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I'll Be Looking For You!


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The event I am about to describe just happened about 60 minutes ago in Chiang Mai on Chiang Mai – Handong road. I was heading south and was just about halfway between The Central Airport Plaza mall and Big C. There was a big black (new) truck that had cut in front of me and when doing so the driver had hit my driver’s side mirror on my rental car. I immediately flashed my lights and honked my horn. I gestured for the driver to stop and pull over to which he did not. Now being an American I guess my next reaction was uncalled for but typical back in the USA, I waved at him with my middle finger. He saw this and gave me the ‘bird’ in return but also kept going.

As I was following him and flashing my lights for him to stop he kept going. When we hit the next main intersection (inner ring road, I believe) we had a red light and both stopped, with me behind him. I placed my car in park and got out. I approached his truck and when I got next to his window he lowered it without saying a word. I was calm and polite asking him why he didn’t stop since he just hit my car. He replied that he didn’t hit my car. I told him that he knew dam_n well that he did, just as I did, my Thai wife did, and my two year old daughter in our car did. He kept denying it. I told him to get out and see the nice white looking (grey) line down the side of this truck and my mirror with the black mark from his truck. Once again he kept denying it and rolled his window back up. Since the light was about to turn green I went back to my car and drove home.

Why am I writing this you may ask? I am writing this for a purpose. The purpose is if anyone of you out there in Chiang Mai knows of a farang that is about mid 60s looking who drives a black truck with the license: ****personal details removed***….and he appeared to be English (British) but was hard for me to tell the accent with the few words spoken, tell him the next time I meet up with him, I’m going to deliver him an A$$ whipping. I’m really not sure of the make or model of the truck.. I believe the model was something like ‘Navarone’ or ‘Navahoe’. It definitely was a newer model…Nice and clean with the exception of the stripe from my mirror down the passenger side.

After thinking about it, I should have just reached through his widow when he rolled it down and punched his freaking lights then and there. But usually I am not the violent type, it just this guy’s attitude really pissed me off!

Look out buddy..I’ll be keeping an eye out for you! :o:D:D:D

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. I placed my car in park and got out. I approached his truck and when I got next to his window he lowered it without saying a word.

From where I'm from, that normally would have been the last thing you would have seen in your life...next to the muzzle flash.

How could you be so foolish with your family in the car with you?

Sure, he's a dick...but you coulda been dead.

You're an American? You know this kinda stupid crap goes on daily back home..all for a scratch on a car???

Karma will get him.

Move on with your life.

I'm glad you survived a very foolish move.

Focus..it's not worth it. Once he flipped you off BACK, you just keep going..especially with your family in the vehicle with you.

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But usually I am not the violent type

you show how brave you are by the size of letters you use, isn't? :o

"Isn't" what? Would you like to complete your thoughts or your sentence? Or are you just babbling about something, because I really don't understand what you are trying to get at?

Size of a font means nothing, or does it? I just wanted the guy to know that there will repercussions for damaging my rental car and denying it like a jacka$$...

I think you're a very lucky man Mr. Dingdong. :D

You should be happy you didn't encounter the wrong Thai driver.....people got killed for less than a mirror in a rented car in LOS.

I think you should accept and embrace life a bit more, especially with a nice Thai lady and a 2-year old beautiful girl.

Don't behave like a Rambo, it's just a mirror !

This isn't Iraq you know...



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If you want to do something about it make a police report - leaving the scene of an accident - even damage only is an offence.

Will cost you about 15 minutes of your time and could be followed up with a little effort or 'encouragement' given to the police. (Include these costs in your claim against him.)

If the other driver was in a hire car go after the hire company, if it was private go after the driver through the police.

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In your thread title, you observe that you now know why Thais hate farang. The driving incident that you reported supports very well the idea that they do -- or I should rather say, that they have good reason to, since I don't know myself how many Thais hate farang. Interestingly to me, though, the idea is supported equally well by most of the posts on this thread so far, including your original post.

Edited by Rasseru
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It's a shame people sometimes act badly. Take a deep breath, go hug your beautiful daughter and be thankful no one was hurt. Let it go, life is to short. Let the rental company handle it. I am happy you or your family was not hurt.

Good Advice. I wonder if anyone agrees?

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This thread was totally out of control. One troll following another.

I have removed a lot of posts and will shortly be handing out holidays.

If you wish to contribute, stay ON TOPIC and do not troll.

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