, is was not.

They must realize one bomb in bangkok would decimate the tourist industry, an industry already labouring under the duress of many other sad government decisions.

increasing the troop numbers will not save them, it only takes one man to plant a bomb.

these issues will not be solved by force of arms.


Sorry for misinterpreting GWB's somantics. I was foolish to believe that "Mission Accomplished" meant something akin to finished. Major or minor combat operations? Why have more soldiers died during the "minor" part than the "major" part?

Sir have you been in the Military?? You fight fast no one can get you you sit in one place sure more soldiers will die Use common sense here sir.

Say the Iraqi's invaded the US more will die because then you have civilians many who have been in the militray joining the fight same as what is going on in iraq hey i as wrong on the shah of iran i believe it was the king of egypt that was assasinated or i could be wrong on that one also.

The US is not the world's COP give me a break I don't want GWB replaced and i'm excercising my right to vote for him Ohhhh it's not America's place Tell that to winston churchill in world war two when he was begging for help from the USA. The Shah of Iran is dead and I wonder who killed him?? Muslims Noriega is sitting in a miami jail cell Marcos is dead also and the phillipines is now hurting because the US pulled bases from the country. and The US still went there to help with the terrorist problem. GWB didn't finish the war You Moron He said major comabt operations were over MAJOR what is going on in iraq is minor combat

I was there and what you read in the news don't tell half of what has been done Ohhh they just report on the killings and beheadings but they don't show the country's progress Noooo don't let anyone see that it'll ruin our rating's. 


You are very naive and are typical of the right wing radicals that Bush has got wrangled with his war on terror.

Terrorism is a much larger threat the world over because of this. It amazes me how short sighted Americans are, do you guys not recall Donald Rumsfeld shaking hands with Sadam shortly after he had used USA supplied Helicopters and USA supplied chemical Weapons to mass murder thousands of Iranians who the USA then thought to be a bigger threat than Sadam.

Most every conflict in the world today has been bought on by the USA’a interference in foreign politics in some form or other be it direct or indirect.

You fix one problem by creating another and you guys listen to what suits you rather than the facts, have you ever given any thought to why the Arab Nations hate the USA so much?


I don't give a thought to people who kill just for the sake of killing Have you ever seen parade's in iran video's ?? on the side's of their floats say death to the western world!!!! sorry the US is not just the west :o

I went to fight in the war on terror because my country was attacked MY CITY i grew up in new york, but what do u care you probably never been to the states so take your advice to me and shove it :D

I went to fight in the war on terror because my country was attacked MY CITY i grew up in new york, but what do u care you probably never been to the states so take your advice to me and shove it

And it was Sadam who attacked you on 911? you see again showing how naive you are and how much you believe just because some one says it is so, start thinking for your self outside of the box, not just parrot what you are told on fox news.

This is Fact not Fiction!!, for a decade prior to the invasion of Kuwait YOUR country supported Sadam this dictator you hate so much, you also supported and gave refuge to the Shah of Iran who's death squads killed hundreds of thousands of Iranians, why, because it suited you at the time and your leaders don’t give a toss about anything except cheap oil and the next 4 years in office.

Grow up and get some opinions of your own based on fact not on red neck scare mongering politics you see on your censored news channels.

I am sure thailand does not wish to have a tourist industry the size of iraq's or lebanon's. And look at the result after 1 bomb in bali.
Right on. Unfortunately the government is going to have to learn some fairly harsh economic lessons (at the expense of the little guy) before this lunacy will end.
"All radical Muslim terrorists must die."

Why do you assume these people were radical terrorists ? Who are you to say they deserved to die ? I thought you were a doctor or medical practioner of some sort ie. helping people.

since january they have said this violence is under control - and as everyone knew, is was not.

They must realize one bomb in bangkok would decimate the tourist industry, an industry already labouring under the duress of many other sad government decisions.

increasing the troop numbers will not save them, it only takes one man to plant a bomb.

these issues will not be solved by force of arms.

Best comment I've seen in this thread

What do all the Bush/Iraq comments here have to do with Banbkok becoming a target for terrorist bombings?

If you don't live in Thailand and have nothing to contribute on the subject, kindly don't divert the discussion.

Best comment I've seen in this thread

What do all the Bush/Iraq comments here have to do with Banbkok becoming a target for terrorist bombings?

If you don't live in Thailand and have nothing to contribute on the subject, kindly don't divert the discussion.

Stroll you are correct of course I apoligize, Rednecks always get me started..

Personally I do not think its a case of if there is a major bomb in Thailand but more like when.

It amazes me how short sighted Americans are, do you guys not recall Donald Rumsfeld shaking hands with Sadam shortly after he had used USA supplied Helicopters and USA supplied chemical Weapons to mass murder thousands of Iranians who the USA then thought to be a bigger threat than Sadam.

You fix one problem by creating another and you guys listen to what suits you rather than the facts, have you ever given any thought to why the Arab Nations hate the USA so much?

Yes, agreed, but can you please remember that there are Americans that voted for Bush, and Americans that did not and we do not all think the same.

Swedish Meatball:

Whew! Enjoyed your comments. Are you sure you're done?

I am sure thailand does not wish to have a tourist industry the size of iraq's or lebanon's. And look at the result after 1 bomb in bali.

since january they have said this violence is under control - and as everyone knew, is was not.

They must realize one bomb in bangkok would decimate the tourist industry, an industry already labouring under the duress of many other sad government decisions.

increasing the troop numbers will not save them, it only takes one man to plant a bomb.

these issues will not be solved by force of arms.

when i first came to thailand a few years back, people back in NY (not the most open-minded or world savvy to be sure) thought I was crazy. They thought that bombs were ALREADY going off in bangkok every day. thailand was just lumped together with all the other problem areas. this may not be true, but it definitely decreases the number of people who come here on vacation. other people come for quick trips just because they are curious and know nothing about Thailand ( forget all that world-renowned bullcrap the TAT spits out).

if even one bomb goes off in bangkok, tourist numbers will drop by the millions.

meatish sweetball was dead on a page or two back in his analysis of what's going on in the south. but,alas, thai will just keep going on with their heads in the sand.


Wow, that sucks. I'm American too. How do I join this civilized world of yours?

A good start is voting out the number #1 hindrance to having a civilized world, GWB, on November 2nd.

Can i ask why you hate him so?? because he started a war?? he got rid of a brutal dictator Did you know John kerry came back from vietnam and slandered all the men that went to fight in that war??

you want GWB replaced by him??

I want GWB to be replaced because:

1. He supposedly "finished" the war a year and half ago.

2. It's not America's business to remove dictators....because as often as not, America put the dictators in or kept them there in the first place, eg. Shah of Iran, Marcos, Noreiga, et al ad nauseum. America is not the world's cop.

3. Yes, Kerry returned from Vietnam and exercised his Freedom of Speech rights. btw, did atrocities NOT occur in Vietnam?

First of all, while you seem to know a bit about the world wherever the US has been involved militarily, you clearly know f-ock all about Islam and very little about the motivation for revenge even though your own country is the top producer of movies about revenge against anybody who touches your country or your family.

Islam WAS and sometimes IS a major improvement for people in different parts of the world.

Tell me, as a descendant of an African slave in the US, would you feel that adopting the same religion as that of the plantation masters who raped and abused your ancestors (Christianity) is a good idea? If you were a Hindu of the pariah caste living somewhere in the Indian subcontinent, would it not be preferable for you to be accepted into a community where you are not seen as lowly and unclean?

While most Islamic societies do not acknowledge the same degree of freedom for women as many Western socities (valid points from Kat), they are still not all raving loonie terrorists... they are people like you and me, essentially with the same feelings inside. The demonization of Muslims is frightening and says a lot about how far much even an "open" society such as that in the West has to go before claiming to be "civilized".

As for the situation in Southern Thailand, this was NEVER a question of religion but of resources and a cultural dividing line which is not in sync with the de facto border between Malaysia and Thailand. The deep south of Thailand is predominantly inhabited not by the Siamese, but by a Malay people. These people are ALSO muslims. The issue is their differing way of life and refusal to accept the pee nong system and buddhist beliefs of Central Thailand as superior to their own beliefs.

How would you feel if your precious USA was annexed by another country and you were forced to bow to their flag? Huh?!?! If many of the new central power's appointed soldiers and officials showed little interest for the local community and repeatedly showed corrupt behaviour. Would you shut up about it? Would you accept it as a just and fair state of things?

I do NOT want to see terrorist attacks on any parts of the Thailand I love.

But when representatives of a central government treat people like dirt, they can expect trouble from their citizens. This is human nature, like it or not.

The same mechanism that occurs within yourself when you sit in front of your screen and add fuel to the flame war.

The same mechanism that occurred collectively in the US before they attacked Afghanistani farmers because a *Saudi* millionaire thousands of miles away had orchestrated the attack on the Twin Towers.

That's all for now.

I appreciate your comments and agree with them, but I think you mistakenly quoted my comments as the one you were addressing.


The subject is 'Militants Threaten To Strike Bangkok, in retaliation'.

Now what has GWB to do with this? Do you expect him to invade Thailand to bring freedom and democracy?

Keep him where he belongs and was appointed to, the USA, but let Thailand solve her own problems. As sad as the situation is at the moment, I don't think Bush and his war would be a help to LOS. :o


I don't think Bush and his war would be a help to LOS. :D

Ahem...don't believe it's "his war alone. Last heard there's a few other folks involved like the UK, Poland, Australia etc... :o

Muslim teachings has always been radical from the start.

Let's put it this way, in the Koran it tells a story of a war between muslims and other religion.

At one point before going to a battle the muslim were out numbered and they got scared. So the prophet muhhamad who was leading this battle told his men to bring along their wives and children into battlegrounds so they would fight to protect their wives and children from the enemy. And as usual who ever died for the religion during war will have his/her place in heaven.

I find this sick! The prophet muhammad would do anything to protect his interest and people worship him for that!

Another example, if i may...

In the islamic teachings women have no say against  their husband

1) As all of us know one man entitle for 4 wives if they can afford it.

2) The wife has no right to question the husband where is going or what time is he coming back or who is he going with.

3) If the wife is "sick" (those time of the month) and the husband "feels" he wants it. The wife MUST satisfy the husband at all cost no matter what. If not she is consider unfaithful and the husband could divorce her because of that.

And, if you are a muslim who wish to convert to other beliefs, you'll be burried with your head sticking out. And every person in town that sees you would throw stones at you until you die. Talk about choices in the world!

So basicly islamic teachings sucks! And being one make it worst!

LOL that is pure B.S. give me the source of this story where children and women were used as sheilds.

1) Yes a man can have up to four wives only if his other wife approves and that he can support them financially

2) So what he stil has to be faithful and come back to her.

3) She doesn not have to satisfy him at all costs, if she is sick she does not have to.


LOL that is pure B.S. give me the source of this story where children and women were used as sheilds.

I was in iraq and talking to the men that actually fought the war, this practice did happen, It was not as wide spread as some might have been told but it did happen.

I don't think Bush and his war would be a help to LOS. :D

Ahem...don't believe it's "his war alone. Last heard there's a few other folks involved like the UK, Poland, Australia etc... :o

not to mention the military powerhouses like El Salvador, Latvia, Lithuania, and Kazakhstan.... :D

Actually, it's a shame really that GWB hasn't been able to use diplomatic means to convince ALL the 79 countries who lost people on 9/11 to be there in Iraq now. Fewer than 30 countries are now in Iraq. Thailand, among many others, has left.

In other words, essentially it IS GWB's war.

Back to topic, the government needs to tread cautiously how it reacts to the problems in the South.


Back to topic, the government needs to tread cautiously how it reacts to the problems in the South.

Yeah and your the man to advise them, They(Muslims) should be done away with and then you will have no problems

Back to topic, the government needs to tread cautiously how it reacts to the problems in the South.

Yeah  and your the man to advise them,  They(Muslims) should be done away with and then you will have no problems

But they'll certainly need a lot more trucks to do in four million Muslims.

Ok, now that THAT is done.....Back on the more sane path of discussion. A complete and honest assessment by T would be a good first step. Despite all his visits and talks, he still misses the points of what it's all about. His national address last night points that out. What he promised to be a frank and open talk on the issues in the South turned into anything but that.


Nonsensical Inquiry:


Replying to Militants Threaten To Strike Bangkok.

After reading 6 pages of partician Yank and Euro diatribe about this or that point which no one doing the arguing are ever likely to agree on, I am curious about a few minors points.

1. The discussion was about a situation in Thailand is that not correct. A situation, as there is no evidence otherwise, that did not involve American and or European or any Muslim nations Troops and or as far as we know for sure any of the aforementioned citizens as being identified as taking part in the events occurring in the south.

I am correct so far?

2. Beyond a couple of early on comments, no one except George, with his comments on the financial affects of perceptions and concerns, real or imagined, has said much tangibility in rational argument toward this Thai National issue.

3. Long before there was an America in a even the greediest of European's colonialist eye, this issue of conflict between Southern Muslims and Northern Buddhist has been on going.

to wit:



“Muslims in these provinces have long complained of discrimination in jobs and education and business opportunities.

The South was a rich Malay kingdom until it was overrun by the Buddhist kingdom of Siam in the late 16th century when it declared its full independence from its earlier status of semi-independence under the rule of the Thai kingdoms of Sukhothai and Ayutthaya.

In 1909, it was annexed by the Kingdom of Siam as part of a treaty negotiated with the British Empire .

Both Yala and Narathiwat were originally part of Pattani, but were split off and became provinces of their own.

There still exists a separatist movement in Pattani that at times erupts in violence like in the late 1980’s when the PULO fought against the Thai forces for a separate Muslim South.”

As I recall this Thai issue as far as what has been proven, has not yet expanded itself into the arena of the egocentric argumentative malaise that we hear being expressed on this topic’s forum.

Is the larger picture relevant? Yes, of course it is. Are the issues your all are ranting at each other about significantly and possibility important in Thailand at this moment in time, maybe they are, maybe there not?

Are they actually Germaine in fact to the long standing Thai-Muslim problem in the south yet, no, not likely at least by the evidence known.

Are there players on the International scene that want it be dragged into this ideological tempest, Of course, we are hearing from some of them or their supports on this forum.

Is there any evidence beyond speculation that there are currently an international element involved in the South if so what is it exactly?

Unless otherwise, there is not a shred of undeniable factual evidence that this situation in the south has gone to the extent of this anal retentive, near obsessive diatribe of speculation being expressed here?

The issue, beyond the obvious reality of importance and significance to Thai people, is also one for the Fahrang current living in Thailand.

One for reasoned concern as it is personal to them and their families and I would say as such are significantly more important than these Yank/Euro debates of “my Sh*t don't stink but yours does", especially should the situation actually escalate.

Is possible to leave this Yank/Euro crap out of a Thai National issue or any issue one wonders hopelessly!

My two cents! :o

That is all!


all these discussions quickly start to discuss muslims.

I would like to know what the ordinary buddhist(or whatever) thai living in the southern provinces thinks about their central governance and the decisions they make.

the poor are not confined to one religious observance.


so... if and when a big bomb goes off in BKK

.... and dozens are killed and injured... the tourists industry and then the economy as a whole collapses

the poorer become even poorer...

the richer just move their money someplace else and BKK becomes Bali in the tourists eyes...

the ex pats pack up and move some place else ?

the thai military will then no doubt show us that the recent incident in the south can be improved upon.

the radicals will get better at planting bombs - practice makes perfect!

who wins? who loses ?

does this really have to happen.......

amarka :o


This seems to be a common trait here on this board and it realy is a shame. If peole wanted to go and discuss Islam or U.S politics there are plenty of other places to do it, just why choose a forum based around Thailand.

The Topic was about weather there was going to be retaliation for the sad scenes played out in the south at the start of the week so if people would like to commment on this i would be pleased to read about there views,...

There is most definitely going to be violence and very likely targeted on hi-expat density areas. With or without the recent mass murders by the Thai govt, this was going to happen.

Won't be long. You cannot separate the anti-moslem world war from the moslems in Thailand. You can try, but its fruitless. Feel free to not partake in the discussion.


Apparently, discotheques in which the sons and daughters of politicians hang out in Bangkok have all the characteristics of a 'soft' target for a low grade explosive to be used for maximum effect.      ...........ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ


hey i as wrong on the shah of iran  i believe it was the king of egypt that was assasinated or i could be wrong on that one also.

Think you must mean Somoza of Nicaragua who was taken out by an RPG after being butted out by the Sandistas; think he exiled in Peru, didn't he? Don't forget, the US overthrew the democratically elected PM of IRAN in '53 to put the Shah in power. The shitt finally came back to bite us in the arse, didn't it?


Nonsensical Inquiry:


Replying to Militants Threaten To Strike Bangkok.

After reading 6 pages of partician Yank and Euro diatribe about this or that point which no one doing the arguing are ever likely to agree on, I am curious about a few minors points.

1. The discussion was about a situation in Thailand is that not correct. A situation, as there is no evidence otherwise, that did not involve American and or European or any Muslim nations Troops and or as far as we know for sure any of the aforementioned citizens as being identified as taking part in the events occurring in the south.

I am correct so far?


Were it to be so simple as this, oh were it to be so simple.

You're so wrong, with head buried so deep in the sand, maybe you'll get lucky and only your ass'll get blown off.

Ever hear of a regional interrogation center? Lets say 1960ish. Shipped Viet Congs out to Thailand for torture, oops i mean "interrogation".

Geuss what they're doing with high level al-qaeda? Thankyou mr toxin - "interrogating" the alleged badguys for ole George. What a way to make buddies!!

What a way to make your people a freaking target!

Why not add insult to injury by sending troops to IRAQ to support ole pal Georgie? What the el does Toxin care? all those trillions of baht keep ya pretty safe.

NOT TO worry, the Thai govt is bound to pay at least 10000 baht for your sorry ass when it gets blown up by some moslem fanatic.

Check out "Imperial Hubris" by Anonymous(he is actually Michael Scheuer a high level CIA counterterrorism manager). In it the current goings on are described as global. Thailand is supporting the US in IRAQ. The extremist moslem factions are telling their followers to kill non-believers in secret, without public announcement, just to take a toll and increase levels of fear.

Separation of the conflict is impossible at this point. It'll be SOME BIG business in Thailand, its just a question of how soon.

Watch out for any suspicious fuel trucks on Sukhumvit.


Is possible to leave this Yank/Euro crap out of a Thai National issue or any issue one wonders hopelessly!


Don't think so. Yanks messed er up, the euro's gots to pay too. Such is as it is in this day and age. :o


If they (the radical Muslims, not your every day Muslim) do retaliate with a strike in Bangkok or other tourist areas.....Tourism and the Thai people will be ones hurt most. Exactly the way it happenend in Bali.

However Bali's tourism is now nearly back to the way it was before.....because ordinary people had the guts to not be intimidated by the threats.

If they do initiate a strike, you can be certain it will be a soft target that will create the maximum havoc and embarassment for the government. I believe that NEP, Cowboy and some areas in Pattaya were previously listed as potential targets. The biggest problem is if they get funding from groups like Al Queda or JI, they may then have the resources to pull off a major strike.

If they (the radical Muslims, not your every day Muslim) do retaliate with a strike in Bangkok or other tourist areas.....Tourism and the Thai people will be ones hurt most. Exactly the way it happenend in Bali.

However Bali's tourism is now nearly back to the way it was before.....because ordinary people had the guts to not be intimidated by the threats.

If they do initiate a strike, you can be certain it will be a soft target that will create the maximum havoc and embarassment for the government. I believe that NEP, Cowboy and some areas in Pattaya were previously listed as potential targets. The biggest problem is if they get funding from groups like Al Queda or JI, they may then have the resources to pull off a major strike.

I agree with that.... It's just a too easy and obvious way to get the world's attention, and that does seem to motivate some. I'm crossing my fingers that somebody steps in soon with some wiser moves all around.... Has Gen. Prem made any comments at all? That would certainly be a signal, of sorts, at this point, I feel.

A couple of weeks ago, it was reported in the papers that the Queen had lamented over the continuing problems in the South- She had just spent 2 months there, starting to build a foundation of support for widows in the south by providing land, a house and the tools to be self sufficient in the relatively near future... I hope that road will continue to be lengthened and improved. And this is an area (re: construction...)where the military could easily shine if they want.

Yes, if they want...

I also think about someone, not a muslim, but with fervent hatred enough to try to pull some shit in their name..... :o

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