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Tips For Solo (farang) Female In Bkk


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i saw another thread on the same topic but couldn't add to it because it had been closed! hopefully no one will post smart-alec remarks about farang females on this one. :o where can i go to meet people (thai or farang)? i am not a big fan of going to bars alone... i can do it easily in the khao san area but all you meet are tourists there and i prefer longer term folk at this point. i am joining a yoga class and taking a thai course, but what about nightlife suggestions?

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i saw another thread on the same topic but couldn't add to it because it had been closed! hopefully no one will post smart-alec remarks about farang females on this one. :o where can i go to meet people (thai or farang)? i am not a big fan of going to bars alone... i can do it easily in the khao san area but all you meet are tourists there and i prefer longer term folk at this point. i am joining a yoga class and taking a thai course, but what about nightlife suggestions?

I'm in the same boat as you, trying to meet new people. Meeting people at the more hip/young bars is not ideal, as everyone has their nose in the air or their guard up, and most people are on the prowl anyway.

I find open the open air restaurants can be good to meet people, especially if they have open mic / karaoke, a large screen with sports, or a stage with a show, as everyone is usually there to drink and be merry. It would be pretty odd going to such a place alone though.

Playing snooker & pool is a good way to meet both, but that's probably not going to end up on your list.

I've become a bit jaded in meeting expats here and my Thai is not good enough at this point to meet locals that don't speak English.

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I'm in the same boat as you, trying to meet new people. Meeting people at the more hip/young bars is not ideal, as everyone has their nose in the air or their guard up, and most people are on the prowl anyway.

yeah in pretty much any city i have ever been in it has been difficult to get started solo. that's why myspace and craigslist are so popular in NY!

tonight i went to the saxophone pub for dinner, it was great food, great place... but huge groups of people at tables, not very conducive to meeting people if you are solo. so i went to banglamphu, where i never fail to have a... weird time. but i do meet people. :o i have some Thai friends in that area but i have noticed they call me when they need a white girl to pay for their drinks... no thanks. not even my boyfriend. tired of people like that.

other friends here are english teachers so they are limited in what they can do ($).

i think you are right surface, outdoor seating where you can people-watch helps a lot. any suggestions of places like that would be great!

I suggest The Hemlock for dinner in Phra Atit Road.

I have been to Hemlock a few times but never met anyone there (very cute Thai waiter there though)... I like the bars on Phra Athit too but they are so overwhelmingly crowded with hip Thai students... I feel a bit out of place.

Thanks for the tips!

Edited by girlx
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Seriously, most people have their own cicle of friends and dont really 'need' more. You need to find some common ground with some expat chicks. Sports is a good way - Ultimate has a good group, Southerners netball/touch, Thailand Tigers netball, they all have good groups of expats guys and girsl. If you don't play sport try the womens groups mentioned but could well be boring mother types. Sounds strange but some of the networking is quite useful, especially BYP and EYP. Make an effort to connect with people on common ground rather than trying to make friends with randoms in a bar...

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i have heard that expat chicks don't last long in bangkok and the ones who stay are not my type (housewives etc)... so i would rather hang out with guys! but i am not into sports at all. maybe there is no hope for me and i should just concentrate on work :o

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i have heard that expat chicks don't last long in bangkok and the ones who stay are not my type (housewives etc)...

Rubbish. There is a really good crowd of young professional ex-pat women in BKK who work hard and loe to party too. I met my GF here who is a farang expat and she has a great group of friends in the under 35 category. Heaps of Int school teachers as well. Most I know have been here 2 years. One or two of our friends are housewives but of the young fun kind who enjoy life too.

Fair enough you don't play sport but find something similar or you'll be left with hitting up random people in bars or only knowing people through going out which can get old quickly. As I said BYP and EYP are good starts.

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Hi girlx,

I am farang girl living in BKK with my husband (recently married, also farang). I have no shortage of friends but the vast majority are male. However, I use Facebook (www.facebook.com) to keep in touch with people back home in the UK and around the rest of the world and was recently invited to join a 'group' on Facebook called 'Farang Girls in BKK'. I joined as I was curious to know what other girls were doing here who wanted to stay, rather than those just teaching for a year or so and then moving on.

The group arrange get-togethers every now and then, usually in a bar/pub/restaurant, and I kept meaing to go but was sceptical about going alone as I'm not brilliant in big groups of girls I don't know (or even those I do know to be honest) as I have always been one of the boys and just keep a couple of close girlfriends back in the UK.

Anyhow, I forwarded the link to the facebook group to a female friend of mine in BKK and we decided to go together, which we did last Thursday evening. We both had a fantastic time and met some really lovely people who I am definitely going to keep in touch with, and I will also be at the next 'farang girls in BKK' get-together with bells on!

If you don't yet have a facebook profile then either sign up and I'll point you in the direction of the group, or if you don't want a facebook profile for whatever reason then I'll try to remember to PM you when the next get-together is arranged. I would suggest the facebook option though as you will get a better idea of the different sorts of people attending and will recognise some from their photos on the night. Plus you can start a dialogue with some before the event so won't feel so 'new' when you arrive. I've only been the once and there were a fair few other newbies too.

L x

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European Young Professionals / BKK Young Prefessionals. Networking. But don't be put off by that term. Its basically a monthly gathering of young/ish expats and some Thais working in BKK. Very social and not focused on business card swapping etc. You dont have to be particularly young or professional either!

I haven;t been for a year or so but they would be a good start to get out and about mixing.

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i'm a thai girl here. I like going out. I'm not a big fan of going Khaosarn Rd. or the other places ALONE either :S

I love meeting new ppl who are cool enough for chatting and havin nice drinks [maybe dancing as well :o]

Gazebo, neone ? :D

P.S. If u girls want company just lemme know. and i dnt mind teaching u Thai .. just so u know ! :D:D:D:D

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  • 2 weeks later...
i saw another thread on the same topic but couldn't add to it because it had been closed! hopefully no one will post smart-alec remarks about farang females on this one. :o where can i go to meet people (thai or farang)? i am not a big fan of going to bars alone... i can do it easily in the khao san area but all you meet are tourists there and i prefer longer term folk at this point. i am joining a yoga class and taking a thai course, but what about nightlife suggestions?

I'm in the same boat as you, trying to meet new people. Meeting people at the more hip/young bars is not ideal, as everyone has their nose in the air or their guard up, and most people are on the prowl anyway.

I find open the open air restaurants can be good to meet people, especially if they have open mic / karaoke, a large screen with sports, or a stage with a show, as everyone is usually there to drink and be merry. It would be pretty odd going to such a place alone though.

Playing snooker & pool is a good way to meet both, but that's probably not going to end up on your list.

I've become a bit jaded in meeting expats here and my Thai is not good enough at this point to meet locals that don't speak English.

Add me to the list , I want to meet new people too, someone to hang out with, going anywhere alone can be boring and awkard. Well I'm not in BKK yet and will be, and not familiar with BKK is one disadvantage. I wish myself luck. :D

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yes we should all arrange a meet up

Yo! GaiYaang, Girlx, thithi !!! Count me in!! 24 Bangkok I want to know more people around Bangkok as well !!

And im not to found of all the other websites that set this kinda stuff up. :o

Edited by RakJungTorlae
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From your many posts, you have it on the ball and obviously can offer a lot to anyone as just friends or something deeper. It is just getting out to meet people.

I am older than you and most of my friends are Thai, so we probably don't run in the same circle. But your yoga classes are a great idea. I work out at California Fitness, and I see a lot of younger folks doing yoga, working out, and generally mixing. Facebook, as some have suggested, is also a good option. The British Club off Silom usually has a great group of people. I am American, but I have met some real good folks there. If you are a jogger, try Lumpini Park on a weekend morning or evening.

The key si that after meeting someone, use him or her as a conduit to other groups and people. My British Club conduit was a journalist I met at a party who inivted me for tennis there. While there, I met others who also became friends, and so on. There is a huge expat community here, and out of that, there are many people who can be good comapny for anyone.

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thanks- to be honest i have NO time to meet anyone right now. can't even do my yoga as i am slammed with work! but that is a good thing. :o however when the work dies down i would really love to meet up with all the people who have posted here or mailed me... maybe someone can organize that :D ? in a couple weeks' time might be good, somewhere central in bangkok!

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thanks- to be honest i have NO time to meet anyone right now. can't even do my yoga as i am slammed with work! but that is a good thing. :o however when the work dies down i would really love to meet up with all the people who have posted here or mailed me... maybe someone can organize that :D ? in a couple weeks' time might be good, somewhere central in bangkok!

Don’t they already have meet up on thaivisa? What are the ages of everyone as we all might have different taste on entertainment, I enjoy the hip-hop seen ect…

I’m normally hitting up RCA with a few Thai and Asian friends, well beats me --.--

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weeeee ! meet up meet up

new ppl r meetin up

new ppl r meetin up


anywhere recommended, nyone?

aha .... girlx the mid of next month eh ? yeh it might be good

Is that you Tom? :D

heheheh no i'm not Tom neither Tommy :D


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