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Militants Threaten To Strike Bangkok


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Can't fault the muslims for beheading the Buddhist. As their religious book says: "Kill the unbeliever wherever you find him". The Buddhists don't follow the religion of mohammed so, therefore, muslims should kill them.

The only solution to militants is to kill them.

You are a very ignorant individual, You know nothing about Islam and the Unbeliever/infidel you are talking about is a person who attacks Muslims or is apart of a government who oppresses and kills innocent Muslims. I can't believe the ignorance on this web site it was Muslims who were the victims over 80 of them died! Remember that after WW2 the Brits promised the Muslims in the south that they can have their own homeland for helping the Brits fight and beat the Japanese but the Brits went back on their promise and not only that OVER 80 INNOCENT MUSLIMS DIED JUST RECENTLY!!! I keep giving you guys facts about how the western world has been screwing us since WW2 but it seems to fall on deaf and dumb ears!

'Kill unbelievers' from the Quran is just part of a very good explanation of how Islam degenerated from enlightenment into violence. I'm ignorant? Nope, I just read, digest and, if it sounds valid, accept.

80 muslims died? 2,600 people died in 2001 in one hit but, as the vast majority weren't muslims, that's alright then.

Yes and like I said those unbelievers and Infidels the sura's are talking about are those who attack and oppress Muslims during wars that were fought back then. Yes 2600 did die but over 100 000 Iraqi's died due to American bombs. And if you do good deeds no matter who you are you will be rewarded by GOD look at this suras

Verily, those who believe and those who are Jews and Christians, and Sabians, whoever believes in Allaah and the Last Day and do righteous good deeds shall have their reward with their Lord, on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.” [al-Baqarah 2:62]

"Allah does not forbid you concerning those people who do not fight you because of your religion, nor expel you from your homes, that you show them kindness and deal with them justly.. . . Allah forbids you only concerning those people who fight you for your religion, and drive you from your homes and help others to expel you, that you make friends of them." (60: 8,9)

"Whatever good they (people of other religions) do, they will not be denied it (by Allah), and Allah knows who the righteous are." (3:115)

"O you who believe, be upright for Allah, bearers of witness with justice; and do not let the hatred of a people incite you not to act with justice. Be just; that is nearer to observance of duty." (5:8)

"Call (others) to the way of your Lord with wisdom and goodly exhortation, and argue with them in the best manner." (16:125)

"Argue not with the people of the Book (Jews, Christians, and other people having scriptures) except by the best (means), save those of them who act unjustly. But say: We believe in that which has been revealed to us and revealed to you, and our God and your God is One, and to Him we submit." (29:46)

A companion of the Holy Prophet relates:

"A funeral procession passed by the Holy Prophet, and he stood up for it. People said to him: It was the funeral of a Jew. He said: Was it not a human life?"

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People of the book (Muslims, Jews, and Christians) are not those who have scriptures, but those who believe in God, that being the God of the Muslims, Jews, and Christians as it is the same.

The Quran says a lot of things just like the Torah, and Bible. In many cases you can make any argument you want.

The problem are those who are radical on all sides who use the scriptures to meet their own purposes.

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This dicussion is about possbile problems in Bangkok. But I read today in CNN and the BCC (and several other news sites) this:

A Buddhist village leader in southern Thailand has been beheaded in revenge for the deaths last week of 85 Muslims.

Local people found the head of the 58-year-old deputy village leader on a roadside in Narathiwat province.

OK not Bangkok but firghtening for sure. I also wander why this "news" is not to be found on either The Nation or The Bangkok Post . . .

The Nation does cover the story in this article:


admittedly, there is often a time lag for it's articles to get posted online as I'm sure their resources don't match CNN or other mega-media sources.... but I find their writings are usually worth the wait.


a major breaking story is the "firing" of the Army boss in the South who was responsible for the Tak Bai massacre:


the best line in the article is:

“I can assure you that I handled the situation over the past seven months with care and with love for the people,” Lt-General Pisarn Wattanawongkiri said.

Gee.... how many people would have died in the trucks if he HADN'T "loved" the people??????

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To Thaidancer,

I do agree that Islam and the people of that faith are not the problem as most believe in the principles you recently pointed out.

What you must also except is that in 30 places across the world there are people who in the name of Islam have hijacked the principles which you explain and use violence to express their faith.

In all that is not Islam there is not all evil against Islam but some; as such, in what is Isalm there is not all good against non Islam but some good is in all of Islam.

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On this we can agree. I to am not admirable of the extremist of any make.

We can also agree that I sincerely wish your mate in Iraq the best and a most safe and quick return home as I and most Americans do for our own there.

We likewise can agree that as I experienced in Vietnam an Aussy has no problem speaking his mind and is darn sure no slag of a follower to us yanks.

He is one who cuts his own trail, in his own time as he sees it. That we can agree on for sure. I for one thank him and those like him for getting our backs when we needed it.

I would however disagree as to Afghanistan, they had their election, the country is somewhat stable and the Taliban as well as Benny and da boys with dreams of 72 virgins are no longer the influence they once were. All is not perfect but all is not all <deleted> either.

More troops would not have resolved the remaining problems unless they could have gone into the tribal areas of Pakistani which is not going to happen>

Besides desite what people say to the contray the facts are he is not what he once was and has become more of a mythical hope for the yank and western bashers out there.

Dead his is the great martyr, the sperm of inspiration.

Alive is, yes, the great hope and rallyer of the faithful but less so not nationalized in support.

But as he is, he is alive but with an increasing trail of dead followers, declining fortunes and secret national support. He is reclused in many unfulfilled, impotent promises and pontifications. He is likewise a trapped force with ever diminishing returns and prospects. as such where people can become disenchanted and lose hope and faith in his false prophecies of greatness and second coming like dreams of an Islamic world.

Benny is not in the hindrlands I surmise but is instead in a large metro area where he can watch the BBC and CNN have his necessities and stay holed up clearly out of the sunlight.

I agree the WMD counter-Intel flop was n0 good. But I disagree if you believe it was not a hindsight revelation and that kicking over this ant hill of extremists nests and drawing in even more from far and wide for the kill, is not accomplishing more than you think on the war on terror.

Like in my country and yours if you have a crime riddled and thuggery invested area we know slipping in and out only allows them to hide and wait for you to leave. But getting you own right in amongst them where they can not hide every day gives you opportunity to clean the ant hill out.

All we speak of is totally dependent on your will to be patient and pay the price that it costs.

Few, except a minority in the UK and your country give credence to the possibilities that this idea of taking it to where they are and fostering democracy along the way might finally be at least a possible solution to the Middle east insanity.

As opposed to the last 40 years of failed alternatives, endless negotiations and family on family hatred and ranger so unrelentingly evidenced in the Middle East and which has done nothing but create or cause war, turmoil and intrigue that can ruin it all for us all.

It is time to take this Middle East tempest of insanity out of our lives and our destinies once and for all. This <deleted> has long for centuries caused the world much contrivance and dispair all for the sake of religion and our own addiction to its live blood of oil.

That is all.

PS we can agree I am long winded as well.

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Good post Trader. What's your take on Iran?

You think the US has enough money and firing power left to take on the mullah's in Tehran or would they opt for a scenario allowing them to involve the Europeans more in Iraq (mopping up so to speak) enabling them to take on Iran with the Brits.

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Good post Trader. What's your take on Iran?

You think the US has enough money and firing power left to take on the mullah's in Tehran or would they opt for a scenario allowing them to involve the Europeans more in Iraq (mopping up so to speak) enabling them to take on Iran with the Brits.

If the Brits go into Iran,then that would spell curtains for Tony Blair at the next election...He's already apologised to his country for going to war on false information...so what do you think? :o

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Good post Trader. What's your take on Iran?

You think the US has enough money and firing power left to take on the mullah's in Tehran or would they opt for a scenario allowing them to involve the Europeans more in Iraq (mopping up so to speak) enabling them to take on Iran with the Brits.

If the Brits go into Iran,then that would spell curtains for Tony Blair at the next election...He's already apologised to his country for going to war on false information...so what do you think? :o

I am not a politician so it doesn't really matter what I think. However I would not be surprised if the US would like to take care of Iran to take away the real or imaginary nuclear threat.

One way to do that would be to give the shia's in Iraq independency and merge them with the moderates in Tehran, creating a new country so to speak.

It will probably take a civil war in Iran to accomplish this in order to bring the moderates to power but from an american perspective that's probably more desirable than going to war themselves.

Regarding Blair I have no idea what he's thinking.

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Gee Trader....did you have to do that ???......agreement ruins a good debate.. :D:o

As for Afghanastan, I believe they pulled out too many too early. While it is not as bad as Iraq there is still a lot of unrest there. I think also that the recent elections may bring more unrest to that region.

One of the problems in Iraq is the terrorists are undermining the attempts to restore the infrastructure of the country. A lot of the organisations that were there to help are now leaving, Care Australia, Medicines sans Frontiers etc... as well as contracters that have been trying to rebuild the country.

There is a saying.....use a Thief to catch a thief.....This could be what is needed to sort out the extremeists and OBL....you cant sit on your clacker abiding by the rules of engagment that is written on a little green card in your pocket against people that dont follow the same rules. You have to adopt the same tactics as your enemy to defeat your enemy. I dont mean go out and start beheading people...but these people are ruthless and ruthlessness is required to stop them.

Enough said for fear of becoming long winded... :D

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